He is exceedingly generous this time,which is really strange.A:too B:extremelyC:extensively D:oddly

He is exceedingly generous this time,which is really strange.



解析:本句意思:“他这次特另,J慷慨,这真的比较奇怪。”exceedingly:极其,特另,! 地。extremely:非常,很。例如:She is extremely difficult to be pleased.要想取悦她很难。too: 太……。例如:The suit is too expensive and I can't afford it.这件西服太贵了,我买不起。extensively:广大地,广泛地。例如:The tool is extensively used.这个工具被广泛使用。oddly:奇怪地。例如:Recently , he's been behaving very oddly.最近他的行为很古怪。


Which of the following is TRUE about the family Katy is living with?A. They are friendly. B. There are three people in their house.C. They are strange. D. They have never taken Katy to the parties.

Most of Thomas Hardy’s novels are set in _______, the fictional primitive and crude region which is really the home place he both loved and hated. A.LondonB.YoknapatawphaC.WessexD.Paris

He is really good man, ()? A、doesn't heB、isn't heC、won't he

My grandfather was a completely different person before he had a stroke. He worked as a chief accountant, and he worked really long hours. People used to say that he was a workaholic. When he came home, he was always tired and this used to make him irritable. He didn't use to be sociable at all. He used to spend a lot of time alone working in the garden. I used to be frightened of him as a child. He used to shout at us all the time. Then, suddenly he became ill, and then the doctors told him he had to give up work. He changed almost overnight. His attitude to lots of things changed. He relaxed and spent time with his grandchildren. When he died, I think he was a really happy, relaxed man.(1). My grandfather used to ().A、drink a lotB、work very hardC、be the manager(2). He was () when he came home.A、 very pleasantB、excitedC、easy to get angry(3). When I was a child, I ().A、 liked him very muchB、I hated himC、was afraid of him(4). Doctors asked him to ()after he had a stroke.A、 stop workingB、change his attitudeC、work less(5). When he died, he ().A、 was feeling worriedB、was irritableC、was a happy man

Some pupils fill their spare time ____ computer games. It is really a waste of time. A.withB.byC.toD.into

Which of the following underlined letters is different in pronunciation with others?A. He arrived there half an hour lateB. Tom is the most honest boy in his classC. I really hope toD. It is a great honor for me to be here

By saying "Let's hope that this time it really will be the last one", the father meant that ______.A. he wished people had not built the bonfireB. he hoped people would not build any more bonfiresC. he hoped there would be no more wars in the worldD. he wished the Second World War had not happened

That’s really typical ____ John. He says he’ll come but he never turns up. A、forB、ofC、toD、with

Hyperbole is applied in ________.A、What they really value among the gifts that we bring to them is intoxicating liquor, which enables them, for the first time in their lives, to have the illusion, for a few brief moments, that it is better to be alive than dead; on a few dates in paradise.B、And when excitement by means of nicotine failed, a patriotic orator would stir them up to attack a neighbouring tribe, which would give them all the enjoyment that we (according to our temperament) derive from a horse race or a General Election.C、But when he took to agriculture, …and to dream of the life hereafter in which he would perpetually hunt the wild boar of Valhalla.D、It is scarcely possible to exaggerate the influence of vanity throughout the range of human life, from the child of three to the potentate at whose frown the world trembles.

—I saw Dave in lift this morning.— Really? He ______ around here for a long time. A won’t be seenB wasn’t seeC hasn’t been seenD hadn’t been seen

Tom spent the summer holidays in college, during ( ) time he took a part-time job and read many literary books as well. A、thatB、thisC、theD、which

He is _______ busy man that he really needs a secretary.A、soB、so aC、suchD、such a

—— ________ I had! —— You really suffered a lot. A. What a time B. What time C. How a time D. how time

One day,a teacher was speaking to a group of students about how to (31) their time.He gave an example those students would never forget.He pulled out a wide jar(罐子) and put it on the table. He also took out several rocks and carefully put them into the jar one at a time. When no more rocks would( 32) inside,he asked,"Is this jar full?"Everyone in the class shouted," Yes. "The teacher replied,"Really?" He pulled out a box of small stones. He dumped some in and ) (33)the jar. The stones went down into the spaces (34) the big rocks. He then asked the group once more,"Is this jar full?""Probably not,"one of them answered. "Good ! "he replied. He brought out a glass of sand and dumped the sand into the jar and it went into all of the spaces( 35) . Once more he asked the question,"Is this jar full?""No!"the class shouted. Once again he said,"Good! Then he poured a cup of water in (36) the.jar was full. Then he asked,"What is the key point here?"One student put up his hand and said,"The key point here is that even if you are busy,you can (37) plan everything well if you try really hard ! "" No, the speaker replied,"that's not the point. The point is if you don-t put the big rocks In(38) ,your ’ll never get them in. What are the 'big rocks in your (39) ? Time with your loved ones,your education,or your dreams? Remember to put these big rocks in first,or you ’II never get them in (40) ."( )31.A.spendB.takeC.killD.arrange

During the voyage he encountered boisterous winds and heavy weather during which time the vessel________ heavily and to such an extent that at times it was necessary to change course.A.movedB.laboredC.drivedD.went

It's said that he's looking for a new job, one_________ he can get more free time.A.whenB.whereC.thatD.which

He looked like a farmer,but he was really a policeman( )disguise.in

Which of the following is true of Reagan?__________A.He finished high school and got his diplomaB.His mother had died and he lived aloneC.He had to do work to support his familiesD.He was still a student with a part-time job

--How do you know he will lend us money?--___________ He ′ s a generous person.A.It's my guess.B.By all means.C.Of course, you can.D.That depends.

Dream for Better We all have plans and dreams for a better, more ___1___ life. Yet only a small percentage of people actually achieve their ___2___ .A good question is: why? Recently, I was working with a young man who was ___3___ get on his feet. He had written out his goals, and he had powerful reasons why he wanted to achieve these goals. But after weeks of trying, he was still not much further along. So we took some time to try to understand what was holding him ___4___ .As we examined his average day, it became apparent to me that he was much too ___5__ .He was spending lots of time doing lots of different things. I ___6___ that most of what he was doing was not very important in the greater scheme of things. We did some exercises to ___7___ which activities were important, which ones were urgent and which ones was filling (or killing) time. As it turned out, most of the things he was doing throughout the day were filling time. He wasn't comfortable ___8___ he was very busy, so he created things that needed to be done. He was always working on something—yet at the end of the day, he had rarely accomplished any tasks to move him closer to the life he wanted. This behavior is fairly easy for an outside observer to spot but extremely difficult to self-diagnose. The ___9___ is to slow down and get comfortable with being still, with contemplating what we really want and whether our actions are suitable for our goals. Many of our activities are avoidance activities: we do things to fill up the time and thus avoid having to do more difficult tasks. It wasn't easy, but once the young man finally accepted that he needed to do less overall but more of the important things, his life took a dramatic ___10___ for the better.___3___内的正确选项为()A、identifyB、solutionC、fulfillingD、busyE、backF、unlessG、preventH、turnI、dreamsJ、believeK、suspectedL、struggling

单选题Which of the following is true about Mahmoud Abuqammar?AHe wants to join militant faction after he saw three children killed by an airstrike.BHis ID paper was burned in the war, but he doesn’t want to join militant faction because no faction was helping him.CHe wants to join militant faction now, but really wants to build a family; to live, like any normal person.DHe really wants to build a family, to live, like any normal person, he is not willing to join militant faction.

单选题He is so kind and generous that he always cast his _____ upon the waters.AstoneBbreadCsandDfish

单选题That's really typical()John. He says he'll come but he never turns up.AforBofCtoDwith

单选题Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003, _____ he studied very hard and was made chairman of the Students’ Union.Aduring which timeBfor which timeCduring whose timeDby that time

单选题During the voyage he encountered boisterous winds and heavy weather during which time the vessel()heavily and to such an extent that at times it was necessary to change course.AmovedBlaboredCdroveDwent

单选题Dream for Better We all have plans and dreams for a better, more ___1___ life. Yet only a small percentage of people actually achieve their ___2___ .A good question is: why? Recently, I was working with a young man who was ___3___ get on his feet. He had written out his goals, and he had powerful reasons why he wanted to achieve these goals. But after weeks of trying, he was still not much further along. So we took some time to try to understand what was holding him ___4___ .As we examined his average day, it became apparent to me that he was much too ___5__ .He was spending lots of time doing lots of different things. I ___6___ that most of what he was doing was not very important in the greater scheme of things. We did some exercises to ___7___ which activities were important, which ones were urgent and which ones was filling (or killing) time. As it turned out, most of the things he was doing throughout the day were filling time. He wasn't comfortable ___8___ he was very busy, so he created things that needed to be done. He was always working on something—yet at the end of the day, he had rarely accomplished any tasks to move him closer to the life he wanted. This behavior is fairly easy for an outside observer to spot but extremely difficult to self-diagnose. The ___9___ is to slow down and get comfortable with being still, with contemplating what we really want and whether our actions are suitable for our goals. Many of our activities are avoidance activities: we do things to fill up the time and thus avoid having to do more difficult tasks. It wasn't easy, but once the young man finally accepted that he needed to do less overall but more of the important things, his life took a dramatic ___10___ for the better.___7___内的正确选项为()AidentifyBsolutionCfulfillingDbusyEbackFunlessGpreventHturnIdreamsJbelieveKsuspectedLstruggling

单选题The time will come _____ man can fly to _____ he likes in the universe.Ahow…whereBwhen…whereverCwhere…whereDwhat…which