有界缓冲问题中,“counter++”的伪机器语言为: (S0)register1 = counter (S1)register1 = register1 + 1 (S2)counter = register1 当两个生产者并发执行“counter++”时,有()中不同的运行结果。A.1B.2C.3D.4

有界缓冲问题中,“counter++”的伪机器语言为: (S0)register1 = counter (S1)register1 = register1 + 1 (S2)counter = register1 当两个生产者并发执行“counter++”时,有()中不同的运行结果。







已知s1和s2是两个集合,则执行“s1.union(s2)”后,s1中的元素是原来s1和s2两个集合中的元素的并集。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。


s1和s2已正确定义并分别指向两个字符串。若要求:当s1所指字符串大于s2所指字符串时,执行语句S;则以下选项中正确的是( )。A.if(sl>s2)S;B.if(strcmp(s1,s2))S;C.if(strcmp(s2,s1>0)S;D.if(strcmp)(s1,s2)>0)S;

阅读下面的程序:Private Sub Form_Click()Dim Check As Boolean, Counter As IntegerCheck = TrueCounter = 5DoDo While Counter 20Counter = Counter + 1If Counter = 10 ThenCheck = FalseExit DoEnd IfLoopLoop Until Check = FalsePrint CounterEnd Sub程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为______。

有如下程序:Private Sub Form_Click()Dim Check, CounterCheck = TrueCounter = 0DoDo While Counter 20Counter = Counter + 1If Counter = 10 ThenCheck = FalseExit DoEnd IfLoopLoop Until Check = FalsePrint Counter, CheckEnd Sub程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为( )。A.15 0B.20 -1C.10 TrueD.10 False

下列地化参数中可以解释为油层的一组是()。 A、S0=0.2358,S1=15.2375,S2=5.2375B、S0=0.0028,S1=1.2372,S2=2.0083C、S0=0.0037,S1=1.0237,S2=1.1517D、S0=0.1347,S1=2.0705,S2=1.5127

有如下程序: Private Sub Form Click() Dim Check,Counter Check=True Counter=0 Do Do While Counter<20 Counter=Counter+1 If Counter=10 Then Check=False Exit Do End If Loop Loop Until Check=False Print Counter,Check End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为A.15 0B.20 -1C.10 TreeD.10 False


s1和s2已正确定义并分别指向两个字符串。若要求:当s1所指串大于s2所指串时,执行语句S。则以下选项中正确的是______。A.if (s1>s2)S;B.if(strcmp(s1, s2))S;C.if(strcmp(s2, s1)>0)S;D.if(strcmp(s1, s2)>0)S;

阅读下面的程序: Private Sub Form_Click() Dim Check, Counter Check=True Counter=0 Do Do While Counter < 20 Counter=Counter + 1 If Counter=10 Then Check = False Exit Do End If Loop Loop Until Check = False Print Counter, Check End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出的结果为A.15 0B.20 -1C.10 TrueD.10 False

有如下的程序段,该程序段执行完后,共执行的循环次数是 total=0 Counter=1 Do Print Counter total=total * Counter + 1 Print total Counter=Counter +1 If total > 10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter<=10A.4B.10C.15D.20

有如下程序段,该程序段执行完后,执行循环的次数是 total=0 Counter=1 Do Print Counter total=total + Counter Print total Counter=Counter+1 If total>10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter <=10A.5B.10C.15D.20

有如下的程序段,该程序段的执行完后,共执行循环的次数是 Private Sub Command1_Click() total=0 Counter=l Do Print Counter total=total+Counter Print total Counter=Counter+1 If total>=10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter<=10 End SubA.5B.10C.12D.20

有如下程序: Private Sub Form_C1ick() Dim CheCk,Counter CheCk=True Counter=0 Do Do While Counter<20 Counter=Counter+1 If Counter=10 Then Check=False Exit Do End If Loop Loop Until Check=False Ptint Counter,Check End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为______。A. 15 0B.20 -1C.10 TreeD.10 False

有如下程序段,该程序段执行完后,共执行循环的次数是 Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Tota1=0 Counter=1 Do Print Counter Tota1=tota1+Counter Print total Counter=Counter+1 If total=10 Then Exit Do End lf Loop While Counter<=10 End SubA.5B.10C.12D.20

设 AgCl 在水中、在0. 01mol/L NaCl 溶液中、在0. 01mol/L MgCl2 溶液中、在0. 01mol/L AgNO3溶液中的溶解度分别为S0、S1、S2、S3。下列式子中正确的是?A. S0>S3>S2>S1 B. S0>S1=S3>S2C. S0>S1>S2>S3 D. S0>S1=S2=S3

AgCl在水中,0.01mol/L CaCl2 溶液中,0.01mol/L NaCl溶液,0.05mol/L AgNO3 溶液中的溶解度分别为S0、S1、S2、S3,那么下列哪种排列是正确的( )。 A. S0>S1>S2>S3 B. S0>S2>S1>S3 C. S0>S1>S2=S3 D. S0>S2>S3>S1




What will be the result of attempting to compile and run the following program?()   public class Q28fd {   public static void main(String args[]) {   int counter = 0;   l1:   for (int i=10; i0; i--) {   l2:  int j = 0;   while (j  10) {   if (j  i) break l2;   if (i == j) {   counter++;   continue l1;   }   }   counter--;   }   System.out.println(counter);  }   }   A、The program will fail to compile.B、The program will not terminate normally.C、The program will write 10 to the standard output.D、The program will write 0 to the standard output.E、The program will write 9 to the standard output.

1. public class A {  2.  3. private int counter = 0;  4.  5. public static int getInstanceCount() {  6. return counter;  7. }  8.  9. public A() {  10. counter++;  11. }  12.  13. }  Given this code from Class B:  25.A a1 =new A();  26. A a2 =new A();  27. A a3 =new A();  28. System.out.printIn(A.getInstanceCount() ); What is the result?() A、 Compilation of class A fails.B、 Line 28 prints the value 3 to System.out.C、 Line 28 prints the value 1 to System.out.D、 A runtime error occurs when line 25 executes.E、 Compilation fails because of an error on line 28.


单选题What will be the result of attempting to compile and run the following program?()   public class Q28fd {   public static void main(String args[]) {   int counter = 0;   l1:   for (int i=10; i i) break l2;   if (i == j) {   counter++;   continue l1;   }   }   counter--;   }   System.out.println(counter);  }   }AThe program will fail to compile.BThe program will not terminate normally.CThe program will write 10 to the standard output.DThe program will write 0 to the standard output.EThe program will write 9 to the standard output.

单选题1. public class A {  2.  3. private int counter = 0;  4.  5. public static int getInstanceCount() {  6. return counter;  7. }  8.  9. public A() {  10. counter++;  11. }  12.  13. }  Given this code from Class B:  25.A a1 =new A();  26. A a2 =new A();  27. A a3 =new A();  28. System.out.printIn(A.getInstanceCount() ); What is the result?()A Compilation of class A fails.B Line 28 prints the value 3 to System.out.C Line 28 prints the value 1 to System.out.D A runtime error occurs when line 25 executes.E Compilation fails because of an error on line 28.

单选题You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service.One of the service operations contains the following code.private static int counter = 0;[OperationContract]public void IncrementCount( ){ counter++;}You need to set a service behavior that prevents two or more threads from incrementing the counter variable at the same time. Which code segment should you use to set the service behavior?()A[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single)]B[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerSession, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single)]C[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]D[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Reentrant)]

填空题下列程序的运行结果是()。  Program test      Implicit none      Integer,parameter:: limit=10      Integer counter      Integer:: ans=0      Counter=2     do while(counter=limit)      ans=ans+counter      counter=counter+2   end do Wrte(*,*)ans end
