单选题Courses that are more practical ______.Acan require specialized equipment.Bare usually cheaper.Ccost A$500-A$1,000 a year.Dare usually more difficult.

Courses that are more practical ______.

can require specialized equipment.


are usually cheaper.


cost A$500-A$1,000 a year.


are usually more difficult.


根据题干关键词Courses和practical可以定位到原文倒数第三段“practically orientated courses tend to incur higher additional costs. Expenses for books, stationery, and equipment vary greatly, but you should allow approximately A$500-A$1,000 a year”,可知实践课程的费用比一般课程要更高,因此B项错误;该句后半部分再说书籍、文具和设备的花费大概是$500-A$1,000,而没有提到总的花费,所以选项C也是错误的。原文没有提到实践课程的难易程度,所以D项也是不正确的。因此,根据排除法应该选A。


问答题What role do old people play in families?

问答题【参考范例十】Family Please tell me something about your family.

问答题Do you think it is a serious problem? 你认为这是一个严重的问题吗?

问答题Passage 3Tidal Power on the Cheap?  A The startup, located on the Orkney Islands, way north of Scotland, has raised £6.2 million to build a working prototype of a floating tidal turbine that it says will be cheaper to install and maintain than others being tested now. The 8-meter-long prototype, ideally, will go into the water at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Tidal Test Site that sits just down the road from ScotRenewables in 2010. Commercial versions of the turbine will measure up to 40 meters long and weigh 250 tons, but generate 1.2 megawatts of power.  B “That’s quite impressive when you compare it to others,” said CEO Barry Johnston. “We want to be competitive with offshore wind.” Rather than anchor a permanent turbine on the ocean floor, ScotRenewables will build a floating turbine that is slack moored with chains to an anchor on the sea floor. The body of the turbine-a long 40-meter tube of metal with a point at the end-will face directly into the tide. Below, two turbines attached to fins will convert the power of the tides into electricity. Johnston explained “A 1-meter prototype ScotRenewables is experimenting with in the wave tank is built. It looks like a model rocket with two fins with propellers attached to the ends of the fins.”  C Tidal is the potentially most predictable, reliable form of renewable energy. With a tide table and computer, ScotRenewables can calculate the power output of a turbine decades in advance. You can’t do that with intermittent, variable sources like wind, solar or wave. Unfortunately, harnessing tidal power is quite difficult. Some of the prototypes that have been tested in the decades are quickly destroyed by rushing tides. Pulling those turbines up from the sea bed and taking them into the shop consumes time and money. Taking the ScotRenewables turbine in for repairs should be easy: maintenance workers would just have to take a boat out, unhook it, and put another in its place while the first is being entangled.  D Tidal power is also 50 percent stronger at the surface than at the seabed so these turbines should be capable of generating more power. Other companies have tried to create surface tidal turbines before. The difficulty has been keeping the turbine pointed in the direction of the tide. Some get washed away. Other times, the creators build large superstructures around the turbine, which costs money. ScotRenewables says it will come up with control mechanisms and advanced hydrodynamics (i.e., aerodynamics in water) to keep the turbines pointed in the right direction.  E Scotland is betting heavily on wind and wave power. The notoriously harsh waves and currents of the Pentland Firth, a channel which separates the main body of the U.K. with the Orkneys that is often referred to as the Saudi Arabia of Marine Energy by locals. By 2020, Scotland wants to get half of its power from renewable sources, including large hydroelectric dams. Hydroelectric constitutes about 11 percent of the country’s power now and 9 percent comes from wind and other renewables. A large portion of the new renewable sources of power will come from wind, tidal and wave. Marine energy could provide up to 35 terawatt hours of power to the U.K. by 2020 and 84 terawatt hours of power by 2050, according to Edwina Cook, business development officer at EMEC. The U.K. in 2004 consumed 340 terawatt hours of power. The EMEC has created tidal and wave testing centers for companies to build and validate prototypes. (The Pelamis-that sea snake looking wave power device-was tested at EMEC before commercial rollouts in Portugal.) The government has also passed exceptionally large credits for power providers that put tidal and wave power on the grid. (Prototypes participating in the EMEC test beds are actually connected to the grid and selling small amounts of power.) The hope is that the programme will create jobs, exports and green energy. Offshore, the Dublin based open Hydro Power is already testing a large tidal device that looks like a big rotating fan.  F Talking about the prototype and commercial power production, however, is easier said than done. ScotRenewables did not like the software simulation tools it found when it first set out. Some software focused on tidal changes; others focused on waves. To build an effective surface tidal turbine, Johnston realized that both tidal and wave power should be taken into account. Thus, it had to build its own tools, which cost several thousands. It also built its own wave tank. It was easier than trying to book time at an EMEC wave tank. The company now hopes to lease time on the tank to other wave companies to generate revenue. And, because ships to deploy tidal and wave devices are in short supply, it is contemplating buying or building its own multi-purpose vessel.  Which paragraph contains the following information?  Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.  1. New plan has been made to involve a new factor besides tidal.  2. Damages have happened to the models in the past years.  3. A detailed structure of a model is demonstrated.  4. The immature model is expected to apply at the beginning of the twenty first century after further development.

问答题PART 3Discussion topics: Happiness What does happiness mean to you?

问答题Who are happier, modern people or people in the past?

问答题Passage 2Life Beyond Earth  A We all have our suppositions, our scenarios. The late astronomer Carl Sagan estimated that there are a million technological civilizations in our galaxy alone. His more conservative colleague Frank Drake offers the number 10,000. John Oro, a pioneering comet researcher, calculates that the Milky Way is sprinkled with a hundred civilizations. And finally there are skeptics like Ben Zuckerman, an astronomer at UCLA, who thinks we may as well be alone in this galaxy if not in the universe.  B All the estimates are highly speculative. The fact is that there is no conclusive evidence of any life beyond Earth. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, as various pundits have wisely noted. But still we don’t have any solid knowledge about a single alien microbe, a solitary spore, much less the hubcap from a passing alien starship.  C Our ideas about extraterrestrial life are what Sagan called “plausibility arguments,” usually shot through with unknowns, hunches, ideologies, and random ought-to-bes. Even if we convince ourselves that there must be life out there, we confront a second problem, which is that we don’t know anything about that life. We don’t know how truly alien it is. We don’t know if it’s built on a foundation of carbon atoms. We don’t know if it requires a liquid-water medium, if it swims or flies or burrows.  D Despite the enveloping nebula of uncertainties, extraterrestrial life has become an increasingly exciting area of scientific inquiry. The field is called exobiology or astrobiology or bioastronomy—every few years it seems as though the name has been changed to protect the ignorant.  E Whatever it’s called, this is a science infused with optimism. We now know that the universe may be aswarm with planets. Since 1995 astronomers have detected at least 22 planets orbiting other stars. NASA hopes to build a telescope called the Terrestrial Planet Finder to search for Earth-like planets, examining them for the atmospheric signatures of a living world. In the past decade organisms have been found thriving on our own planet in bizarre, hostile environments. If microbes can live in the pores of rock deep beneath the earth or at the rim of a scalding Yellowstone spring, then they might find a place like Mars not so shabby.  F Mars is in the midst of a full-scale invasion from Earth, from polar landers to global surveyors to rovers looking for fossils. A canister of Mars rocks will be rocketed back to Earth in the year 2008, parachuting into the Utah desert for scrutiny by scientists in a carefully sealed lab. In the coming years probes will also go around and, at some point, into Jupiter’s moon Europa. That icy world shows numerous signs of having a subsurface ocean—and could conceivably harbor a dark, cold biosphere.  G The quest for an alien microbe is supplemented by a continuing effort to find something large, intelligent, and communicative. SETI—the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence—has not yielded a confirmed signal from an alien civilization in 40 years of experiments, but the signal-processing technology grows more sophisticated each year. The optimists figure it’s only a matter of time before we tune in the right channel.  H No one knows when—or if—one of these investigations might make a breakthrough. There’s a fair bit of boosterism surrounding the entire field, but I’d bet the breakthrough is many years, if not decades, away. The simple truth: Extraterrestrial life, by definition, is not conveniently located.  I But there are other truths that sustain the search for alien organisms. One is that, roughly speaking, the universe looks habitable. Another is that life radiates information about itself—that, if nothing else, it usually leaves a residue or an imprint. If the universe contains an abundance of life, that life is not likely to remain forever in the realm of the unknown.  J Contact with an alien civilization would be an epochal and culturally challenging event, but exobiologists would settle gladly for the discovery of a tiny fossil, a mere remnant of extraterrestrial biochemistry. One example. One data point to add to the one we have—Earth life. That’s what we need to begin the long process of putting human existence in its true cosmic context.  Complete the sentences.  Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.   Write your answers in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.  1. Experts are approaching Mars extensively in the search of ______.  2 Jupiter’s moon Europa will be in the analysed for it is conceived to embrace a ______ probably hostile to life.  3. Although no clear signals have been received by human being, advances made in ______ has provided some optimism after 40 years’ experiments.  4. The reason why extraterrestrial life cannot be immediately found is that it is not readily ______.  5. The look for alien organism can still be sustained because it would still give off traces such as a ______.