American government forbade Huawei and ZTE to invest in USA,because it thought( ) A.they made clumsy forays,and enemies B.they came for oil,agricultural land and other resources C.many deals were politicized and some were corrupt D.they might hurt American national security

American government forbade Huawei and ZTE to invest in USA,because it thought( )

A.they made clumsy forays,and enemies
B.they came for oil,agricultural land and other resources
C.many deals were politicized and some were corrupt
D.they might hurt American national security




已知某国国际收支平衡表中,经常项目差额160亿美元,资本和金融项目差额为-100亿美元,误差与遗漏为1o亿美元,则该国储备资产增减额为(  )。A.70亿元B.-70亿美元C.+60亿美元D.+270亿美元