Mathematics()study or science of numbers.AisBareCwasDwere

Mathematics()study or science of numbers.







–I don’t know which major I should choose to study.–() A、I have no idea.B、Have you ever thought of computer science?C、You ask a wrong person.D、You don’t know at this moment

What can we conclude from the recent study?A. People think highly of science.B. People hold mixed opinions about science.C. Science is getting dangerously out of control.D. Science is used for both good and bad purposes.

Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned(原文如此) manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.

The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.

( ) are learned at our school. A、Economics, mathematics and physicsB、Economics, mathematics and physicC、Economic, mathematics and physicsD、Economic, mathematic and physics

A dictionary may define genetics()simply”the science of the study of heredity”A. withB. toC. As

Why should we study science?() keep us know the world think work better

Programming is not a simple thing; it ______ a lot of advanced knowledge of mathematics and computer science. A. inventsB. involvesC. interpretsD. intends

The best title for this passage might be______.A.Hegel,the Great German PhilosopherB.The Learning Situation in the Modern UniversityC.HOW to Study at a Modern UniversityD.The Rapid Development of Science

The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses.A: relativeB: generalC: continuousD: sharp

The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses。A:relativeB:generalC:continuousD:sharp

Directions: Some people think that alluniversity students should study whatever they like. Others believe that theyshould only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, suchas those related to science and technology. What′s your view about what subjectuniversity students should study? You are required to write a compositionwithin 180 words, but no less than 150 words.

Directions: Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. What′s your view about what subject university students should study? You are required to write a composition within 180 words, but no less than 150 words.

One of the six goals set by President Bush in his"America 2000"Plan is ()Aelimination of drugs and violence from schoolBthe increase of high-school graduation rate to 86%Ccompetence in forging language,mathematics,science,history and geographyDthe increase of adult literacy rate

The report listed as new basics()AEnglish,mathematics,computer,social studiesBscience,mathematics,social studies,foreign languageCEnglish,science,social studies,mathematics,computerDEnglish,science,computer,social studies

The report listed as new basics()A、English,mathematics,computer,social studiesB、science,mathematics,social studies,foreign languageC、English,science,social studies,mathematics,computerD、English,science,computer,social studies

One of the six goals set by President Bush in his"America 2000"Plan is ()A、elimination of drugs and violence from schoolB、the increase of high-school graduation rate to 86%C、competence in forging language,mathematics,science,history and geographyD、the increase of adult literacy rate

Madame Curie’s()encouraged many women to study science,and many of them()A、succeeded;succeededB、success;successC、succeeded;successD、success;succeeded

单选题One of the six goals set by President Bush in his"America 2000"Plan is ()Aelimination of drugs and violence from schoolBthe increase of high-school graduation rate to 86%Ccompetence in forging language,mathematics,science,history and geographyDthe increase of adult literacy rate

单选题Mathematics()study or science of numbers.AisBareCwasDwere

填空题Carey Graham may most probably study political science after his graduation from university.____

问答题Human beings in all times and places think about their world and wonder at their place in it. Humans are thoughtful and creative, possessed of insatiable curiosity.1) Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies.Therefore, it is important to study humans in all their richness and diversity in a calm and systematic manner, with the hope that the knowledge resulting from such studies can lead humans to a more harmonious way of living with themselves and with all other life forms on this planet Earth.  “Anthropology” derives from the Greek words anthropos “human” and logos “the study of.” By its very name, anthropology encompasses the study of all humankind.Anthropology is one of the social sciences.2) Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.  Social science disciplines include geography, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology. Each of these social sciences has a subfield or specialization which lies particularly close to anthropology.  All the social sciences focus upon the study of humanity. Anthropology is a field-study oriented discipline which makes extensive use of the comparative method in analysis.3)The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.  Anthropological analyses rest heavily upon the concept of culture. Sir Edward Tylor’s formulation of the concept of culture was one of the great intellectual achievements of 19th century science. 4) Tylor defined culture as “… that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”This insight, so profound in its simplicity, opened up an entirely new way of perceiving and understanding human life. Implicit within Tylor’s definition is the concept that culture is learned, shared, and patterned behavior.  5) Thus, the anthropological concept of “culture,” like the concept of “set” in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.

单选题What is NOT mentioned as a condition for receiving a scholarship?ABeing a person who has migrated to the countryBA good academic record at a secondary schoolCAcceptance for study in a science programDAn essay outlining an applicant’s personal history

单选题Only half as many students study computer science than they did just a decade ago.Athan they didBthan was trueCas didDwhen compared toEthan

问答题Classes at American College  The year at an American college is divided into 2 semesters or 3 quarters. Semesters are 15 weeks; quarters are 10 weeks. American college students usually attend school from September to May. Occasionally their academic pursuits extend into the summer.  Students choose their classes a few weeks prior to the start of each term. Universities offer a great many classes in the students’ main area of study and in other areas as well. Students must take both. These include science, mathematics, computer, history and English. Other classes may be just for fun, like dance, theater or sports. Tests usually are given in the middle of the term and at the end3. The final examinations are extremely important. In some classes, the professor asks the students to write a research paper or complete a certain task instead of taking a test.  Classes usually are organized through lectures. For example, a student may attend 2 or 3 lectures a week by the professor. As many as several hundred students sit at each lecture. Sometimes they also attend a smaller class to ask questions and discuss what the professor says4. These small classes are taught by professor’s assistants. In science classes, students also have a long laboratory class each week.  What do American students study at college? The US Department of Education says the most popular area of study is sciences and management. Next is social science, which encompasses history, sociology, literature, public relations and political science. English is another popular field of study. Then comes computer science and health and life sciences like biology, chemistry and physics. Education is popular, too. Foreign languages are not popular as a main area of study among American college students. However, students at many colleges must study a language other than English before they can graduate. The most popular foreign language is Spanish, followed by French and German.

单选题A serious study of physics is impossible ______ some knowledge of mathematics.AagainstBbeforeCbeyondDwithout

单选题In line 99, natural science, social science and philosophy are mentioned as examples of disciplines that ______.Amutually accepted a single theory of how language is acquiredBquestioned the need to study cognitive science as a separate disciplineCregarded an understanding of language acquisition to be beyond the scope of the scientific methodDdid not put enough resources into the study of language acquisitionEdisagreed about the manner in which human languages should be studied