根据以下材料,回答题I had always known that the Chinese NewYear was different from our own but otherwise assumed that the way we Europeansdivided up the year was something in common. Quite recently, though, I foundout that there used to be some pretty dramatic differences. During the MiddleAges, the official start of the year varied enormously within Europe. In Spain,Portugal, Switzerland and Germany it began on Christmas Day, whereas it startedon the 1st March in Venice and the 21st in England. In Rome, it was at one timethe 25th January but then changed to the 25th March. In Russia the new yearcoincided with the spring equinox (春分).If this isn′t complicated enough the Frenchused to start their official year from Easter day. Easter, as I am sure you allknow, is a moveable feast whose complicated calculation is quite a mystery tome. However, this French style of working out the beginning of the year led tosome years being as short as three hundred days while others could stretch tofour hundred with two spring times with one at each end!With all these different dating systems inoperation you can imagine the enormous potential for confusion. This can createheadaches for students engaged in studying the period from original documentsas they can actually find somebody′s death being recorded months before theyare married and battles still being fought weeks after a peace agreement hadbeen signed! It would all depend on where the events had been recorded. As anactual example the student could easily get muddled (糊涂的) over the date of thefamous trial of the Knights Templar in Paris. According to records this longand complex trial ended in 1313 as the New Year didn′t officially start untilthe 7th April. Fortunately for all of us these differences were eventuallysolved. In December 1564 the French decided to start the New Year from the 1 stJanuary. The Russians adopted this new style of dating in 1725 and the Englisha further twenty-seven years later. Why do students sometimes get confused 查看材料A.Documents are inaccurate.B.Trials used to be long and complicated.C.Events appear illogical.D.Because the New Year started on April7th.

I had always known that the Chinese NewYear was different from our own but otherwise assumed that the way we Europeansdivided up the year was something in common. Quite recently, though, I foundout that there used to be some pretty dramatic differences. During the MiddleAges, the official start of the year varied enormously within Europe. In Spain,Portugal, Switzerland and Germany it began on Christmas Day, whereas it startedon the 1st March in Venice and the 21st in England. In Rome, it was at one timethe 25th January but then changed to the 25th March. In Russia the new yearcoincided with the spring equinox (春分).
If this isn′t complicated enough the Frenchused to start their official year from Easter day. Easter, as I am sure you allknow, is a moveable feast whose complicated calculation is quite a mystery tome. However, this French style of working out the beginning of the year led tosome years being as short as three hundred days while others could stretch tofour hundred with two spring times with one at each end!
With all these different dating systems inoperation you can imagine the enormous potential for confusion. This can createheadaches for students engaged in studying the period from original documentsas they can actually find somebody′s death being recorded months before theyare married and battles still being fought weeks after a peace agreement hadbeen signed! It would all depend on where the events had been recorded. As anactual example the student could easily get muddled (糊涂的) over the date of thefamous trial of the Knights Templar in Paris. According to records this longand complex trial ended in 1313 as the New Year didn′t officially start untilthe 7th April. Fortunately for all of us these differences were eventuallysolved. In December 1564 the French decided to start the New Year from the 1 stJanuary. The Russians adopted this new style of dating in 1725 and the Englisha further twenty-seven years later.

Why do students sometimes get confused 查看材料

A.Documents are inaccurate.
B.Trials used to be long and complicated.
C.Events appear illogical.
D.Because the New Year started on April7th.


解析:推断题。定位到最后一段,由"This can create headachesfor students engaged in studying the period from original documents as they canactually find somebody' s death being recorded months before they are marriedand battles still being, fought weeks after a peace agreement had beensigned!"可知事件发生的逻辑混乱让学生困惑。C项说法符合文意。不是文件记录不准确,而是因为各国划分每年伊始的时间不同,文件记录就不同.A项说法有误。B项和D项说法片面。故选C。




根据以下答案,回答题A.心B.肺C.脾D.肝E.肾左尺候( )。查看材料

根据以下答案,回答题A.SMB.INHC.PZAD.EMBE.PAS上述药物最易出现副作用的是( )。查看材料

根据材料,回答题叶呈三回羽状深裂,头状花序极多,小花球形,香气特异的中药材是 查看材料A.薄荷B.广藿香C.青蒿D.细辛E.蒲公英

根据材料,回答题患者,女,26岁。产后20天,乳房胀痛,乳漏不止,要求断乳。建议用麦芽。麦芽回乳的药理依据是 查看材料A.阻塞乳络B.助消化C.抑制食欲减少乳汁D.抑制泌乳素E.降低血糖

根据材料,回答题附子理中丸的功能是 查看材料A.温中补虚、缓急止痛B.理气化湿、和胃止痛C.温中祛寒、回阳救逆D.温中散寒、健胃E.温中健脾

根据以下材料,回答题A.有效期B.规格C.产品批号D.执行标准药品内标签的内容不包括( )。查看材料

根据以下材料,回答题A.中国药典B.炮制标准C.药品注册标准D.行业标准国家药品标准的核心是( )。查看材料

根据以下答案,回答题A.HAVB.HBVC.HCVD.HDVE.HEV属于DNA.病毒的是( )。查看材料

根据以下答案,回答题A.IgGB.IgAC.IgMD.IgDE.IgE唯一通过胎盘的Ig是( )。查看材料

根据以下答案,回答题A.CDB.CAMC.CRlD.CKRE.FCR具有抑制补体活化作用的是( )。查看材料

根据以下答案,回答题茎呈 圆柱形,表面有纵条纹,茎生叶一至二回羽状全裂,裂片细丝状的药材为查看材料A.半枝莲B.花茵陈C.大蓟D.鱼腥草E.香薷


根据以下材料,回答题某患者症见心悸气短,自汗,神疲乏力,星汉制冷,心胸憋闷,面色苍白,脉迟。根据脏腑辨证,回答以下问题。该证病位在 查看材料A.心B.肝C.脾D.肺E.肾



根据以下答案,回答题A.以上哪一个变量为标准正态变量( )。查看材料

根据以下答案,回答题A.GTPB.ATPC.UTPD.CAMPE.CTP合成糖原需要( )。查看材料

根据材料,回答 83~84 题第 83 题 与附子“回阳救逆”功效相关的药理作用是





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