His stomach felt hollow with fear.A:empty B:sincere C:respectful D:terrible

His stomach felt hollow with fear.





When he was sent to interview the mayor, he had ___________ in his stomach. A. butterfliesB. butterflyC. butter and flyD. butter and flies

His manner was so bright and pleasant that Arthur felt () with him at once A.easyB.comfortableC.confidentD.at rest

The salesman felt so lonely that he was often seen to _______ pictures of his family. A、get outB、find outC、fish outD、search

It was on Sunday that Davis felt his loneliness most ________.A patientlyB keenlyC consciouslyD tenderly

The room was empty, but Tom felt as if ( ) was watching him. A、somebodyB、nobodyC、everybodyD、anybody

Lily felt a little __________ about expressing his opinions in the public. A、criticalB、diffidentC、dynamicD、conservative

The student’s parents felt ____ as they learned that he didn’t make progress in his courses.A. incentiveB. dignityC. anxietyD. intention

Why did the professor study the Brazilian students' behavior?A. He felt puzzled at the students' being late.B. He felt angry at the students' rudeness.C. He wanted to make the students come on time later.D. He wanted to collect data for one of his studies.

John felt great __________ about his upcoming trip to Sidney; indeed, he could hardly contain hisenthusiasm.A.unrestB.uncertaintyC.anxietyD.excitement

He tried his best to remedy the terrible situation.A:provide B:protect C:change D:improve

His stomach felt hollow with fear.A:empty B:sincereC:respectful D:terrible

The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.A:.hateB: needC: loveD: pity

His stomach felt hollow with fear.A:sincere B:respectfulC:empty D:terrible

The chipmunk (金花鼠) builds its nest in either an underground burrow______.A.in a hollow limbB.or a hollow limbC.builds in a hollow limbD.by a hollow limb

A:sincere B:respectful C:terrible D:empty

Through the open window we saw on the floor the happy father lying () his stomach, his daughter riding excitedly on his back.A、onB、withC、aboveD、from

"() your meeting is!" he offered them his sincere congratulations.A、How a great successB、What a great successC、How great successD、What great success

单选题Having lost his job and his family, Jerry felt himself()by anger and sadness.AexperiencedBovercomeCexperienceDovercame

单选题Although his friends insisted that his black garb was simply depressing, Peter felt just the opposite—that it gave him an air of upbeat, ______ maturity.AmelancholicBwearisomeCsalaciousDaghastEurbane

单选题______all his homework for today, Tom felt very much relaxed and went out for a walk around his neigh orhood.ATo finishedBTo have finishedCFinishedDHaving finished

单选题Mr. Levee is permanently _____ due to a terrible traffic accident and nothing can compensate for his physical defects.AcompetentBdisabledCinactiveDunable

问答题We felt strange about his silence at the party as he used to be very outgoing.

单选题John felt great ______.about his upcoming trip to Sidney; indeed, he could hardly contain his enthusiasm.AunrestBuncertaintyCanxietyDexcitement

单选题_____ by his friend for his mistake, Jim felt very unhappy.ACriticizingBTo criticizeCCriticizedDHaving criticized

单选题_____ for the terrible accident, as the public thought, the mayor felt nervous and was at a loss what to do.AHaving blamedBTo blameCBeing to be blamedDBeing to blame

单选题In contrast to his aunt’s feelings, the narrator felt .AsadBindifferentCfrustratedDrelieved

单选题His stomach felt hollow with fear.AsincereBrespectfulCterribleDempty