30、关于以下代码,描述错误的是()。 lst = ["car","truck"] def fun(a): lst =[] lst.append(a) return fun("bus") print(lst)A.代码函数定义中,ls.append(a)中的ls是局部变量B.执行代码输出结果为['car', 'truck']C.lst.append(a) 代码中的ls是列表类型D.执行代码输出结果为['car', 'truck', 'bus']
30、关于以下代码,描述错误的是()。 lst = ["car","truck"] def fun(a): lst =[] lst.append(a) return fun("bus") print(lst)
B.执行代码输出结果为['car', 'truck']
C.lst.append(a) 代码中的ls是列表类型
D.执行代码输出结果为['car', 'truck', 'bus']
1 3 5
The relation between the two paragraphs is that in the 2nd paragraph the author[A] challenges the viewpoint in the lst paragraph.[B] modifies his view expressed in the lst paragraph.[C] provides the reason for the argument in the lst paragraph.[D] further analyzes the issue discussed in the lst paragraph.
执行以下两条语句后,lst的结果是1. lst = [3, 2, 1]2. lst.append(lst)() A.[3, 2, 1, [3, 2, 1]]B.[3, 2, 1, […]],其中“…”表示无穷递归C.抛出异常D.[3, 2, 1, lst]