编码器信号处理模块中的一段程序如下。其中,QuadA、QuadB分别为2500PPR增量式编码器的A、B信号,counter初始值为200。那么,电机转动90°后,counter的值为()。 always@(clk) begin if(QuadA!=QuadAprev || QuadB!=QuadBprev) counter <= counter +1; QuadAprev <= QuadA; QuadBprev <= QuadB; endA.625B.825C.2500D.2700
编码器信号处理模块中的一段程序如下。其中,QuadA、QuadB分别为2500PPR增量式编码器的A、B信号,counter初始值为200。那么,电机转动90°后,counter的值为()。 always@(clk) begin if(QuadA!=QuadAprev || QuadB!=QuadBprev) counter <= counter +1; QuadAprev <= QuadA; QuadBprev <= QuadB; end
在窗体上面画一个命令按钮和一个标签,其名称分别为 Command1和 Label1,然后编写如下事件过程:Private Sub Commandl_Click()Counter=0For i=1 To 4For j=6 To 1 Step -2Counter=Counter+1Next jNext iLabel1.Caption=Str(Counter)End Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮,标签中显示的内容是( )。 A.11B.12C.16D.20
有如下程序段,该程序段执行完后,执行循环的次数是total=0Counter=1DoPrint Countertotal=total + CounterPrint totalCounter=Counter + 1If total 10 ThenExit DoEnd IfLoop While Counter =10( )。A.5B.10C.15D.20
阅读下面的程序:Private Sub Form_Click()Dim Check As Boolean, Counter As IntegerCheck = TrueCounter = 5DoDo While Counter 20Counter = Counter + 1If Counter = 10 ThenCheck = FalseExit DoEnd IfLoopLoop Until Check = FalsePrint CounterEnd Sub程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为______。
(22)在窗体上画一个命令按钮和一个标签,其名称分别为 Command1 和 Labcl1,然后编写如下事件过程:Private Sub Command1_Click( )Counter=0For i=1 To 4For j=6 To 1 Step -2Counter=Counter+1Next jNext iLabel1.Caption=Str(Counter)End Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮,标签中显示的内容是( )。A)11B)12C)16D)20
在窗体上画一个命令按钮和一个标签,其名称分别为Command1和Labell,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Counter=0 For i=1 To 4 For j=6 To 1 Step -2 Counter=Counter+1 Next j Next i Labell.Captidn=Str(Counter) End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,标签中显示的内容是______。A.11B.12C.16D.20
有如下程序:Private Sub Form_Click()Dim Check, CounterCheck = TrueCounter = 0DoDo While Counter 20Counter = Counter + 1If Counter = 10 ThenCheck = FalseExit DoEnd IfLoopLoop Until Check = FalsePrint Counter, CheckEnd Sub程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为( )。A.15 0B.20 -1C.10 TrueD.10 False
听力原文:M: Would you please tell me where I can change the RMB Yuan back into US dollars?W: OK, just go to the Counter No. 16. They will do this for you.Q: Which counter can offer the service of reconversion for the customer?(19)A.Counter No.12.B.Counter No.6.C.Counter No.15.D.Counter No.16.
有如下程序: Private Sub Form Click() Dim Check,Counter Check=True Counter=0 Do Do While Counter<20 Counter=Counter+1 If Counter=10 Then Check=False Exit Do End If Loop Loop Until Check=False Print Counter,Check End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为A.15 0B.20 -1C.10 TreeD.10 False
阅读下面的程序:PriVate Sub Form_C1ick()Dim Check As Booleau,Counter As IntegerCheck=TrueCounter=5DoDo While Counter<20Counter=Counter+1If Counter=10 ThenCheck=FalSeEXit Do
在窗体上画一个命令按钮和一个标签,其名称分别为Commandl和Labell,然后编写如下事件过程:Private Sub Command1_Click()Counter=0Fori=1 T04Forj=6 To 1 Step一2Counter=Counter+1Next jNextiLabell.Caption=Str(Counter)End Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮,标签中显示的内容是A.11B.12C.16D.20
阅读下面的程序: Private Sub Form_Click() Dim Check, Counter Check=True Counter=0 Do Do While Counter < 20 Counter=Counter + 1 If Counter=10 Then Check = False Exit Do End If Loop Loop Until Check = False Print Counter, Check End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出的结果为A.15 0B.20 -1C.10 TrueD.10 False
有如下的程序段,该程序段执行完后,共执行的循环次数是 total=0 Counter=1 Do Print Counter total=total * Counter + 1 Print total Counter=Counter +1 If total > 10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter<=10A.4B.10C.15D.20
有如下程序段,该程序段执行完后,执行循环的次数是 total=0 Counter=1 Do Print Counter total=total + Counter Print total Counter=Counter+1 If total>10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter <=10A.5B.10C.15D.20
有如下的程序段,该程序段的执行完后,共执行循环的次数是 Private Sub Command1_Click() total=0 Counter=l Do Print Counter total=total+Counter Print total Counter=Counter+1 If total>=10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter<=10 End SubA.5B.10C.12D.20
给出下面的程序:Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim Check, Counter Check= True: Counter = 0 do do while Counter < 20 Counter = Counter +1 if Counter = 10 then Check=False exit do End if Loop Loop until Check=False MsgBox CounterEnd Sub 程序最后弹出的消息对话框的内容是______。A.TrueB.FalseC.20D.10
有如下程序: Private Sub Form_C1ick() Dim CheCk,Counter CheCk=True Counter=0 Do Do While Counter<20 Counter=Counter+1 If Counter=10 Then Check=False Exit Do End If Loop Loop Until Check=False Ptint Counter,Check End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为______。A. 15 0B.20 -1C.10 TreeD.10 False
【问题2】(7分)该商务网站的计数器部分代码如下,请根据题目说明,将空缺的代码补充完整。%set conn= server.createobject("adodb.connection")(7) .provider="sqloledb"provstr="serveF127.0.0.1;database= (8) L;uid=sa;pwd=9857452"conn_.open provstrset rs=conn.Execute("select*from counter")……conn.Execute"Update counter set counteFcounter+l,today=o,statdtm=date(),daynum=daynum+l, yesterday=" rs("today")"”conn.Execute" (9) into yesday(yesday,stats) values(…yesday”’,”rs(”today”)”)”……application. ( 10)if rs("top”)rs("today") thenconn.Execute"Update counter set counter=counter+1,today=today+1, [top]="rs("today")""elseconn.Execute"Update counter set counter=counter+1,today=today+1"end if(11) .unlockend ifcounters= (12)today= (13)yesterday= rs("yesterday")rs.closesetrs= nothingconn.closesetconn=nothing%document.write('font style="FONT-SIZE: 12px;COLOR: #000000;"总共访问量:%=counters%,今日访问:%=today%,昨日访问:%=yesterday%/font');
在窗体上画一个命令按钮和一个标签,其名称分别为Commandl和Label1,然后编写如下事件过程:Private Sub Command1_Click()Counter=0For i=1 T0 4For j=6 T0 1 Step -2Counter=Counter+1Next jNext iLabel1.Caption=Str(Counter)End Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮,标签中显示的内容是______。
有如下程序段,该程序段执行完后,共执行循环的次数是 Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Tota1=0 Counter=1 Do Print Counter Tota1=tota1+Counter Print total Counter=Counter+1 If total=10 Then Exit Do End lf Loop While Counter<=10 End SubA.5B.10C.12D.20
AD166系列机器要求设置A3计两张,需设置下列哪项()A、Total Counter设置为1B、Total Counter设置为2C、Size Counter设置为1D、Size Counter设置为2
填空题下列程序的运行结果是()。 Program test Implicit none Integer,parameter:: limit=10 Integer counter Integer:: ans=0 Counter=2 do while(counter=limit) ans=ans+counter counter=counter+2 end do Wrte(*,*)ans end