问答题Eating healthy food is good for us.

Eating healthy food is good for us.


解析: 暂无解析


I didn’t mean () anything, but these apples looked so good I couldn’t resist () one. A.to eat…tryingB.to eat…o tryingC.eating…to tryD.eating…to trying

—What should a healthy diet contain? —() A.We shouldn’t eat too much fast food because it’s rich in fat.B.A healthy diet should contain all the essential nutrients.C.A lot of food safety issues have been exposed in the food industry.

According to the last paragraph, it is important to____________.A. eat something for breakfast B. be careful about what you eatC. heat up food before eating it D. eat calorie-controlled food

Let’s(has) broccoli, It's good for us.

Does Yang Yang eat healthy food?(作肯定回答)_________,_________ _________

According to the last paragraph, it is important to____________.A.eat something for breakfastB.be careful about what you eatC.heat up food before eating itD.eat calorie-controlled food

()! Welcome to the party. Merry Christmas! It’s very kind of you to invite us. A、Happy birthdayB、Merry ChristmasC、CongratulationsD、Have a good day

Catherine likes eating very much, but she is not very( ) about the food A、specialB、peculiarC、particularD、extraordinary

A report published today by British doctors showed some worrying trends, but also some positive signs that in the long- term the country’s health might improve. The report was based on two years of interviews with family doctors about their patients.The doctors expressed concern that patients were eating too much and were generally overweight. The doctors said this was particularly worrying as they were seeing more and more young people with weight problems. But it was not just their patients eating too much concerned doctors, but the quality of the food as well.The doctors said that many of their patients led busy lives and did not have time to cook traditional meals. Because of this many of them were turning to unhealthy fast foods. Salesof this type of food have been increasing steadily over the last decade, although there were signs that the rate of growth is declining. The doctors felt that there was a clear link between over- consuming of fast food and health problems among their patients.But the report was not all bad news. The doctors interviewed also reported an increased awareness of the importance of healthy eating among their patients. Many reported an increasein the number of patients they see who had switched to a healthy organic diet.41.The report was_____________________.A). mainly bad news B). all bad news C). all good news D). mainly good news 42. The doctors expressed concern about the problem of ___________________. A). patient’s eating too much B). patient’s quality of the foodC). both the patient’s eating too much and low quality of the food. D). old patients’ overweight43.The doctors said that many of their patients didn’t cook traditional meals because__________________.A). patients led busy lives and they have no time to cook the traditional meals. B). patients liked to have some fast food.C). patients believed that traditional cook were not delicious D). patients often went out for dinner44. At the moment sales of fast food______________. A). are growing rapidly B). are growing slowing C). are decliningD). are at the same speed as before45. Doctors report that more of their patients _________________. A). are aware of the importance of healthy eating B). don’t care about healthy eatingC). are stopping eating fast foods D). turn to fast food more often

My eating________ (habit) are pretty good.

BBreakfast is very important. It- s one of the most important meals of the day. To build strong bodies and keep healthy, everyone should always eat a good breakfast. Eating the right food is needed for good health. We may have eggs, bread, milk, etc.for our breakfast.Many fathers and mothers don-t get their children to eat breakfast because they don't have breakfast themselves. It-s bad for their health.Without breakfast children may not grow as fast as they should and may not study and play as well in school in the morning as they could. They can be often ill, and when they're ill, it may take them longer to be in good health again than it takes children with good health habits.Without food the body will stop working. Nobody will live without food.( )26.If we eat a good breakfast,________A. we’ll be happy in the morningB. we’ll make our bodies strong and keep healthyC. we’ll eat less for lunchD. we’ll pass the exam

AIf you go to a fast food restaurant.you will probably see a lot of teenagers. Today,many teenagers are overweight,and some of.this is because of their bad eating habits., Most teenagers love food with a lot of fat,oil,salt,and sugar. People often call this kind of food "junk food".But. bad eating habits go beyond fast food. We find many teenagers eat unhealthily. Some don't have breakfast before they go to school. During the day,some don't have a proper meal for lunch. In a recent survey at one school,scientists found that over two-thirds of the students didn't follow a healthy diet. They didn't like vegetables,and many of them didn't like to eat fruits. They preferred to eat food with a lot of salt,sugar,or fat.Parents today also worry about their children's diet. Some doctors give the .following ad-vice :★Teenagers shouldn't eat too much junk food.★ Teenagers shouldn’t eat food with too much salt. Salt can cause high blood pressure(高血压) in the future.★Teenagers should eat food with less fat,oil,and sugar.★Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day: Fruits and vegetables arerich in vitamins(维生素 ) and have little fat.★Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow.★Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This is good for their body and mind.( )21."Junk food" contains(包含) a lot of ________.A. milk and sugarB. fruits and sugarC. vegetables and saltD. fat,oil,salt and sugar

25. The best title for this passage is _____.A. Bad habitsB. Junk foodC. Unhealthy foodD. Advice on healthy eating

设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节英语阅读课教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:?teaching objectivesteaching contentskey and difficult pointsmajor steps and time allocationactivities and justifications教学时间:45分钟?学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中一年级第二学期学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》五级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:?The trick of eating healthily is remembering that no food in itself is good or bad; eating properly depends on eating the right variety of food in the right amount. Too much of even the most"healthy" food can lead to illness and disorders.If you like a snack, avoid chocolate and crisps and head for fruit, filled rolls, soup and baked potatoes instead. Sugar-free breakfast cereals are also a good bet.

The food is surely ___________. It tastes very good and I enjoy eating it.A.expensiveB.enoughC.strongD.delicious

共用题干第三篇Scientists Make Sweet DiscoveryGood news for chocoholics:the treat preferred by millions all over the world is good for you,according to American researchers at the University of California. Chocolate contains substances called flavonoids(类黄 酮)that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation.The researchers have discovered that cocoa acts like aspirin and that eating a bar of chocolate once in a while may contribute to a healthy diet. Chocolate has also been shown to release endorphins(内啡肽) in the body: these chemicals help to reduce pain andstress and make you feel happy.But who first discovered this wonderful way of keeping healthy?The Olmec Indians of Mexico and CentralAmerica were the first to grow cocoa beans,in about 1500 BC,and the Mayas were drinking unsweetened cocoa hundreds of years before it became fashionable in Europe.The word chocolate comes from the Nahuatl word xocolati,which means"bitter water".In 1544,a delegation of Mayan nobles visited Philip of Spain and gave him jars of cocoa as a gift. Cocoa soon became fashionable in Spain and Portugal.The Spanish were the first to add sugar to their cocoa drink. In the 17th century,chocolate was becoming fashionable with the middle-classes,not only as a drink but also as a medicine.By the middle of the century,solid chocolate was becoming familiar. In 1753,a Swedish scientist re- named cocoa theobroma or" food for the gods".In 1765,James Baker and John Hanan opened the first choco- late mill in the United States,introducing chocolate to the average citizen.In 1876,in Switzerland,Daniel Peter had the idea of adding milk in the chocolate,making process and produced the first milk chocolate.Since then,chocolate has grown enormously in popularity. One of the biggest chocolate-eating nations isBritain where the average man,woman,and child eats nine kilos of chocolate a year!In fact,chocolate is the number one comfort food and there are more"chocoholics"in Britain than anywhere else in the world.Re- searchers warn that although chocolate is good for you,it should be eaten in small quantities and with noadded milk.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A:Chocolate contains substances that make people feel happy.B:Chocolate is good for health if it is eaten with added milk.C:Eating chocolate occasionally contributes to a healthy diet.D:Chocolate is loved by millions of people worldwide.

共用题干第三篇Scientists Make Sweet DiscoveryGood news for chocoholics:the treat preferred by millions all over the world is good for you,according to American researchers at the University of California. Chocolate contains substances called flavonoids(类黄 酮)that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation.The researchers have discovered that cocoa acts like aspirin and that eating a bar of chocolate once in a while may contribute to a healthy diet. Chocolate has also been shown to release endorphins(内啡肽) in the body: these chemicals help to reduce pain andstress and make you feel happy.But who first discovered this wonderful way of keeping healthy?The Olmec Indians of Mexico and CentralAmerica were the first to grow cocoa beans,in about 1500 BC,and the Mayas were drinking unsweetened cocoa hundreds of years before it became fashionable in Europe.The word chocolate comes from the Nahuatl word xocolati,which means"bitter water".In 1544,a delegation of Mayan nobles visited Philip of Spain and gave him jars of cocoa as a gift. Cocoa soon became fashionable in Spain and Portugal.The Spanish were the first to add sugar to their cocoa drink. In the 17th century,chocolate was becoming fashionable with the middle-classes,not only as a drink but also as a medicine.By the middle of the century,solid chocolate was becoming familiar. In 1753,a Swedish scientist re- named cocoa theobroma or" food for the gods".In 1765,James Baker and John Hanan opened the first choco- late mill in the United States,introducing chocolate to the average citizen.In 1876,in Switzerland,Daniel Peter had the idea of adding milk in the chocolate,making process and produced the first milk chocolate.Since then,chocolate has grown enormously in popularity. One of the biggest chocolate-eating nations isBritain where the average man,woman,and child eats nine kilos of chocolate a year!In fact,chocolate is the number one comfort food and there are more"chocoholics"in Britain than anywhere else in the world.Re- searchers warn that although chocolate is good for you,it should be eaten in small quantities and with noadded milk.What is the author's tone about eating chocolate?A:Ambiguous. B:Negative.C:Positive. D:Humorous.

共用题干第三篇Scientists Make Sweet DiscoveryGood news for chocoholics:the treat preferred by millions all over the world is good for you,according to American researchers at the University of California. Chocolate contains substances called flavonoids(类黄 酮)that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation.The researchers have discovered that cocoa acts like aspirin and that eating a bar of chocolate once in a while may contribute to a healthy diet. Chocolate has also been shown to release endorphins(内啡肽) in the body: these chemicals help to reduce pain andstress and make you feel happy.But who first discovered this wonderful way of keeping healthy?The Olmec Indians of Mexico and CentralAmerica were the first to grow cocoa beans,in about 1500 BC,and the Mayas were drinking unsweetened cocoa hundreds of years before it became fashionable in Europe.The word chocolate comes from the Nahuatl word xocolati,which means"bitter water".In 1544,a delegation of Mayan nobles visited Philip of Spain and gave him jars of cocoa as a gift. Cocoa soon became fashionable in Spain and Portugal.The Spanish were the first to add sugar to their cocoa drink. In the 17th century,chocolate was becoming fashionable with the middle-classes,not only as a drink but also as a medicine.By the middle of the century,solid chocolate was becoming familiar. In 1753,a Swedish scientist re- named cocoa theobroma or" food for the gods".In 1765,James Baker and John Hanan opened the first choco- late mill in the United States,introducing chocolate to the average citizen.In 1876,in Switzerland,Daniel Peter had the idea of adding milk in the chocolate,making process and produced the first milk chocolate.Since then,chocolate has grown enormously in popularity. One of the biggest chocolate-eating nations isBritain where the average man,woman,and child eats nine kilos of chocolate a year!In fact,chocolate is the number one comfort food and there are more"chocoholics"in Britain than anywhere else in the world.Re- searchers warn that although chocolate is good for you,it should be eaten in small quantities and with noadded milk.Why is chocolate good for heart and circulation?A:It reduces pain and stress.B:It contains substances called flavonoids.C:It releases endorphins in human body.D:It acts like aspirin to protect heart.

A healthy life is frequently thought to be connected with the open countryside and homegrown food.A:tied B:boundC:involved D:associated

You need to eat more healthy food,for example,vegetables and fruits.A:for instance B:for all thatC:for a fact D:for once

共用题干Losing WeightGirls as young as 10 years old are dieting and in danger of developing unhealthy attitudes about weight,body image and food,a group of Toronto researchers reported Tuesday.Their study of 2,279 girls aged 10 to 14 showed that while the vast majority had healthy weights,nearly a third felt they were overweight and were trying to lose pounds. Even at the tender age of 10,nearly 32 percent of girls felt"too fat"and 3 1 percent said they were trying to diet.McVey,a researcher at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto,and her colleagues analyzed data collected in a number of surveys of southern Ontario school girls between 1993 and 2003,reporting their findings in Tuesday's issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.Nearly 80 percent of the girls had a healthy body weight and only 7.2 percent were considered overweight using standard weight-to-height ratios.Most researchers suggest the rate of overweight children in this country is several times higher than that figure.Nearly 30 percent of the girls reported they were currently trying to lose weight,though few admitted to dangerous behavior such as self-induced vomiting.Still,a test that measured attitudes towards eating showed 10.5 percent of survey participants were already at risk of developing an eating disorder."We're not talking about kids who've been prescribed a diet because they're above average weight or overweight. We're talking about children who are within a healthy weight range.And they have taken it upon themselves to diet to lose weight,"McVey said,acknowledging she found the rates disturbing. She said striking a balance between healthy weights and healthy attitudes towards food and body image is a complex task,with no easy solutions. Unhealthy attitudes about weight,body image and food may______.A: lead to an eating disorderB: result from self-induced vomitingC: make it easier to gain weightD: bring about greater competition

One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to__________healthy eating habits.A.growB.developC.increaseD.raise

Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body.There are times when?most of us would rather eat sweets and ice-cream than meat and rice.Sweets and ice-cream are not?bad if we eat them at the end of a meal.If we eat them before a meal,they may take away our appe-tite(食欲)~It is important for us to eat our meals at the same time each day.When we feel hungry,it is a sign that our body needs food.When we feel angry or excited,we may not want to eat.A long time ago,in England,some judges used to decide whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread.If the man could not eat the bread,it showed that he was telling lies.Although this seems very strange and rather foolish,it is indeed a very good way of finding out the fact.A man who is worrying about something has difficulty in eating anything dry.Because he is worrying,he loses his appetite and does not want to eat.We must have good eating habits because__________.A.we want to eat moreB.we want to enjoy our mealsC.we want to be healthy and strongD.we want to grow up quickly

I did not mean____anything,but those apples looked so good I couldn’t resist___one.A.to eat…tryingB.to eat…to tryingC.eating…to tryD.eating…to trying

单选题If you have high blood pressure, you should_____eating too much salty food.AescapeBsuggestCavoidDrelax

单选题Many people are against the use of chemicals to preserve food because ______.Achemicals are not necessary for preserving foodBa small quantity of bacteria in food is good to peopleCthose chemicals that kill bacteria may not be good to peopleDthere are other better ways to preserve food

单选题One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to _____ healthy eating habits.AgrowBdevelopCincreaseDraise

问答题Eating healthy food is good for us.