单选题One of the schedulers has submitted an ad hoc job to list a particular directory. Which command should be used to view the output  of the ls command through IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler? ()A conman sj CPU#jobs.ls;joblogB conman sj CPU#jobs.ls;stdlistC jobman showjoblog CPU#jobs.lsD jobman showjoblog CPU#jobs.ls;stdlist

One of the schedulers has submitted an ad hoc job to list a particular directory. Which command should be used to view the output  of the ls command through IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler? ()

 conman sj CPU#jobs.ls;joblog


 conman sj CPU#jobs.ls;stdlist


 jobman showjoblog CPU#jobs.ls


 jobman showjoblog CPU#jobs.ls;stdlist


解析: 暂无解析


What is considered as a measure of how much one has remembered?A The length of the listB The type of list itemsC The time difference of relearningD The time difference of brain working

What is one of the problems that David is facing now?A. He is too young to get a credit card.B. He has no time to learn driving.C. He has very little spare time.D. He will soon lose his job.

下列关于无线自组网,正确的是( )。A.无线自组网是一种自组织、非对称的无线移动网络B.无线自组网又称为移动Ad hoc网络C.Ad hoc网络需要基站来实现通信D.Ad hoc网络中有固定的路由器,可通过这些路由器实现路由选择

关于Ad-Hoc模式下列描述正确的是()A. Ad-Hoc模式需要使用无线网桥连接多个客户端B. Ad-Hoc模式需要使用AP连接客户端C. Ad-Hoc模式需要使用AP和无线网桥连接客户端D. Ad-Hoc模式不需要使用AP和无线网桥

An operator notices that a job on the system is causing poor performance. The job is a root process and the administrator has concluded it is not important and can be stopped. Shortly after stopping the process, it starts again. Which of the following commands will list repeating scheduled tasks?()A. at -lB. jobs -lC. sched -lD. crontab -l

Ad Hoc路由种类:


helga is working with a multi-value field that has numeric values in a list. she would like to apply a formula to each item in the list, return the list which one of the following @fuctions can she use to accomplish this with one line of code?()A、@transform  B、@Listprocess  C、@processlist D、@listevaluate

An operator notices that a job on the system is causing poor performance. The job is a root process and the administrator has concluded it is not important and can be stopped. Shortly after stopping the process, it starts again. Which of the following commands will list repeating scheduled tasks?()A、at -lB、jobs -lC、sched -lD、crontab -l


Ad Hoc

Ad Hoc特点:

For the duties assigned in the muster list, ().A、one person should do one jobB、one job should be done by all crewC、one person should do all jobsD、one job may be done by more than one person

以下关于Ad Hoc描述中,正确的是()。A、Ad Hoc是IEEE命名的无线自组织网络的英文名称。B、Ad Hoc是一种分布式自组织网络。C、Ad Hoc网络中也有一个相当于基站的中心控制节点D、Ad Hoc采用分组传输方式E、Ad Hoc中没有专门用于分组路由、转发的路由器节点。F、Ad Hoc中的每个节点都不需具有路由功能


One of the schedulers has submitted an ad hoc job to list a particular directory. Which command should be used to view the output  of the ls command through IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler? ()A、 conman "sj CPU#jobs.ls;joblog"B、 conman "sj CPU#jobs.ls;stdlist"C、 jobman "showjoblog CPU#jobs.ls"D、 jobman "showjoblog CPU#jobs.ls;stdlist"

You notice that a job in a chain has not completed on a nonconstrained RAC database. Which of these are valid reasons why that might occur?()  A、 The job priority is 1 and the resource consumer group CPU emphasis allocation is a low percentage.B、 The job affinity is to a service and one node in that service is unavailable.C、 The job affinity is to an instance and that instance is unavailable.D、 There is no service affinity.E、 None of the above.

单选题helga is working with a multi-value field that has numeric values in a list. she would like to apply a formula to each item in the list, return the list which one of the following @fuctions can she use to accomplish this with one line of code?()A@transform  B@Listprocess  C@processlist D@listevaluate

单选题You notice that a job in a chain has not completed on a nonconstrained RAC database. Which of these are valid reasons why that might occur?()A The job priority is 1 and the resource consumer group CPU emphasis allocation is a low percentage.B The job affinity is to a service and one node in that service is unavailable.C The job affinity is to an instance and that instance is unavailable.D There is no service affinity.E None of the above.

问答题Ad Hoc

填空题The research group has submitted a report, (suggest) ____ reforms to be made.

问答题Ad Hoc特点:

单选题A vessel continually lists to one side and has a normal rolling period. Which statement is TRUE?().AThe vessel has negative GMBThe center of gravity is on the centerlineCThe list can be corrected by reducing KMDThe vessel has asymmetrical weight distribution


单选题For the duties assigned in the muster list, ().Aone person should do one jobBone job should be done by all crewCone person should do all jobsDone job may be done by more than one person

单选题For the duties ()in one emergency, one person may do more than one job and one job may be done by more than one person.AassigningBassignCtoassignDassigned

单选题An operator notices that a job on the system is causing poor performance. The job is a root process and the administrator has concluded it is not important and can be stopped. Shortly after stopping the process, it starts again. Which of the following commands will list repeating scheduled tasks?()Aat -lBjobs -lCsched -lDcrontab -l

问答题Ad Hoc网络拓扑结构: