单选题Performance monitoring of a poorly performing system indicates a high level of CPU usage. Which tool can be used to help identify which processes are using excessive CPU resources?()AsarBtopasCiostatDvmstat

Performance monitoring of a poorly performing system indicates a high level of CPU usage. Which tool can be used to help identify which processes are using excessive CPU resources?()









解析: 暂无解析


Performing( )involves monitoring specific project results to determine ifthey comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes ofunsatisfactory results。 A.quality planning B.quality assurance C.quality performance D.quality control

Perform. Quality Control is the process of monitoring and recording resuks of executing the Quality Plan activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes.( )are the techniques and tools in performing quality control. ①Activity network diagram②Cause and effect diagrams③Inspection④Flow chart⑤Work Breakdown Structure⑥Pareto chart A.①③⑤ B.②④⑤⑥ C.②③④⑤⑥ D.①②③④⑥

● Perform Quality Control is the process of monitoring and recording results of executing the Quality Plan activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes.(74) are the techniques and tools in performing quality control.Statistical sampling ① Run chart ②Control charts ③ Critical Path Method ④Pareto chart ⑤ Cause and effect diagrams ⑥(74)A.①②③④B.②③④⑤C.①②③⑤⑥D.①③④⑤⑥

第一组An automatic system usually consists of a control system and an information system. A control system is a system which measures the condition of some entity and, with the information, governs the state of a variable; i.e., speed, temperature, pressure, position, etc. The open-loop system is the simplest form. a control system may assume. It is distinguished from the closed-loop system by the lack of an input which measures the state of the controlled variable; such an input is called a feedback. In modern ships the open-loop system has practically disappeared and the closed-loop system which operates with a feed-back is extensively used. An information system serves the parallel function of monitoring system or plant performance. The monitoring function may serve a number of purposes; specifically it may indicate values of controlled variables to guide remote control operations, warn of off-limit conditions and provide record of performance. In many cases a visual and audible alarm may be provided to warn of off-limit conditions on board ship and, associated with this, the important variables will be recorded on demand. The automatic control system can be more sophisticated by incorporating digital-processing equipment, that is, a computer. This computer is usually fed with signals from all sensors. It scans the values of the sensors and generates alarm signals for off-limit conditions, acting as a super-supervisor. Sometimes, it can even make necessary and take the necessary action to optimize performance without human intervention.The closed-loop system differs from the open-loop system byA.the lack of a feedbackB.the presence of a feed backC.the lack of a computerD.the presence of a computer

Several reports are logged stating that an application server is performing slowly. During the investigation, the administrator notices that the hard drives on the server appear to have a high level of activity.Which items should the administrator monitor using performance monitoring tools?()A. Page FileB. Disk UtilizationC. System TemperatureD. Processor UtilizationE. Network Utilization

Perform Quality Control is the process of monitoring and recording results*of executing the Quality Plan activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes.() are the techniques and tools in performing quality control① Statistical sampling ② Run chart③ Control charts ④ Critical Path Method⑤ Pareto chart⑥ Cause and effect diagramsA.①②③④B.②③④⑤C.①②③⑤⑥D.①③④⑤⑥

What allows you to monitor the system performance of the Cisco CRS System (CPU, memory, etc.)?()A、Cisco Desktop Administrator  B、Cisco Supervisor Desktop  C、Microsoft Windows 2000 Performance Monitoring  D、CRS Application Administration  E、CRS Application Editor

Several reports are logged stating that an application server is performing slowly. During the investigation, the administrator notices that the hard drives on the server appear to have a high level ofactivity.  Which items should the administrator monitor using performance monitoring tools? ()A、 Page FileB、 Disk UtilizationC、 System TemperatureD、 Processor UtilizationE、 Network Utilization

After installing a new p5 595, the system performs poorly. Which of the following services would provide updates needed to fix the problem?()A、AlertB、Fix CentralC、Software MaintenanceD、Performance Monitoring

Rate your level of proficiency with managing and maintaining a server environment, including monitoring system and server performance, managing Web servers, monitoring and analyzing events, managing software updates and site licenses, monitoring file and print servers, and managing servers remotely. ()A、Very HighB、HighC、ModerateD、LowE、Very Low

A customer has the need for performance monitoring of an IBM System Storage DS8000.  Which product does the customer need()A、System Storage Productivity CenterB、Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for DataC、Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for DiskD、Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Fabric

A network administrator wants to analyze the historical performance of the servers in the organization and forecast the system performance needs into the future.  Which add-on component of IBM Director would be used to assist with this task?()A、Capacity ManagerB、Resource MonitorsC、System AvailabilityD、System Performance Monitor

A system administrator is monitoring a system that has recently shown a decrease in performance. The administrator suspects there is an overload of traffic on a single Ethernet adapter. Which of the following commands is best to identify a possible overload of the Ethernet adapter?()A、pingB、iostatC、netstatD、ifconfig

A system administrator has a server that is performing poorly. The vmstat command identifies that high CPU usage is the problem. Which of the following commands can be used to identify the eight most active processes running on the server?()A、ps -ef -t8B、sar -u -p 8C、vmstat -t 8D、topas -p8 -n0 -d0

A system administrator is monitoring a system that has recently shown a decrease in performance.The administrator suspects that the system may be low on memory and may be paging excessively.Which of the following commands is best to identify a possible paging problem?()A、iostatB、netstatC、psD、vmstat

The statistics for a poorly performing, dual-processor x365 system are as follows:     (1)Processor: 80% for 5-second increments   (2)Memory page faults: 360/second average over 15 minutes       (3)Disk % disk time: 100%   Which of the following will provide the greatest performance improvement?()A、Add memoryB、Add a processorC、Exchange the existing processor for a faster processorD、Add a faster disk subsystem

The bos.perf package is part of the base operating system. Performance Diagnostic tool, PDT, is a part of bos.perf.  All of the following statements are true EXCEPT?()A、 PDT attempts to identify performance problems automatically by collecting and integrating a wide range of performance, configuration and availability data.B、 PDT consists of three components, the collection component comprises a set of programs that periodically collect and record data, the retention component periodically reviews the collected data and discards data that is obsolete, and the reporting component periodically produces a diagnostic report from the current set of historical data.C、 PDT contains  motif-based, AIX licensed programs that can easily access tools for system and network performance tuning, monitoring, and analysis.D、 PDT assesses the current state of a system and tracks changes in workload and performance. It attempts to identify incipient problems and suggest solutions before the problems become critical.

Rate your level of proficiency with monitoring and optimizing system performance and reliability of Windows XP Professional for desktop and mobile users.()A、Very HighB、HighC、ModerateD、LowE、Very Low

单选题After installing a new p5 595, the system performs poorly. Which of the following services would provide updates needed to fix the problem?()AAlertBFix CentralCSoftware MaintenanceDPerformance Monitoring

单选题The statistics for a poorly performing x366 system are as follows:      (1)Processor: 90% for 5 second increments   (2)Memory page faults: 20/second average over 15 minutes      (3)Disk: disk time 1%  Which of the following will provide the greatest performance improvement?()AAdd memoryBAdd a processorCAdd a faster disk subsystemDExchange the processor with a faster processor

单选题Automatic Shared Memory Management is disabled for your database instance. You realize that thereare cases of SQL statements performing poorly because of repeated parsing activity, resulting indegradation of performance.  What would be your next step to improve performance? ()ARun the SQL Access Advisor.BRun the Memory Advisor for the sga.CRun the Memory Advisor for the pga.DRun the Memory Advisor for the shared pool.ERun the Memory Advisor for the buffer cache.

单选题Performance monitoring of a poorly performing system indicates a high level of CPU usage. Which tool can be used to help identify which processes are using excessive CPU resources?()AsarBtopasCiostatDvmstat

单选题Rate your level of proficiency with monitoring and optimizing system performance and reliability of Windows XP Professional for desktop and mobile users.()AVery HighBHighCModerateDLowEVery Low

单选题Rate your level of proficiency with managing and maintaining a server environment, including monitoring system and server performance, managing Web servers, monitoring and analyzing events, managing software updates and site licenses, monitoring file and print servers, and managing servers remotely. ()AVery HighBHighCModerateDLowEVery Low

单选题What allows you to monitor the system performance of the Cisco CRS System (CPU, memory, etc.)?()ACisco Desktop Administrator  BCisco Supervisor Desktop  CMicrosoft Windows 2000 Performance Monitoring  DCRS Application Administration  ECRS Application Editor

多选题Several reports are logged stating that an application server is performing slowly. During the investigation, the administrator notices that the hard drives on the server appear to have a high level ofactivity.  Which items should the administrator monitor using performance monitoring tools? ()APage FileBDisk UtilizationCSystem TemperatureDProcessor UtilizationENetwork Utilization

单选题Automatic Shared Memory Management is disabled for your database instance. You realize that there arecases of SQL statements performing poorly because of repeated parsing activity, resulting in degradation ofperformance.  What would be your next step to improve performance()ARun the SQL Access AdvisorBRun the Memory Advisor for the sga.CRun the Memory Advisor for the pga.DRun the Memory Advisor for the shared pool.ERun the Memory Advisor for the buffer cache

单选题A customer has the need for performance monitoring of an IBM System Storage DS8000.  Which product does the customer need()ASystem Storage Productivity CenterBTivoli Storage Productivity Center for DataCTivoli Storage Productivity Center for DiskDTivoli Storage Productivity Center for Fabric