New Zealand is sometimes called the world‘s biggest farm.It is the world’s largest exporter of ( ) A.beef B.lamb and mutton C.wheat D.corn

New Zealand is sometimes called the world‘s biggest farm.It is the world’s largest exporter of ( )

B.lamb and mutton




New Zealand is one of the top five dairy exporters in the world.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

China took over the United States at the end of 2009 to become New Zealand's second largest trading partner.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

The author mentions big cities such as Tokyo, Singapore and Paris______.A. to show that city people all over the world have a lot in commonB. to let his readers be aware that they are some of the world's biggest citiesC. to illustrate their difference from American citiesD. because they are some of the cities that attract visitors most

● The Internet is the worlds largest computer (71) .(71)A.networkB.deviceC.displayD.disk

Jack Ma is the founder of Alibaba, the world’s biggest e-commerce company.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Under Sir Lindsay’s leadership, L’Oréal has become the world’s biggest beauty company.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

new zealand s three largest ethnic groups in terms of population are _______________.A. New Zealanders with European ancestry, Asian and MaoriB. Maori, Indian and people from the Pacific IslandsC. people from the Pacific Islands, Maori and ChineseD. New Zealanders with European ancestry, Maori and people from the PacificIslands

The Internet is the world's largest computer(71).A.networkB.deviceC.displayD.disk

How does the writer feel about the business she runs? ( )A.It's the biggest company in the world.B.It wili possibly be more successful.C. It's one of the most successful businesses.D.It is the only company that is growing all around the world.

How does the writer feel about the business she runs?A. It's the biggest company in the world.B. It will possibly be more successful.C. It's one of the most successful businesses.D. It is the only company that is growing all around the world.

According to the article, why is the merger of Poynter Technologies and Carce Company mentioned in the book? (  )A.To point out the legal issues raised by new technologiesB.To show how the world's largest computer technology firm was createdC.To indicate that large companies have advantages in the marketplaceD.To illustrate the impact technology has on transactions

资料:New York and London may rule the roost, but other financial hubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out useful specialist niches for themselves. Chicago, for instance, has consolidated its position as the world’s derivatives center, and Houston, the largest city in Texas, is home to America’s biggest energy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders and hedge funds.Europe has also developed a diverse set of financial centers ranging from big cities to island havens such as Jersey and to niche markets such as Luxembourg and Dublin. Edinburg, an established banking center, is now touting itself as a low-cost alternative for financial operations. Among the larger hubs, Frankfurt is an important center for banking and derivatives trading through Eurex, a German-Swiss exchange, with significantly lower costs than London.Switzerland’s twin financial centers, Geneva and Zurich, have done well in their specialists of private banking, wealth management and insurance. The main attractions are low taxes, political stability and a reputation for discretion. Urs Roth from the Swiss Bankers Association says, however, that given its tiny domestic market, Switzerland has had to fight for open markets on an international scale.Paris has long lagged far behind London, dogged by a reputation for excessive regulation and high taxes. The new government is aware that some of France’s best financial brains have crossed the Channel for more lucrative careers in London. Yet Paris has many advantages: a large number of international banks; more international companies than Frankfurt; and easy access to regulators. It has the largest market in Europe for trading in mutual funds. Few would dispute that Paris offers an attractive quality of life and has good transport links. What makes Paris a place to watch just now is the NYSE’s recent merger with Euronext. The combined group will base its international equities business in the French capital. Euronext, which operates exchanges in five European countries, also illustrates the importance of a common language.Financial executives around the world increasingly view Europe as a single market. Soon a new European rule called MiFID (Markets in Financial Instrument Directive) is due to be implemented. It aims to increase competition among and transparency within financial markets. Financiers in other parts of the world are wondering how to achieve a similar degree of cross-border financial integration.What can be inferred from the passage?A.New York is the world’s largest financial hub.B.Houston is the world’s biggest center for energy trading and hedge funds.C.The Europe has as many financial centers as the United States.D.Different financial centers have different specialist features.

With regard to its size, the the( )country in the world. A.largest B.second largest C.third largest D.fourth largest

Why is Australia.s New South Wales called the premier state?()ABecause it was the first colony established by Britain in 1788.BBecause it is the biggest state in Australia.CBecause it is the most important state in Australia.DBecause it has the largest population in Australia.

New Zealand is the first country in the world to get the new day because()Ait is just east of the International Date LineBit is just west of the International Date LineCit is located halfway between the equator and the South PoleDit is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean

Why is Australia.s New South Wales called the premier state?()A、Because it was the first colony established by Britain in 1788.B、Because it is the biggest state in Australia.C、Because it is the most important state in Australia.D、Because it has the largest population in Australia.


New Zealand is the first country in the world to get the new day because()A、it is just east of the International Date LineB、it is just west of the International Date LineC、it is located halfway between the equator and the South PoleD、it is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean


public class X {   public static void main (Stringargs) {   string s = new string (“Hello”);   modify(s);   System.out.printIn(s);   }   public static void modify (String s) {   s += “world!”;   }   }   What is the result?() A、The program runs and prints “Hello”B、An error causes compilation to fail.C、The program runs and prints “Hello world!”D、The program runs but aborts with an exception.

单选题English people _____.Ahave never discussed who is the world’s greatest poet and greatest dramatistBnever discuss the world’s greatest poets and dramatistCare sure who is the world’s greatest poet and greatest dramatistDdo not care who is the world’s greatest poet and greatest dramatist

单选题1 am not sure whether New York is______biggest city in ______world or not.Aa; aBa; theCthe; theDthe; a

单选题I am not sure whether New York is _____ biggest city in _____ world or not.Aa; aBa; theCthe; theDthe; a

单选题German, spoken by just over 100 million people, is one of the world’s ten-largest languages ()population.AinplaceofBbymeansofCintermsofDbywayof

单选题What is the purpose of the passage?ATo tell people not to do dangerous sports.BTo explain what volcano surfing and land diving are.CTo talk about the world’s best volcano surfer and land diver.DTo compare activities in Vanuatu with sports in New Zealand.

单选题public class X {   public static void main (String[]args)   {   string s = new string (“Hello”);   modify(s);   System.out.printIn(s);   }   public static void modify (String s)  {   s += “world!”;      }   }      What is the result?()A The program runs and prints “Hello”B An error causes compilation to fail.C The program runs and prints “Hello world!”D The program runs but aborts with an exception.

单选题As is known to all, ______ People’s Republic of China is ______ biggest developing country in the world.Athe ; 不填B不填;theCthe;theD不填;不填