单选题When Browning’s poem became unpopular, Virginius felt______.Asympathy for it.Bfree from it.Cannoyed at it.Dregret for it.

When Browning’s poem became unpopular, Virginius felt______.

sympathy for it.


free from it.


annoyed at it.


regret for it.


细节题。由文章第三段可知,他从未真正地喜欢过布朗宁,当这位杰出的诗人和他的作品《幽冥》终于变得不再流行的时候,他感到如释重负。选项B中的free from it与原文中的it had been a relief意义相同,故答案为B项。选项A、C、D均不符合文意,可排除。


May likes ()life.She quitted her job when she became a mother and devoted herself to the baby. A、internalB、domesticC、ordinaryD、popular

“My Last Duchess” is a poem that best mplifies Robert Browning’s______. A.sensitive ear for the sounds of the English languageB.excellent choice of wordsC.use of the dramatic monologueD.mastering of the metrical devices

_________the poem a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.() A.Your readingB.While readingC.If readingD.When you read

The house became( )again when the children were gone. A. quiteB. quitelyC. quietD. quietly

Robert Browning's obscure style. of writing made his poems______(access)to many readers.

He was ( ) his early forties when he became Prime Minister. A、ofB、inC、fromD、after

Several unpopular decisions ____ the governor's popularity. A、decayedB、diminishedC、distortedD、dissolved

–____________________ –It’s September 10th. A.When is National DayB.When is Labor’s DayC.When is Teacher’s DayD. When is Christmas Day

He became very___________ when he found the disloyalty of his wife.A.ingeniousB.creativeC.empiricalD.furious

When Jack called the couple "elderly", they became ___________.A.nervousB.satisfiedC.unhappyD.excited

Brunel became an apprentice with his father when he was very young.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned

高中英语?阅读一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students will have a basic understanding of Wordsworth and the meaning of the poem.Ability aim:Students will have their own comprehension of the poem.Emotional aim:Students will be interested in reading poems and their confidence will be built up.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students will master some new words from the poem such as vale, daffodil, etc.Difficult Point: Students will understand the emotions that poetry wants to express.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Sing a song, She walks in beauty, which is also a poem written by Byron.Step 2: Pre-reading1. Introduce the major English Romantic poet William Wordsworth.2. Introduce the background of the writing of this poem.Step 3: While-reading1. Read the poem for students, let them underline the words they don’t understand. And teacher explain the meaning by giving some example sentences.2. Ask students the main idea and what they feel about this poem.3. Let students read the poem again, and try to find out what the writer mention in the poem.4. Let students find the rhyme.(It’s a combination of cross rhyme and couplet, whose the structure is ababcc )4. Read the poem for the third time. Combining the background of the poet's writing, students is asked to think about what the clouds and daffodils written in the author's poems represent, whatare the deep meanings?Step4: Post-reading1. Discussion: What is the difference between metaphors in poetry and in novels?2. Survey: What plants or animals will you compare yourself to? Why?Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the lesson and summarize for the whole class.Homework: ask students to collect more of their favourite poems on the internet and share in the next class.Blackboard design:1. How do you think about designing poetry appreciation courses?2. How are all the links in your course connected?

A No man-made device could replace the ability to hear.  B When he wanted to appreciate music, Eagar played the piano.  C Still, as Michael Eagar discovered, when it comes to musical harmonies, hearing is irrelevant.  D Michael Eagar, who died in 2003, became deaf at the age of 21.  E Beethoven produced his most wonderful works after he became deaf.  F Solomon argues that Beethoven's deafness "heightened" his achievement as a composer.

In the 1960s Pop music underwent a revolution when the Beatles became world famous and turned their hometown of()into a place of pilgrimage.AManchesterBBlackpoolCLiverpoolDSheffield

单选题When Browning’s poem became unpopular, Virginius felt______.Asympathy for it.Bfree from it.Cannoyed at it.Dregret for it.

单选题Virginius would feel more or less guilty when he______.Afancied being disloyal to Victoria.Bthought about Victoria’s perfection.Ctried to find fault with Victoria.Dbegan to dislike Victoria’s features.

单选题In the 1960s Pop music underwent a revolution when the Beatles became world famous and turned their hometown of()into a place of pilgrimage.AManchesterBBlackpoolCLiverpoolDSheffield

单选题When her neighbor Grandma Wang became ill, the girl often ______ .Afitted inBworked outCheld backDhelped out

单选题When did Chekhov begin to publish stories?AAfter he graduated.BWhen he became a university student.CIn the 1940s.DIn 1892,

单选题The word which best describes the tone of the poem When We Two Parted is _____.AsentimentalBironicCparadoxicalDrealistic

单选题We get the impression that Virginius is a man of _____.Aharmless vanityBprofound knowledgeChigh aspirationDimmovable confidence

单选题How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system“A” ().Akeep the buoy on the vessel's starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel's port side when leavingBkeep the buoy on the vessel's port side when approaching a port and on the vessel's starboard side when leavingCkeep the buoy on the vessel's starboard side when approaching and leavingDkeep the buoy on the vessel's port side when approaching and leaving

单选题The author most likely mentions James Joyce’s childhood, family, and education to serve what purpose?ATo suggest that he had to write in order to make a livingBTo suggest that he became a writer because of his father’s influenceCTo provide the background and cultural context for his literary workDTo provide evidence that his literary genius was present when he was a childETo explain his opposition to Catholicism and socialism in his later life

单选题“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” is a poem by _____.AThomas GrayBT. S. EliotCRobert BrowningDWystan Hugh Auden

单选题When the father became seriously ill, he and his son were ______.Aon the highwayBat homeCin a shopping centerDin a hospital

单选题_____ had she finished the poem _____ the students began to ask her questions.AAs soon as, thanBNo sooner, thanCAs soon as, whenDNo sooner, when

问答题How does Virginius feel when Browning’s poem became unpopular?

单选题Virginius would feel more or less guilty when he _____.Afancied being disloyal to VictoriaBthought about Victoria’s perfectionCtried to find fault with VictoriaDbegan to dislike Victoria’s features