8、以下代码描述的是Moore型状态机: always @(in or state) case (state) zero: begin out = 0; if (in) next_state = one; else next_state = zero; end …………
8、以下代码描述的是Moore型状态机: always @(in or state) case (state) zero: begin out = 0; if (in) next_state = one; else next_state = zero; end …………
设有以下程度段: begin a:=0; for i:=7 downto 2 do case I of 1,2:a:=a1; 3,4:a:=a2; 5,6:; 7,8:a:=a3 end; writeln(‘a=‘,a:1) end. 若变量均已说明,则程序运行后的输出是( )。 Aa=8B12Ca=6D0
【C程序】#includestdio.h/*此处为栈类型及其基本操作的定义,省略*/int main(){STACK station;int state[1000];int n; /*车厢数*/int begin, i, j, maxNo; /*maxNo为A端正待入栈的车厢编号*/printf("请输入车厢数:");scanf("%d",n);printf(“请输入需要判断的车厢编号序列(以空格分隔):”);if(n<1)return-1;for (i=0; in; i++) /*读入需要驶出的车厢编号序列,存入数组state[]*/scanf("%d",state[i]);(1) ; /*初始化栈*/maxNo=1;for(i=0; i<n; ){ /*检查输出序列中的每个车厢号state[i]是否能从栈中获取*/if( (2) ){ /*当栈不为空时*/if (state[i]=Top(station)) { /*栈顶车厢号等于被检查车厢号*/printf("%d",Top(station));Pop(station);i++;}elseif ( (3) ) {printf(“error\n”);return 1;}else{begin= (4) ;for(j=begin+l;j =state [i];j++){Push(station, j);}}}else{ /*当栈为空时*/begin=maxNo;for(j=begin; j=state[i];j++) {Push(station, j);}maxNo= (5) ;}}printf("OK");return 0;}
下面程序的输出结果是( )。 public class Sun { public static void main(String args[ ]) { int i = 9; switch (i) { default: System.out.println("default"); case 0: System.out.println("zero"); break; case 1: System.out.println("one"); case 2: System.out.println("two"); } } }A.defaunB.defauh, zeroC.error default clause not definedD.no output displayed
下面程序的输出结果是( )。 public class Sun { public static void main(String args[ ]) { int i = 1; switch (i) { case 0: System.out.println("zero"); break; case 1: System.out.println("one"); case 2; System.out.println("two"); default: System.out.println("default"); } } }A.oneB.one,defaultC.one,two,defaultD.default
以下程序的输出结果为【】。 include using namespace std; void initialize(int printNo 以下程序的输出结果为【 】。include<iostream>using namespace std;void initialize(int printNo,int state=0);void initialize(int printNo=l,int state);int main(){initialize();return 0;}void initialize(int printNo,int state){cout<<printNo<<","<<state<<end1;}
publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Stringstr=null?;if(str==null){System.out.println(”null”);}else(str.length()==0){System.out.println(”zero”);}else{System.out.println(”some”);}}Whatistheresult?() A.nullB.zeroC.someD.Compilationfails.E.Anexceptionisthrownatruntime.
下面程序的输出结果是( )。 public class Sun { public static void main(String args[ ]) { int i = 1; switch (i) { case 0: System.but.println("zero"); break; case 1: System.out.println("one"); case 2: System.out.println("two"); default: System.out.println ("default"); } } }A.oneB.one, defaultC.one, two, defaultD.default
编译和执行以下代码,输出结果是( )。 int i=1; switch (i) { case 0: System.out.print("zero,"); break; case 1: System.out.print("one,"); case 2: System.out.print("two,"); default: System.out.println("default"); }A.one,B.one,two,C.one,two,defaultD.default
下列语句能给数组赋值而不使用for循环的是A.myArray{[1]="One";[2]="Two";[3]="Three";}B.String s[5]=new String[]{"Zero", "One", "Two", "There", "Four"};C.String s[]=new String[]{"Zero", "One", "Two", "There", "Four"};D.String s[]=new String[]=|"Zero", "One", "Two", "There", "Four"};
阅读以下说明和C++代码。【说明】传输门是传输系统中的重要装置。传输门具有Open(打开)、Closed(关闭)、Opening (正在打开)、StayOpen(保持打开)和Closing(正在关闭)五种状态。触发传输门状态转换的事件有click、complete和timeout三种。事件与其相应的状态转换如下图所示。下面的C++代码1与C++代码2分别用两种不同的设计思路对传输门进行状态模拟,请填补代码中的空缺。【C++代码1】const int CLOSED=1; const int PENING=2;const int PEN=3; const int CLOSING=4;const int STAYOPEN=5; //定义状态变量,用不同整数表示不同状态class Door {Private:int state; //传输门当前状态void setState(int state){ this->state=state;} //设置当前状态public:Door():state(CLOSED){};void getState(){ //根据当前状态输出相应的字符串switch(state){case OPENING: cout<<"OPENING"<<endl; break;case CLOSED: cout<<"CLOSED"<<endl; break;case OPEN: cout<<"OPEN"<<endl; break;case CLOSING: cout<<"CLOSING"<<endl; break;case STAYOPEN:cout<<"STAYOPEN"<<endl; break;}};void click() { //发生click事件时进行状态转换if ((1)) setState(OPENING);else if ((2)) setState(CLOSING);else if ((3)) setState(STAYOPEN);}void timeout(){ //发生timeout事件时进行状态转换if (state == OPEN) setState(CLOSING);}void complete(){ //发生complete事件时进行状态转换if (state == OPENING) setState(OPEN);else if (state == CLOSING) setState(CLOSED);}};int main(){Door aDoor;aDoor.getState();aDoor.click(); aDoor.getState();aDoor.complete();aDoor.getState(); aDoor.click();aDoor.getState();aDoor.click(); aDoor.getState(); return 0;}【C++代码2】class Door {public:DoorState *CLOSED,*OPENING,*OPEN,*CLOSING,*STAYOPEN,*state;Door();virtual~Door(){……//释放申请的内存,此处代码省略);void setState(DoorState *state) { this->state = state;}void getState(){//此处代码省略,本方法输出状态字符串,//例如,当前状态为CLOSED时,输出字符串为“CLOSED”};void click();void timeout();void complete();};Door::Door(){CLOSED = new DoorClosed(this); OPENING = new DoorOpening(this);PEN = new DoorOpen(this); CLOSING = new DoorClosing(this);STAYOPEN = new DoorStayOpen(this);state = CLOSED;}void Door :: click() {(4);)void Door :: timeout() {(5);)void Door :: complete() {(6);}class DoorState//定义一个抽象的状态,它是所有状态类的基类{protected:Door *door;public:DoorState(Door *door) {this->door = door;}virtual~DoorState(void);virtual void click() {}virtual void complete(
下面程序的输出结果为【】。include using namespace std;void initialize(int printNo,i 下面程序的输出结果为【 】。include <iostream>using namespace std;void initialize(int printNo,int state=0);void initialize(int printNo=1,int state);int main(){initialize();return 0;}void initialize(int printNo, int state){cout<<printNo<<","<<state<<end1;}
以下语句正确的是:______。A.Select Case a Case b=1 Case “B” b=2 Case Else b=3 End SelectB.Select Case a Case “A” b=1 Case “B” b=2 Case Default b=3 End SelectC.Switch a Case “A” b=1 Case “B” b=2 Case Else b=3 End SwitchD.Switch a Case “A” b=1 Case “B” b=2 Case Default b=3 End Select
请认真阅读以下关于某传输系统的技术说明、状态转换图及C++代码,根据要求回答问题1和问题2。【说明】传输门是传输系统中的重要装置。传输门具有Open(打开)、Closed(关闭)、Opening(正在打开)、StayOpen(保持打开)和Closing(正在关闭)5种状态。触发状态的转换事件有click、complete和timeout 3种,事件与其相应的状态转换如图6-18所示。下面的【C++代码1】与【C++代码2】分别用两种不同的设计思路对传输门进行状态模拟,请填补代码段中的空缺语句。【C++代码1】const int CLOSED = 1; const int PENING = 2;const int PEN = 3; const int CLOSING = 4;const int STAYOPEN = 5; //定义状态变量,用不同整数表示不同状态class Door {private:private:int state; //传输门当前状态void setState(int state) { this->state = stale; } //设置当前状态public:Door () :state (CLOSED) { };void getState() { //根据当前状态输出相应的字符串switch(state) {case OPENING: cout <<"OPENING" << endl; break;case CLOSED: cout << "CLOSED" << endl; break;case OPEN: cout << "OPEN" << endl; break;case CLOSING: cout << "CLOSING" << endl; break;case STAYOPEN: cout << "STAYOPEN" << endl; break;}}void click() { //发生click事件时进行状态转换if ( (1) ) setState(OPENING);else if ( (2) ) setState(CLOSING);else if ( (3) ) setState(STAYOPEN);}void timeout() { //发生timeout事件时进行状态转换if (state == OPEN) setState(CLOSING);}void complete() { //发生complete事件时进行状态转换if (state == OPENING) setState(OPEN);else if (state == CLOSING) setState(CLOSED);}};int main(){Door aDoor;aDoor.getState(); aDoor.click(); aDoor.getState(); aDoor.complete();aDoor.getState(); aDoor.click(); aDoor.getState(); aDoor.click();aDoor.getState(); return 0;}【C++代码2】class Door {public:DoorState *CLOSED, *OPENING, *OPEN, *CLOSING, *STAYOPEN, *state;Door();virtual ~Door() { ... //释放申请的内存,此处代码省略};void s
运行下列程序: x=InputBox("input value of x") Select Case X Case Is>0 y=y+1 Case Is=0 y=x+2 Case ELse y=x+3 End Select Print x;y 运行时,从键盘输入-5,输出的结果是( )。A.-7B.-9C.-8D.-10
下列语句能给数组赋值,而不使用for循环的是A.myArray{[1]="One";[2]="Two";[3]="Three";}B.String s[5]=new String[] {"Zero","One","Two","Three","Four"};C.String s[]=new String[] {"Zero","One","Two","Three","Four"};D.String s[]=new String[]= {"Zero","One","Two","Three","Four"};
有如下程序: x = InputBox("Input value of x") Select Case x Case Is > 0 y=y+1 Case Is = 0 y=x + 2 Case Else y=x + 3 End Select Print x, y运行时,从键盘输入-5,输出的结果是( )。A.-7B.-9C.-8D.-10
针对以下程序段,对于变量c的取值,至少需要(61)个测试用例才能够满足语句覆盖的要求。c=((u8_t*)q->payload)[i];switch(c){case SLIP_END: sio_send(SLIP_ESC,netif->state); sio_send(SLIP_ESC_END,netif->state); break;case SLIP_ESC: sio_send(SLIP_ESC,netif->state); sio_send(SLIP_ESC_ESC,netif->state); break;default: sio_send(c,netif->state); break; }A.4B.3C.2D.1
以下代码段的输出结果为1. int x = 0, y = 4, z = 5;2. if (x >2、{3. if (y 以下代码段的输出结果为1. int x = 0, y = 4, z = 5;2. if (x >2、{3. if (y4. System. out .println ( "message one" );5. }6. else {7. System.out.println( "message two");8. }9. }10. else if (z >5、{11. System.out.println("message three");12. }13. else {14. System.out.println( "message four");15. }A. message oneB. message twoC. message threeD. message four
有如下代码段:switch ( x ){case 1:System.out.println("One");break;case 2:case 3:System.out.println("Two");break;default:System.out.println("end");}变量x的取值下列哪些情形时,能使程序输出"Two" 。A. 1B. 2C. 3D. default
public static void main(String[] args) { String str = “null‟; if (str == null) { System.out.println(”null”); } else (str.length() == 0) { System.out.println(”zero”); } else { System.out.println(”some”); } } What is the result?()A、 nullB、 zeroC、 someD、 Compilation fails.E、 An exception is thrown at runtime.
英语中号码“96100”的表示方法是“()”。A、nine six-one zero zeroB、nine-six-one-zero-zeroC、nine-six one-zero-zeroD、nine six one zero zero
下列对条件语句、分支语句、固定循环次数语句、不定循环次数语句关键字排序正确的是()A、if elseend;for end;switch case end;while end;B、if elseend;switch case end;for end;while end;C、for end;if else end;while end;switch case end;D、while end;for end;switch case end;if else end;
public static void main(String[]args){ String str="null"; if(str==null){ System.out.println("null"); }else(str.length()==0){ System.out.println("zero"); }else{ System.out.println("some"); } } What is the result?()A、nullB、zeroC、someD、Compilationfails.E、Anexceptionisthrownatruntime.
单选题下列对条件语句、分支语句、固定循环次数语句、不定循环次数语句关键字排序正确的是()Aif elseend;for end;switch case end;while end;Bif elseend;switch case end;for end;while end;Cfor end;if else end;while end;switch case end;Dwhile end;for end;switch case end;if else end;
单选题public static void main(String[] args) { String str = “null‟; if (str == null) { System.out.println(”null”); } else (str.length() == 0) { System.out.println(”zero”); } else { System.out.println(”some”); } } What is the result?()A nullB zeroC someD Compilation fails.E An exception is thrown at runtime.
单选题public static void main(String[]args){ String str="null"; if(str==null){ System.out.println("null"); }else(str.length()==0){ System.out.println("zero"); }else{ System.out.println("some"); } } What is the result?()AnullBzeroCsomeDCompilationfails.EAnexceptionisthrownatruntime.