假设(A)=55H,(R3)=0AAH,在执行指令“ANL A, R3”后,(A)=(),(R3)=()。
假设(A)=55H,(R3)=0AAH,在执行指令“ANL A, R3”后,(A)=(),(R3)=()。
【问题3】(6 分)根据网络拓扑和需求说明,解释路由器R3的ISATAP 隧道配置。……R3(config)#interface tunnel 0 (7)R3(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:DA8:8000:3::/64 eui-64 为tunnel配置IPV6地址R3(config-if)# no ipv6 nd suppress-ra 启用了隧道口的路由器广播R3(config-if)#tunnel source s1/0 (8)R3(config-if)#tunnel mode ipv6ip isatap (9)
ARM处理器用一条指令完成有条件的无符号数加法运算,并更新CPSR中的状态,条件是如果相等, 要求指令执行R1+R2,结果送R3中,则这条指令为___【15】____;如果条件是大于,要求指令执行R1-R2,结果放R3中,则该指令为___【16】___。
已知R0=0x10,R1=0x20,R2=0x08,R3=0xFFFFFFF3,则指令LSL R0,R0,R2执行后,R0=___【13】___,指令MVN R1,R3执行后R1=___【14】___。
Given the network diagram, which routers currently make up the IS - IS backbone?() A. R3,R4,R6B. R2,R3,R6,R7C. R1 through R8D. R3,R4,R5,R6E. R2,R3,R4,R6,R7
Refer to the exhibit. Based on this command output, what can we conclude about R3?() A. R3 is an ABR.B. R3 is not connec ted to the backbone.C. R3 has four neighbors.D. R3 is the DR for area 2.
Refer to the exhibit. The company uses EIGRP as the routing protocol. What path will packets take from a host on network to a host on the LAN attached to router R1?() A.The path of the packets will be R3 to R2 to R1.B.The path of the packets will be R3 to R1 to R2.C.The path of the packets will be both R3 to R2 to R1 and R3 to R1.D.The path of the packets will be R3 to R1
ARM汇编语句“ADD R0, R2, R3, LSL#1”的作用是()A、 R0 = R2 + (R3 1) B、 R0 =( R2 1) + R3 C、 R3= R0+ (R2 1) D、 (R3 1)= R0+ R2
r1 is the hub , multipoint mode subinterface, r2 and r3 is spoke, when r2 down at the spoke, What will r1 react?how about r3?
假定(A)=0FFH,(R3)=0FH,(30H)=0F0H,(R0)=40H,(40H)=00H。执行指令INC AINC R3INC 30HINC@R0后,累加器A的内容为(),R3的内容为(),30H的内容为(),40H的内容为()。
单选题已知R3=0x80001000,R4=0x00A00010,执行ARM指令MOV R3,R4,LSL#8后,R3的值为()。A0x80001000B0x00A00010C0xA0001000D0x0000A000
单选题在指令LDR R3,[R4,#4]!执行后,R4中的值为()。A不变BR4+1CR4+4D4