Why are Children raised in a home where physical or sexual abuse is taking place at a higher risk for developing an eating disorder?( ) A.They may try to regain a sense of self- control in the way of controlling their food intake or their weight B.They are actually very hungry during the abuse so they have to eat a lot when they are free C.They are not allowed to express their emotions in family of this kind D.They are forced to eat a lot by their parents in this kind of families

Why are Children raised in a home where physical or sexual abuse is taking place at a higher risk for developing an eating disorder?( )

A.They may try to regain a sense of self- control in the way of controlling their food intake or their weight
B.They are actually very hungry during the abuse so they have to eat a lot when they are free
C.They are not allowed to express their emotions in family of this kind
D.They are forced to eat a lot by their parents in this kind of families




已知某国国际收支平衡表中,经常项目差额160亿美元,资本和金融项目差额为-100亿美元,误差与遗漏为1o亿美元,则该国储备资产增减额为(  )。A.70亿元B.-70亿美元C.+60亿美元D.+270亿美元