The ways in which words follow one another and are related to one another is called the syntagmatic dimension of language, the dimension of “chaining” or “sequencing”.()A对B错
The ways in which words follow one another and are related to one another is called the syntagmatic dimension of language, the dimension of “chaining” or “sequencing”.()
Find the word in the passage which means “ the movement from one place to another of a large group of animals” and write it down here: __________.
Chinese people are often surprised at the frequency with which their English friends () to one another over trivial things. A、apologizeB、confessC、shoutD、explain
Robots differ from automatic machines ______after completion of one specific task, they can be reprogrammed by a computer to do another one.A. thatB. whichC. in thatD. in which
Passage FiveIn every language there are two great classes of words which, taken together, consist of the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words with which we become acquainted in daily conversation, which we learn, that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates, and which we should know and use even if we could not read or write. They concern the common things of life, and are the goods in trade of all those who speak the language. Such words may be called "popular", since they belong to the whole people; and are not the exclusive possession of a limited class.On the other hand, our language includes a large number of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little occasion to use them at home or in the market-place. Our first acquaintance with them comes not from our mother's lips or from the talk of our school-mates, but from books that we read, lectures that we bear, or the more formal conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular topic in a style. raised above the habitual level of everyday life. Such words are called "learned". And the distinction between them and "popular" words is of great importance to a right understanding of the language.51. One class of words can be learned ______.A. through everyday lifeB. without too much practiceC. from popular songsD. with a dictionary in one's hand
The analytic syllabus relies on the learner’s ability to learn a language in parts independently of one another.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。
One of the principles of the Direct Method is thatclassroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the()language. A.nativeB.another newC.targetD.first
A flight from one country to another country is called a ()A.domestic flightD.countries flight
Which OSPF router type summarizes network advertisements from one OSPF area into another?() A.AB.BC.CD.D
The system of valves and cargo lines in the bottom piping network of a tank vessel that connects one section of cargo tanks to another section is called a ______.A.crossoverB.runaroundC.come-alongD.manifold
The system of valves and cargo lines in the bottom piping network of a tanker that connects one section of cargo tanks to another section is called a ______.A.come-alongB.crossoverC.manifoldD.runaround
Which of the following assumptions fails to describe the nature of vocabulary or vocabularylearningA.Words are best learned in context.B.A lexical item can be more than one word.C.All words in one language have equivalents in another.D.Learning a word includes learning its form, meaning and use.
Metaphor is a way of talking about one thing in terms of another. It is a device for creating and extending meaning.()A对B错
The ways in which words follow one another and are related to one another is called the syntagmatic dimension of language, the dimension of “chaining” or “sequencing”.()
Which statement is true regarding the Junos OS?()A、Each process runs in its own protected memory space ensuring that one process cannot directly interfere with another.B、Processes share memory space but use separate ASICs so that one process cannot directly interfere with another.C、A central processor called the IP2 Chip dynamically assigns memory as process needs fluctuate.D、The memory management daemon (mmd) is responsible for allocating new memory for processes as they request it.
Which three are true?()A、A MERGE statement is used to merge the data of one table with data from another.B、A MERGE statement replaces the data of one table with that of another.C、A MERGE statement can be used to insert new rows into a table.D、A MERGE statement can be used to update existing rows in a table.
You are responsible for a data warehouse application that uses records from an external table to update one of the dimension tables periodically. The records in the external table may contain data for new rows in the dimension table, or for updates to its existing rows. Which type of SQL command would you use to transfer the data from the external table to the dimension table as efficiently as possible?()A、MERGEB、SELECT …CROSS JOINC、INSERT ALL …SELECTD、CREATE VIEW …CONSTRAINT
Which command will migrate a filesystem from one volume group to another?()A、cpfsB、cplvC、mkfscopyD、migratepv
单选题The current flowing first in one direction and then in another is called() current.Aan alternatingBa rushCa directDan exciting
判断题The ways in which words follow one another and are related to one another is called the syntagmatic dimension of language, the dimension of “chaining” or “sequencing”.()A对B错
单选题Which statement is true regarding the Junos OS?()AEach process runs in its own protected memory space ensuring that one process cannot directly interfere with another.BProcesses share memory space but use separate ASICs so that one process cannot directly interfere with another.CA central processor called the IP2 Chip dynamically assigns memory as process needs fluctuate.DThe memory management daemon (mmd) is responsible for allocating new memory for processes as they request it.
判断题The study of the ways in which morphemes can be combined to form words is called morphology.A对B错
单选题Which of the following assumptions fails to describe the nature of vocabulary or vocabulary learning?AWords are best learned in context.BA lexical item can be more than one word.CAll words in one language have equivalents in another.DLearning a word includes learning its form, meaning and use.
单选题A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word in meaning from another in a given language is a______ .AphoneBphonemeCallophoneDallomorph
单选题The resistance experienced when one body moves over another, ______ it is in contact, is called frictional force.Ato whichBwhereCwith which Dwhile
单选题A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word in meaning from another in a givenlanguage is a_________.AphoneBphonemeCallophoneDallomorph
单选题American Indian cultures differ markedly from one another in language and in life-style.Ahistorically Bregionally Cthereby Dsignificantly