6、Person p1 = new Person(18); //Person是引用类型 Person p2 = p1; 如果 p1.age=35; 则 p2.age也是35

6、Person p1 = new Person(18); //Person是引用类型 Person p2 = p1; 如果 p1.age=35; 则 p2.age也是35



能将程序补充完整的选项是( )。class Person{ private int a; public int change(int m){ return m; }}public class Teacher extends Person{ public int b; public static void main(String arg[]) { Person p = new Person(); Teacher t = new Teacher(); int i; ______ }} B.A.i=mB.i=bC. i=p.aD.i=p. change(50)

人际传播型(person to person transfer)

A gourmet always wants the best food, not the most. The word “gourmet” most probably means: _______. A、person who is expert in the choice of foodB、person who is on dietC、person who can eat a lotD、person who can cook

给出下列的不完整的类代码,则哪个语句可以被加到横线处? ( ) class Person{ String name,department; int age; public Person(String n){name=n;} public Person(String n,int s){name=n; age=a;} public Person(String n,String d,int a){ department=d;______ } }A.Person(n,a);B.this(Person(n,a));C.this(n,s);D.this(name,age);

有以下程序:includeincludeusingnameSpacestd;classperson{ intage; Char*nam 有以下程序:include <iostream>include <string>using nameSpace std;class person{int age;Char * name;public:person ( int i, Char * str ){int j;j = strlen( str ) + 1;name = new char[ j ];strcpy( name, str );age = i;}~person(){delete name;cout<<"D";}void display(){cout<<name<<":"<<age;}};int main(){person demo( 30,"Smith" );demo.display();return 0;}则该程序的输出结果为:【 】。

A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client and service share the following service contract interface:[ServiceContract]public interface IContosoService{[OperationContract]void SavePerson(Person person);}They also use the following binding:NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding() { TransactionFlow = true };The client calls the service with the following code:using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required)){IContosoService client = factory.CreateChannel();client.SavePerson(person);Console.WriteLine(Transaction.Current.TransactionInformation.DistributedIdentifier);ts.Complete();}The service has the following implementation for SavePerson:public void IContosoService.SavePerson(Person person){person.Save();Console.WriteLine(Transaction.Current.TransactionInformation.DistributedIdentifier);}The distributed identifiers do not match on the client and the server.You need to ensure that the client and server enlist in the same distributed transaction. What should you do?()

Happiness is a feeling which varies from person to person.()

给出下列的不完整的类代码,则下列的( )语句可以加到横线处。 class Person{ String name,department; int age public Person(String n){name=n;} public Person(String n,int a){name=n;age=a;} pubilc Person(String n,String d,int a) { _______________ department=d; } }A.Person(n,a);B.this(Person(n,a));C.this(n,a);D.this(name,age);

在下列程序的划线处应填入的语句是 class Pemon { pnvate int a; } public class Man extends Person { public int b; public static void main(String arg[ ] ) { Person p = new Person( ); Man t = new Man( ); int i; ________ } }A.i = w;B.i = b;C.i = p.a;D.i = t.b;

下列程序中需要清理动态分配的数组,划线处应有的语句是_______。 include class pers 下列程序中需要清理动态分配的数组,划线处应有的语句是_______。include<iostream.h>class person{int age,tall;public:person( ){age=0;tall=40;cout<<"A baby is born."<<endl;}person(int i){age=i;tall=40;cout<<"A old person."<<endl;}person(int i,int j){age=i;tall=j;cout<<"a old person with tall."<<endl;)~person( ){cout<<"person dead."<<endl;}void show( ){cout<<"age="<<age<<",tall="<<tall<<endl;}};void main( ){person*ptr;ptr=new person[3];ptr[0]=person( );ptr[1]=person(18);ptr[2]=person(20,120);for(int i=0;i<3;i++)ptr[i].show( );______}

给出下面不完整的类代码,则横线处的语句应该为( )。 class Person { String name,department; int age; public Person (Strings) {name=s;} public Person (String s,intA.{name=s;age=a;} public Person (String n,String d,intA){ __________ department=d; } }A)Person (n,A);B.this (Person(n,A));C.this(n,A);D.this(name,age);

●以下的SQL 99语句,Student与Person之间的关系是 (62) 。CREATE TYPE Person(name char(20),address varchar(50));CREATE TYPE Student(under Person(degree char(20)department char(20));(62)A.类型继承B.类型引用C.表继承D.无任何关系

假设person是一个类,p1是该类的一个对象,p2是一个指向p1的指针,getname()是其中的一个函数,则下面对象的使用不正确的是( )。A.person.getname();B.p1.getname();C.p1.person::getname();D.p2->getname();

Person p = new Person(“张三”,23);这条语句会调用下列哪个构造方法给属性进行初始化() A.public Person(){}B.public Person(String name,int age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; }C.public Person(int age,String name) { this.age = age; this.name = name; }D.public Person(String name) { this.name = name; }

23. What do you think of Mike?A. A person who is good at driving.B. A person who does well in drawing.C. A person who -likes drinking.D. A person who is good at writing.

public class Person {  private name;  public Person(String name) {  this.name = name;  }  public int hashCode() {  return 420;  }  }  Which is true?() A、 The time to find the value from HashMap with a Person key depends on the size of the map.B、 Deleting a Person key from a HashMap will delete all map entries for all keys of typePerson.C、 Inserting a second Person object into a HashSet will cause the first Person object to beremoved as a duplicate.D、 The time to determine whether a Person object is contained in a HashSet is constant and does NOT depend on the size of the map.

已知:DataSet data=new DataSet();则删除数据集data中person数据表的第5行数据的方法为()A、 data.Tables["person "].Rows[5].Delete();B、 data.Tables["person "].Rows.Delete(5);C、 data.Tables["person "].Rows[4].Delete();D、 data.Tables["person "].Rows[].Delete(4);

public class Person {  private name;  public Person(String name) {  this.name = name;  }  public boolean equals(Object o) {  if( !o instanceof Person ) return false;  Person p = (Person) o;  return p.name.equals(this.name);  }  }  Which is true?() A、 Compilation fails because the hashCode method is not overridden.B、 A HashSet could contain multiple Person objects with the same name.C、 All Person objects will have the same hash code because the hashCode method is not overridden.D、 If a HashSet contains more than one Person object with name=”Fred”, then removing another person, also with name=”Fred”, will remove them all.

单选题Money()as it goes from person to person.AspeaksBscattersCcirculatesDdistributes

多选题Which are syntactically valid statement at// point x?()     class Person {     private int a;  public int change(int m){  return m;  }     }  public class Teacher extends Person {     public int b;  public static void main(String arg[]){     Person p = new Person();     Teacher t = new Teacher();    int i;  // point x     }    }Ai = m;Bi = b;Ci = p.a;Di = p.change(30);Ei = t.b.

多选题在J2EE中,使用()选项中的代码,可以生成如下XML文档:      Tony BlairAElement people = doc.createElement(PEOPLE);  Element person = doc.createElement(PERSON); Element name = doc.createElement(NAME); name.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(Tony Blair)); people.appendChild(person); person.appendChild(name); doc.appendChild(people);BElement people = doc.createElement(PEOPLE);  Element person = doc.createElement(PERSON); people.appendChild(person); Element name = doc.createElement(NAME); name.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(Tony Blair)); person.appendChild(name); doc.appendChild(people);CElement people = doc.createElement(PEOPLE);  Element person = doc.createElement(PERSON); people.appendChild(person); Element name = doc.createElement(NAME); name.appendText(doc.createTextNode(Tony Blair)); person.appendChild(name); doc.appendChild(people);DElement people = doc.createElement(PEOPLE);  Element person = doc.createElement(PERSON);Element name = doc.createElement(NAME); name.createTextNode(Tony Blair); people.appendChild(person); person.appendChild(name); doc.appendChild(people);

单选题public class Person {  private name;  public Person(String name) {  this.name = name;  }  public int hashCode() {  return 420;  }  }  Which is true?()A The time to find the value from HashMap with a Person key depends on the size of the map.B Deleting a Person key from a HashMap will delete all map entries for all keys of typePerson.C Inserting a second Person object into a HashSet will cause the first Person object to beremoved as a duplicate.D The time to determine whether a Person object is contained in a HashSet is constant and does NOT depend on the size of the map.

单选题The way to _____ new words varies from person to person, depending on many factors.AreciteBrehearseCmemorizeDrecall

单选题已知:DataSet data=new DataSet();则删除数据集data中person数据表的第5行数据的方法为()A data.Tables[person ].Rows[5].Delete();B data.Tables[person ].Rows.Delete(5);C data.Tables[person ].Rows[4].Delete();D data.Tables[person ].Rows[].Delete(4);

单选题You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that contains the following service contract.[ServiceContract( )]public interface IPaymentService{ [OperationContract( )] void RecordPayments(Person person);}public class Person{ ... }public class Employee : Person{ ... }public class Customer : Person{ ... }You need to ensure that RecordPayments can correctly deserialize into an Employee or a Customer object. What should you do?()AAdd the following KnownType attribute to the Employee class and to the Customer class. [KnownType(GetType(Person))]BImplement the IExtensibleDataObject interface in the Person class.CImplement the IExtension(ofType(T)) interface in the Person class.DAdd the following KnownType attributes to the Person class. [KnownType(GetType(Employee))] [KnownType(GetType(Customer))]

单选题According to the context we can guess that a genius is _____ while an idiot is _____.Aa normal person . . . a funny personBa strong person . . . a weak personCa highly intelligent person . . . a foolish or weak-minded personDa famous person . . . an ordinary person

单选题If we say a person lives a dog’s life, he might be ______.Aa sudent who does quite well in English.Ba baby that is well taken care of by its motherCa person who has endless work to do.Dan old person who refuses to accept new things.

单选题What kind of person does the grandfather think is the noblest?AA person who has pity on others.BA person who has a large heart.CA person who is brave to save people.DA person who is cheerful to finish a task.