It's not surprising that the meeting is a yawn.A:boredom B:interestC:attraction D:pleasure

It's not surprising that the meeting is a yawn.



解析:本句意思:“不出所料,这次的会议很无聊。" yawn:无聊的事物。boredom:无聊。例如:Jane gave a deep sigh out of sheer boredom.简无聊地叹气起来。interest:兴趣。例如:I have no interest in playing video games.我对玩电子游戏没兴趣。attraction:吸引,魅力。例如:The major attraction of the city is the nightlife.这个城市吸引人之处在于它的夜生活。pleasure:,喻快,令人高兴的事。例如:It's been a pleasure to meet you.很高兴认识你。


The most effective team motivator is:A the visibility of the team's contributionB the satisfaction of meeting a challengeC understanding the importance of the projectD the individual's professional challengeE All of the above.

49 The most effective team motivator is:A. the visibility of the team's contributionB. the satisfaction of meeting a challengeC. understanding the importance of the projectD. the individual's professional challengeE. All of the above

The ______ professor found the matter ______.A. surprising, surprisedB. surprised, surprisedC. surprised, surprisingD. surprising, surprising

Susan: When's the meeting?Harry: I'm driving into London tomorrow morning. The meeting (60) .

The instructor has ______ us of tomorrow's meeting.A. toldB. saidC. informedD. reported

It's too early to predict the ________ of the meeting.A outletB outbreakC outsetD outcome

The CEO ________ that Tony was appointed as the manager of the marketing department in today's meeting. A、announcedB、declinedC、attended

China held the 22nd ()APEC economic leader’s meeting in Beijing in 2014. A、carelessB、hardC、informal

- We’ll have the sales meeting at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon, won’t we -() A、Yes. After the meeting, we’ll leave for Shanghai.B、It’s said the meeting is important.C、No. After the meeting, we’ll leave for Shanghai.

There was()in the meeting room as the general manager predicted the company's sales target.A. SilenceB. silentC. silently

The next shareholder's meeting was()at the end of this year.A. scheduledB. usedC. made

下面列举出来一些会议的常见事项A-H,请你按类别把这些事项填写在最后的空白处,只需填写事项前的字母即可,存在多项时字母之间不用填空格。A. Set a clear goal for the meeting with the chairperson.B. Take meeting notes.C. Select the date, time, place and people who will attend the meeting.D. Give out the notes of the meeting.E. Send out the agenda to the participants in advance.F. Correct the notes according to the supervisor ’ s opinions.G. Test the equipment to be used at the meeting.H. Serve snacks or drinks to create a relaxing atmosphere.Stages of a Meeting1. Before a meeting: __________________________2. During a meeting:____________________________3. After a meeting:______________________________

It’s not surprising that as a successful businessman, my friend Martin is not ____ he was when he graduated five years ago.A. thatB. whatC. howD. why

– Hurry up! Or you’ll be late for the meeting. --___________.A、OK. I know.B、Excuse me?C、It’s my pleasure.D、That’s wonderful.

– Is the meeting postponed? -- _____________.A、That’s all right.B、Generally.C、I’m OK.D、I’m afraid so.

Given the high price,() it's not surprising they didn't buy it.A、andB、butC、–(不填)D、that

You are attending a meeting on Microsoft Windows Meeting Space. At the same time, you attempt to join a second meeting also hosted on Windows Meeting space. The dialog box that allows you to join the second meeting fails to open. You need to join the second meeting.  What should you do?()A、Join the second meeting by using Microsoft Office Live Meeting.B、Enable the Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Windows Firewall exception.C、Click the Leave meeting option in the first meeting, and then join the second meeting. D、Open Windows Meeting Space, create a new meeting, and specify a password for others to use when they join the meeting.

单选题All of the following constitute special circumstances EXCEPT().AThree vessels meeting so as to cross each other's courseBA vessel meeting a vessel that is backing out of a slipCAn overtaking situation that has reached in extremisDA vessel fishing with nets meeting a sailing vessel

单选题The meeting’s been cancelled. Ann ______ all that work.Aneed to doBneed haveCneedn’t have doneDneeded not to do

单选题Given the high price,() it's not surprising they didn't buy it.AandBbutC–(不填)Dthat

单选题It’s surprising that Mr. Ma’s little daughter ______ speak English so well.AmustBcanCmustn’tDcan’t

单选题Please be ______. There’s an important meeting in the next room.AquicklyBquickCquietlyDquiet

问答题Recent polls have shown that the mayor’s improper handling of the tax hike angered a surprising large number of           A                               B     C        Dvoters. No error      E

单选题Mark's coming to the meeting this afternoon, _____?Adoesn't heBwon't heCisn't heDshan't he

单选题Jane, I’d like to meet, on Tuesday, but if my plane’s delayed I’ll see you at, Friday’s meeting.JohnAJohn has to postpone his meeting until Friday.BJohn will be late for his meeting on Tuesday.CJohn hopes to see Jane on Tuesday.

单选题FINANCE DEPARTMENT RELOCATIONFriday’s meeting is compulsory for all Finance staff, others welcome to attend for information.AThe meeting is about something which affects only one department.BStaff in all departments should attend the meeting.CFinance will announce at the meeting which departments will relocate.

单选题—Is that Kate’s car?—It ______ be hers. She has just gone for a meeting.Acan’tBshouldCmustn’tDmayn’t