SQL中,与“NOT IN”等价的操作符是()。 A.=SOME B.<>SOME C.=ALL D.<>ALLA.AB.BC.CD.D

SQL中,与“NOT IN”等价的操作符是()。 A.=SOME B.<>SOME C.=ALL D.<>ALL







—How heavily it rained this early morning.—Yes. But ____ of the students in our class was late for school. A. some B. none C. all


在SQL中,集合成员算术比较操作“元组<>ALL(集合)”中的“<>ALL”的等价操作符是 ______。A.NOT INB.INC.<>SOMED.=SOME

关于SQL中的量词叙述正确的是 ______。A.ANY和SOME是同义词B.ANY和ALL是同义词C.ALL和SOME是同义词D.ALL和EXISTS是同义词

Food poisoning can be caused by all the following EXCEPT________.A.some chemicalsB.low temperaturesC.some tiny living thingsD.certain natural materials

The officer allowed ______.A. the students to fly the plane all the timeB. all students to fly the planeC. the students who were not frightened to fly on their ownD. some students to fly a little while

Acronyms and abbreviations are formed by putting together the initial letters of some or all words in a phrase or title.()

The greatest city of the world exercises a strong power of attraction over ____. A.some methods ofB.all methods ofC.all manners ofD.some manners of

Everything was white and I remembered _____ all kinds of ladies dressed up in funny white things with all their hair covered with some sort of cloth.A:seeingB:seeC:to seeD:seen

在SQL中,集合成员算术比较操作“元组<>ALI(集合)”中的“<>ALL”的等价操作符是A.NOT INB.INC.<>SOMED.#NAME?

在SQL中,集合成员算术比较操作“元组ALL(集合)”中的“ALL”的等价操作符是( )。A. NOT INB. INC. SOMED. =SOME

SQL中,与NOT IN等价的操作符是______。A.=SOMEB.<>SOMEC.=ALLD.<>ALL

在SQL中,集合成员算术比较操作“元组ALL(集合)”中的“ALL”的等价操作符是( )。A.NOT INB.INC.SOMED.=SOME

I HEREBY ON BEHALF OF MY OWNERS DECLARE G.A. AND REQUIRE ALL PARTIES CONCERNED TO PROVIDE G.A. SECURITY ASAP.From this fax it is inferred that the vessel ______.A.has suffered some damage or lossB.requires her owners to provide some securityC.requires all parties to declare G.AD.concerned to provide G.A. to all parties

Could you buy some salt on your way home? ()A、All right.B、Is that all?C、Just a few.D、Let me see.

On()side of the street there are some trees.A、bothB、eitherC、everyD、all

在SQL中,集合成员算术比较操作“元组QALL(集合)”中的“ALL”的等价操作符是()A、NOT INB、INC、SOMED、=SOME


单选题Please use()for().AEnglish/all distress communicationsBChinese/some distress callsCthe language decided by Administration/all distress callsDJapanese/some distress alerts

单选题In England, some food companies have been told to ______ urgently.Astop making beef productsBtest all their beef productsCtest all their productsDremove all their products from sale

单选题What is the winner going to do with the money? AGive all of it to other people.BSpend all of it on himself.CGive some of it to other people and spend some of it on himself.

单选题You observe that in your PROD database, customer information is being modified by some unauthorized users. You want to keep track of all of the transactions happening on the table using PL/SQL. Which type of PL/SQL subprogram or construct would you use to accomplish this task?()AfunctionsBpackagesCproceduresDdatabase triggersEanonymous PL/SQL block

单选题In conventional systems, the injection pressure(), while it’s()in common rail diesel engines.Afluctuates with the engine speed to some extent, independent of the engine speedBkeeps constant at all engine speed, dependent on the engine speed to some extentCkeeps constant at all engine speed, independent of the engine speedDis decided by the engine speed, constant at all engine speed



单选题在SQL中,集合成员算术比较操作“元组QALL(集合)”中的“ALL”的等价操作符是()ANOT INBINCSOMED=SOME

问答题There are 1, 200 elephants in a herd. Some have pink and green stripes, some are all pink and some are all blue. One third are pure pink. Is it true that 400 elephants are definitely blue?

数据库中,组合多条SQL查询语句形成组合查询的操作符是什么? (1.0分) [单选.] A. SELECT B. ALL C. LINK D. UNION