The Audiolingual Method

The Audiolingual Method



three ways of presenting grammar are most frequently used and discussed; they are the deductive method, the inductive method and ______________. A. the guided discovery methodB. the cognitive methodC. the discovery methodD. the guided method

给出下面的接口: interface A{ int method1(int i); int method2(int j); } 下面那个类实现了这个接口,并且不是抽象的?() A.class B implements A{ int method1(){} int method2(){} }B.class B { int method1(int i){} int method2(int j){} }C.class B implements A{ int method1(int i){} int method2(int j){} }D.class B extends A{ int method1(int i){} int method2(int j){} }

method condensed preparation method

the grammar-translation method was at one time called ______ since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of latin and greek. A、classical MethodB、minimum methodC、audiolingual MethodD、aural-oral method

three ways of presenting grammar are most frequently used and discussed; they are the deductive method, the inductive method and _________________. A、the discovery methodB、the cognitive methodC、the guided methodD、the guided discovery method

有一个接口定义如下,下列选项中实现了该接口并且不是抽象的是( )。interface A{ int method1 (int i); int method2 (int j);}A.class B implements A{ int method1() { } int method2() { }}B.class B{int method1(int i) { }int method2(int j) { }}C.class B implements A{ int methodl(int i) { } int method2(intj) { }}D.class B extends A{int method1(int i) { }int method2(int j) { }}

包pack1的类c_ass1中有成员方法:protected void method_1(){…},private void method_2(){…},public void method_3(){…}和 void method_4(){…},在包pack2中的类class2是class1的子类,它在class2中可以调用方法()。 A、method_1B、method_2C、method_3D、method_4

在Java语言中,包pack1的类class1中有成员方法:  protected void  method_1(){„},  private void method_2() {„},  public void method_3() {„}  和  void method_4() {„},  在包pack2中的类class2不是class1的子类,你在class2中可以调用方法()。 A、method_1B、method_2C、method_3D、method_4

Which two CANNOT directly cause a thread to stop executing?()A、 Calling the yield method.B、 Calling the wait method on an object.C、 Calling the notify method on an object.D、 Calling the notifyAll method on an object.E、 Calling the start method on another Thread object.

How do you define the authentication method that will be used with AAA?()A、With the method aaa commandB、With the method commandC、With a method listD、With a method statement

Under which circumstances will a thread stop?()  A、The method waitforId() in class MediaTracker is called.B、The run() method that the thread is executing ends.C、The call to the start() method of the Thread object returns.D、The suspend() method is called on the Thread object.E、The wait() method is called on the Thread object.

It is desirable that a certain method within a certain class can only be accessed by classes that are defined within the same package as the class of the method. How can such restrictions be enforced?()  A、Mark the method with the keyword public.B、Mark the method with the keyword protected.C、Mark the method with the keyword private.D、Mark the method with the keyword package.E、Do not mark the method with any accessibility modifiers.

Which methods from the String and StringBuffer classes modify the object on which they are called?()  A、The charAt() method of the String class.B、The toUpperCase() method of the String class.C、The replace() method of the String class.D、The reverse() method of the StringBuffer class.E、The length() method of the StringBuffer class.

You are developing a custom-collection class.You need to create a method in your class. You need to ensure that the method you create in your class returns a type that is compatible with the Foreach statement. Which criterion should the method meet?()A、The method must return a type of either IEnumerator or IEnumerable.B、The method must return a type of IComparable.C、The method must explicitly contain a collection.D、The method must be the only iterator in the class.

单选题Under which circumstances will a thread stop?()AThe method waitforId() in class MediaTracker is called.BThe run() method that the thread is executing ends.CThe call to the start() method of the Thread object returns.DThe suspend() method is called on the Thread object.EThe wait() method is called on the Thread object.

多选题Which two can directly cause a thread to stop executing?()AExiting from a synchronized block.BCalling the wait method on an object.CCalling the notify method on an object.DCalling the notifyAll method on an object.ECalling the setPriority method on a thread object.

多选题Which two CANNOT directly cause a thread to stop executing? ()ACalling the yield method.BCalling the wait method on an object.CCalling the notify method on an object.DCalling the notifyAll method on an object.ECalling the start method on another Thread object.

单选题It is desirable that a certain method within a certain class can only be accessed by classes that are defined within the same package as the class of the method. How can such restrictions be enforced?()AMark the method with the keyword public.BMark the method with the keyword protected.CMark the method with the keyword private.DMark the method with the keyword package.EDo not mark the method with any accessibility modifiers.

单选题M类中有一个没有形式参数,且没有返回值的方法method,若要使得用M.method()就可以调用该方法,则method方法的方法头的正确形式应该是()。Astatic void method()Bpublic method()Cfinal void method()Dstatic method()

多选题Which of the following statements about variables and scope are true?()ALocal variables defined inside a method are destroyed when the method is exited.BLocal variables are also called automatic variables.CVariables defined outside a method are created when the object is constructed.DA method parameter variable continues to exist for as long as the object is needed in which the method is defined.

多选题Which two CANNOT directly cause a thread to stop executing? ()AExisting from a synchronized block.BCalling the wait method on an object.CCalling notify method on an object.DCalling read method on an InputStream object.ECalling the SetPriority method on a Thread object.

单选题Which methods from the String and StringBuffer classes modify the object on which they are called?()AThe charAt() method of the String class.BThe toUpperCase() method of the String class.CThe replace() method of the String class.DThe reverse() method of the StringBuffer class.EThe length() method of the StringBuffer class.

单选题How do you define the authentication method that will be used with AAA?()AWith the method aaa commandBWith the method commandCWith a method listDWith a method statement

名词解释题The Audiolingual Method

单选题Click the Exhibit button and examine the diagram.  You are running a database that takes advantage of features provided by Connection Manager, heterogeneous services, and external procedures. The diagram depicts the components used for the naming method you just configured. Which naming method are you using?()AHost naming method.BLocal naming method.CDirectory naming method.DExternal naming method.

单选题You are developing a custom-collection class.You need to create a method in your class. You need to ensure that the method you create in your class returns a type that is compatible with the Foreach statement. Which criterion should the method meet?()AThe method must return a type of either IEnumerator or IEnumerable.BThe method must return a type of IComparable.CThe method must explicitly contain a collection.DThe method must be the only iterator in the class.

单选题Materials in the Audiolingual Method are primarily _________.Ainstruction-orientedBstudent-orientedCteacher-orientedDhabit-oriented