单选题It is important that the water () very often as this can lead to increased deposits.Anot be changedBbe changedCshould not be changedDshould be changed

It is important that the water () very often as this can lead to increased deposits.

not be changed


be changed


should not be changed


should be changed


解析: 暂无解析


Tax,______ can be used in public services, is very important to our country. A.whichB.thatC.what

Water is the __46___ of all the things we eat and drink . Not many people understand this but __47____ quite true . The human body can go without ___48___ for a long time . We’ve got many examples for this . Yet two __49___ three days without water can usually make people __50____ . Man can’t live __51____ water .Many people don’t understand how ___52__ water the human body needs __53___ work well , and many people , especially young people , do not drink enough , ___54__ in very hot weather . Our body has mostly water , about 65% to 75% . That is to say about two thirds of our body is water . When we do sports , some of the water will get away from our body . __55 _ we don’t drink some water , we won’t have enough water. And if we don’t have enough water , we’ll feel tired and many of us will get ill . So you know how important water is to us .46.___________( )46. A. importantB. most importantC. more importantD. different

24. When you do scuba diving, you can ________.A. stay in deep water for a long timeB. dive very, very deepC.live in deep water easilyD. dive freely without any dangers

AMany children feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends.They be- lieve that their family members don-t know them as well as their friends. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas.It is very important for children to have one or more good friends.Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking on the phone with their friends.This communication is very important to children’s growth, because friends can discuss some-thing, but it's difficult to discuss it with family members. However, most parents like to choose friends for their children Some parents even don-t allow their children to meet their good friends.Who chooses your friends? What do your parents think of your friends?Your answers are welcome.( )21. Many children think ________ can understand them better.A. friendsB. brothersC. teachersD. parents

The author's major conclusion about mistakes in foreign language learning is thatA. mistakes are not important in the process of learning a languageB. learners are often very afraid of making mistakesC. making mistakes can help the learner discover the rolesD. native speakers often do not tell foreign language learners about their mistakes

This is very important. You_____remember to shut down your computer everyevenlng。A. oughtB. needC. mustD. can

Which of the following is implied in the passage?A.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to provide adequate capital for their operation.B.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to ensure banks to operate with adequate capital.C.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to put additional restrictions on the banks' operations.D.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to concentrate on risks.

Dolphins are very smart creatures. They learn very quickly, _______ 1) is why they, out of all sea animals, are used most often in movies and television. They can be very helpful and have helped humans in trouble without _________ 2). A dolphin can sense danger and will know _______ 3) something is not right. Often times dolphins have helped to save people in swimming accidents and such. They are very curious animals. Their _________ 4) can sometimes get them in trouble. Such cases would be getting too close to a fisherman’s net and _________ 5) tangled up within it. Along with being curious, dolphins love to play. They love humans in the respect that they love to play with the balls they might have or simply swim around with humans.1.A、thatB、whichC、whoD、it2.A、thoughtsB、reasonsC、hesitationD、difficulty3.A、whileB、asC、thatD、when4.A、curiosityB、smartnessC、intelligenceD、actions5.A、getB、gettingC、to getD、got

VIP是以下哪组词的翻译A. Very important placeB. Very interesting personC. Very important personD. Very interesting place

Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from ______.Undue reliance should not be placed upon them.A.complete and often very poor surveysB.correct and often very good surveysC.inadequate and often very old surveysD.adequate and present surveys

共用题干第一篇Water Resources on the EarthThe second most important constituent(构成成分)of the biosphere(生物圈)is liquid water. This can only exist in a very narrow range of temperatures,since water freezes at 0℃and boils a 100℃.Life as we know it would only be possible on the surface of a planet which had temperature: somewhere within this narrow range.The earth's supply of water probably remains fairly constant in quantity.The total quantity of water is not known very accurately,but it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe to a depth of about two and three-quarter kilometers.Most of it is in the form of the salt water of the oceans一about 97 percent. The rest is fresh.But three-quarters of this is in the form of ice at the poles and or mountains and cannot be used by living systems until melted.Of the remaining fraction,which h somewhat less than one percent of the whole.There is 10—20 times as much stored underground water as there is actually on the surface.There is also a tiny,but extremely important fraction of the water supply which is present as water vapour in the atmosphere.Water vapour in the atmosphere is the channel through which the whole water circulation(循环) of the biosphere has to pass.Water evaporated(蒸发)from the surface of the oceans,from lakes and rivers and from moist(潮湿的)earth is added to it. From it the water comes out again as rain or snow,falling on either the sea or the land. There is,as might be expected, a more intensive evaporation per unit area over the sea and oceans than over the land,but there is more rainfall over the land than over the oceans and the balance is restored by the run off from the land in the form of rivers.The word"fraction"in the second paragraph means________.A:a large areaB:a very small amountC:an important systemD:a major source of information

共用题干第一篇Water Resources on the EarthThe second most important constituent(构成成分)of the biosphere(生物圈)is liquid water. This can only exist in a very narrow range of temperatures,since water freezes at 0℃and boils a 100℃.Life as we know it would only be possible on the surface of a planet which had temperature: somewhere within this narrow range.The earth's supply of water probably remains fairly constant in quantity.The total quantity of water is not known very accurately,but it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe to a depth of about two and three-quarter kilometers.Most of it is in the form of the salt water of the oceans一about 97 percent. The rest is fresh.But three-quarters of this is in the form of ice at the poles and or mountains and cannot be used by living systems until melted.Of the remaining fraction,which h somewhat less than one percent of the whole.There is 10—20 times as much stored underground water as there is actually on the surface.There is also a tiny,but extremely important fraction of the water supply which is present as water vapour in the atmosphere.Water vapour in the atmosphere is the channel through which the whole water circulation(循环) of the biosphere has to pass.Water evaporated(蒸发)from the surface of the oceans,from lakes and rivers and from moist(潮湿的)earth is added to it. From it the water comes out again as rain or snow,falling on either the sea or the land. There is,as might be expected, a more intensive evaporation per unit area over the sea and oceans than over the land,but there is more rainfall over the land than over the oceans and the balance is restored by the run off from the land in the form of rivers.Most of the fresh water on Earth________.A:is in the form of ice at the poles and on mountainsB:is stored undergroundC:is found in rivers and lakesD:comes from the rain

共用题干第一篇Water Resources on the EarthThe second most important constituent(构成成分)of the biosphere(生物圈)is liquid water. This can only exist in a very narrow range of temperatures,since water freezes at 0℃and boils a 100℃.Life as we know it would only be possible on the surface of a planet which had temperature: somewhere within this narrow range.The earth's supply of water probably remains fairly constant in quantity.The total quantity of water is not known very accurately,but it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe to a depth of about two and three-quarter kilometers.Most of it is in the form of the salt water of the oceans一about 97 percent. The rest is fresh.But three-quarters of this is in the form of ice at the poles and or mountains and cannot be used by living systems until melted.Of the remaining fraction,which h somewhat less than one percent of the whole.There is 10—20 times as much stored underground water as there is actually on the surface.There is also a tiny,but extremely important fraction of the water supply which is present as water vapour in the atmosphere.Water vapour in the atmosphere is the channel through which the whole water circulation(循环) of the biosphere has to pass.Water evaporated(蒸发)from the surface of the oceans,from lakes and rivers and from moist(潮湿的)earth is added to it. From it the water comes out again as rain or snow,falling on either the sea or the land. There is,as might be expected, a more intensive evaporation per unit area over the sea and oceans than over the land,but there is more rainfall over the land than over the oceans and the balance is restored by the run off from the land in the form of rivers.Liquid water only exists________.A: in the center of the earthB:on the surface of our planetC:in the coastal areas of the earthD:in a very narrow range of temperatures

共用题干第一篇Water Resources on the EarthThe second most important constituent(构成成分)of the biosphere(生物圈)is liquid water. This can only exist in a very narrow range of temperatures,since water freezes at 0℃and boils a 100℃.Life as we know it would only be possible on the surface of a planet which had temperature: somewhere within this narrow range.The earth's supply of water probably remains fairly constant in quantity.The total quantity of water is not known very accurately,but it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe to a depth of about two and three-quarter kilometers.Most of it is in the form of the salt water of the oceans一about 97 percent. The rest is fresh.But three-quarters of this is in the form of ice at the poles and or mountains and cannot be used by living systems until melted.Of the remaining fraction,which h somewhat less than one percent of the whole.There is 10—20 times as much stored underground water as there is actually on the surface.There is also a tiny,but extremely important fraction of the water supply which is present as water vapour in the atmosphere.Water vapour in the atmosphere is the channel through which the whole water circulation(循环) of the biosphere has to pass.Water evaporated(蒸发)from the surface of the oceans,from lakes and rivers and from moist(潮湿的)earth is added to it. From it the water comes out again as rain or snow,falling on either the sea or the land. There is,as might be expected, a more intensive evaporation per unit area over the sea and oceans than over the land,but there is more rainfall over the land than over the oceans and the balance is restored by the run off from the land in the form of rivers.There is more of rainfall________.A:over the mountains than over the riversB:over the rivers than over the mountainsC:over the land than over the oceansD:over the oceans than over the land

Some villagers were going to celebrate an important wine festival(酒宴)in a few days′time,so?they borrowed a huge barrel from the nearest town,put it in the village square,and decided that each?of them should empty a bottle of the best wine he had into it,so that there should be plenty at the?feast(宴会).One of the villagers thought he would be very clever."If I pour a bottle of water in,instead of?wine,no one will notice it,"he said to himself,"because there will be so much excellent wine in the?barrel that?the water will be lost in it."The night of the feast arrived.Everybody gathered in the village square with their bowls and?their glasses for the wine.The tap(塞子)on the barrel was opened,but what came out was pure?water.Everyone in the village had had the same idea.The underlined sentence"the water will be lost in it"can be considered as__________.A.the water would be gone in the barrelB.the water couldn't be found in the wineC.the water would flow through the barrel into the groundD.the water would be mixed up with the wine

It is very important that enough money ()to fund the project.A、be collectedB、must be collectedC、is collectedD、can be collected

VIP是以下哪组词的翻译。()A、Very important placeB、Very interesting personC、Very important personD、Very interesting place

It is very important for every sailor ()the characteristics of the ropes so that they can be for right jobs.A、knowingB、knowC、to knowD、knew

单选题Some animals can _____ in the desert on very little water.AsurviveBstarveCrelieveDroutine

单选题However, reception of certain types of MSI messages, such as shore to ship distress alerts and navigational and meteorological warning are().Aselective and can be suppressed by shipsBmandatory and can not be suppressed by ships in the affected areaCnot very important so that ships don‟t require themDreceived by all ships wherever they are

单选题According to the instructions, which of the following is TRUE?AThe gasket should be cleaned thoroughly with cold water.BMild detergent and hot water can best clean the cooker.CSoapy water will often damage the cooker.DSand can be used to clean the cooker.

单选题Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from ().Undue reliance should not be placed upon them.Acomplete and often very poor surveysBcorrect and often very good surveysCinadequate and often very old surveysDadequate and present surveys

单选题What is an advantage of using foam in fire fighting?()AIt is MOST effective on very hot oil fires where the temperatures of the liquid exceed 100°C (212°F)BMost foams can be used with dry chemicals to attack a fire by two methodsCFoam is effective on combustible metal firesDFoam can be made with seawater or fresh water

单选题From the passage, we can draw a conclusion that _____.Afamily has deep influence on a personBcompliments are very important to a personCone should treasure the relationship between othersDwhen facing tough time, one should never say die

单选题What is the main idea of the passage?ASalt is very important.BIf their blood salt level is not constant, human beings may die.CThe amount of salt in the body is secreted.DPeople can die of thirst.

单选题What can we learn from the passage?AIt may be difficult for the young to learn new skills.BDogs play an important part in language and culture.CWe can be successful if we learn from our own mistakes.DDogs like the hottest days in summer very much.

单选题It is important that the water () very often as this can lead to increased deposits.Anot be changedBbe changedCshould not be changedDshould be changed

单选题It is very important for every sailor ()the characteristics of the ropes so that they can be for right jobs.AknowingBknowCto knowDknew