飞机的运动方程是以 为参考轴系为基础建立的 It’s the Axes System used to define the Newton's Laws of MotionA.惯性轴系 InertiaB.地轴系 Earth-fixedC.体轴系 BodyD.导航轴系 Navigational
飞机的运动方程是以 为参考轴系为基础建立的 It’s the Axes System used to define the Newton's Laws of Motion
A.惯性轴系 Inertia
B.地轴系 Earth-fixed
C.体轴系 Body
D.导航轴系 Navigational
The thief snatched both John's ( ) handbags. A、mother-in-law’s and his sister-in-law'sB、mother’s-in-law’s and his sister's-in-law’sC、mother’s-in-law and his sister’s-in-lawD、mother-in-laws’ and his sister-in-laws’
The system’s characteristic equation can be used to determine ( ) of a linear time-invariant system. A.the stabilityB.magnitude of the steady-state errorC.the controllabilityD.the observability
设系统的特征方程为D(s)=s3+14s2+40s+40τ=0,则此系统稳定的τ值范围为()。A、τ>0B、0 设系统的特征方程为D(s)=s3+14s2+40s+40τ=0,则此系统稳定的τ值范围为()。A、τ>0B、0C、τ>14D、τ
下面宏定义正确的是( )A.#define S a*bB.#define PI 3.14;C.#define max(a,b) ((a) >(b) ?(a) ;(b) )D.#define s(x) (x)*(x);
下列选项中不会引起二义性的宏定义是( )。A.#define S(x)x*xB.#define S(x)(x)*(x)C.#define S(x)(x*x)D.#define S(x)((x)*(x))
程序运行结果为______。#define R 3.0#define PI 3.1415926#define L 2*PI*R#define S PI*R*Rmain(){ printf("L=%f S=%f\n",L,S);}A.L=18.849556 S=28.274333B.18.849556=18.849556 28.274333=28.274333C.L=18.849556 28.274333=28.274333D.18.849556=18.849556 S=28.274333
当执行下列宏定义命令后,S的值为 ( ) # defineR3.0 # define PI 3.1415926 # define L2 * PI * R # define S PI * R * RA.3.1415926B.18.849556C.3D.28.2743334
A mean sun is used as the reference for solar time for three reasons. Which reason is NOT a cause for use of a mean sun?A.The motion of the apparent sun is along the eclipticB.Measurement of time is along the celestial equatorC.The speed of the Earth's revolution is not constantD.There are variations in the Earth's rotational speed
There are many ways to define the “time” at a particular ______.Here,on Earth our usual system is defined by the motion of the Sun in the sky.A.districtB.iocationC.interpretationD.direction
A system administrator has added a new port entry in /etc/services for a new application to be tested. Which of the following commands should be used to activate this port?()A、telinit -qB、refresh -s inetdC、startsrc -g servicesD、refresh -s portmap
单选题A mean sun is used as the reference for solar time for three reasons. Which reason is NOT a cause for use of a mean sun?()AThe motion of the apparent sun is along the eclipticBMeasurement of time is along the celestial equatorCThe speed of the Earth's revolution is not constantDThere are variations in the Earth's rotational speed
单选题As used in the passage, the word “gargle” means ______.Ato wash one’s mouth and throat with a liquid in motion by breathing through itBto eat something with a continuous and often audible action of jawCto bite and work in the mouth with one’s teeth, especially to make it easier to swallow somethingDto cause or allow something, especially food or drink, to pass down one’s sore throat