单选题—why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight?— ______.AIt doesn’t matterBThank youCSorry to hear thatDSounds great

—why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight?— ______.

It doesn’t matter


Thank you


Sorry to hear that


Sounds great


句意:——今晚去老舍茶馆怎么样?——听起真好。本题考查交际用语。Why not…?用来提建议,所以选择D项。


–Why don’t we watch the fashion show tonight?–()! A、Yes, we doB、Sounds greatC、For sureD、No, we don’t

–Would you like to see a movie with me tonight?–() A、Why?B、What for?C、Yes, with pleasure.D、No, I wouldn't.

The reason why so many people sit before the television tonight is that there will be a () show. A.livingB.liveC.aliveD.lived

---- Shall we stay at home watching TV tonight?---- No, I’d like __________ and see a movie.A. to go B. go C. went D. going

Lao She is know for a great writer.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

You have overworked yourself.() a holiday to relax? A、Why not to go onB、Why don't go onC、Why don't haveD、Why not go on

She asked me, “will you go to the cinema tomorrow?” (改为宾语从句)She asked me ________ I ________ go to the cinema the next day.

—Is it all right that I go home early tonight?—() A.There’s no worry.B.Yes, go ahead.C.No, not at all.D.Is that so?

She said she would go and she ________ go. A didn’tB didC reallyD would

() to come to dinner tonight? B: Yes, I’d love to. A、Why don’t youB、What aboutC、Would you like

–– Sophia: Hey,—————?–– Teresa: I wish I could. But I really have to stay in and finish my paper tonight.–– Sophia: Oh, maybe some other time, then.A: can I come to visit you tonightB: shall we have a barbecue some day this weekC: Lisa will leave Chicago tonight. Shall we go to see him offD: would you like to go to cinema with me tonight

Why not to go shopping with us?()

It is a nice day to me.Why not ( ) for a picnic?A.go forB.go toC.go outD.go in

There are two reasons ____ I do not want to go out tonight. A.whyB.becauseC.soD.that

She ______ tea to customers in the teahouse when her boss walked in. A.is servingB.servedC.was servingD.was served

Helen couldn t go to France after all. That s too bad. I am sure she would have enjoyed it if () . A、she s goneB、she ll goC、she d goneD、she d go

why is it so difficult for the democrats to _________ on the issue of mismanaging the economy______. A、go for the jugulaB、go for the eyeC、go for the earD、go for the cheek

Sorry to hear you can-t go to the concert tonight,maybe a time.

29. Ann didn't go back home because__________A. she didn't want toB. she was too busy to go homeC. she didn’t miss her fatherD. she had to look for a job

听下面一段对话,回答第14至第17四个小题。第14题:Why is the woman asking for leave?A. She plans to go to the UK with her parents.B. She has to take care of her parents at home.C. She wants to spend some time with her parents.

Why did she go for long walks along the country roads? __________A.Because she enjoyed the country’s fresh airB.Because she was afraid to disturbed the rest of the familyC.Because she lived in a small house far awayD.Because she was afraid to practice the tones

单选题You hear a man trying to persuade his friend to go to the cinema. Why won’t she go to the cinema tonight? AShe is too busy.BShe hasn’t got any money.CShe doesn’t like the cinema.

单选题The reason why I plan to go is _____ if I don’t.Abecause she will disappointBbecause she will have been disappointedCthat she will be disappointedDfor she will be disappointed

单选题—Why can’t you and Sarah go to the movies tonight?  — We are ______ a mathematics test tomorrow and I must prepare for it.Asupposed to haveBsupposedly to haveCsupposed to havingDsupposedly to having

单选题If you want to go to the movie tonight, so ______ I .AdoBamCwillDshould

单选题—Do you know ______?—For a month.Ahow long will she be awayBhow long she will be awayChow often will she go thereDhow often she will go there

单选题—why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight?— ______.AIt doesn’t matterBThank youCSorry to hear thatDSounds great

单选题Why did mother go to see Dagmar in the hospital?ATo give her some message about dad.BTo make sure her room was clean.CTo check that she was still there.DTo find out how she was.