单选题An operator needs to change from the /usr/bin to the /var/spool directory. Which of the following commands will accomplish this?()Acd /var/spoolBlcd /var/spoolCcd /usr/bin /var/spoolDlcd /usr/bin /var/spool

An operator needs to change from the /usr/bin to the /var/spool directory. Which of the following commands will accomplish this?()

cd /var/spool


lcd /var/spool


cd /usr/bin /var/spool


lcd /usr/bin /var/spool


解析: 暂无解析


InwhichdirectoryarethebasicLinuxcommandssuchasgzip,gunzipandzcatinstalled?() A./opt/freeware/binB./usr/bin/freewareC./var/freeware/binD./usr/sbin/freeware

ASystempcustomerhasinstalledcomponentsfromtheLinuxToolBox.Bydefault,whichofthefollowingdirectorieswillcontaintheopensourcecommandssuchasgzip,gunzipandzcat() A./opt/freeware/binB./usr/bin/freewareC./var/freeware/binD./usr/sbin/freeware

ASystempadministratorsuspectstheyarereceivinganerrorfromoneoftheirnightlycronjobs.Thejobis:01***/usr/local/bin/nightlycheck.plWhereshouldtheadministratorfirstlookforerrorsreportedbythiscronjob() A./var/log/syslog.outB.var/log/cron.logC./var/spool/cron/logsD.mail


An Operator is in /var/tmp and needs to go to /var/adm. Which of the following is correct?() A. cd /admB. cd ./admC. cd ../admD. cd /../adm

An operator wants to view all the scheduled jobs on a system. Which of the following locations would house scheduled jobs?() A. /etc/var/spoolB. /var/spool/cronC. /var/sched/jobsD. /usr/sched/crontabs

An operator needs to change from the /usr/bin to the /var/spool directory. Which of the following commands will accomplish this?() A. cd /var/spoolB. lcd /var/spoolC. cd /usr/bin /var/spoolD. lcd /usr/bin /var/spool


An operator needs to change from the /usr/bin to the /var/spool directory. Which of the following commands will accomplish this?()A、cd /var/spoolB、lcd /var/spoolC、cd /usr/bin /var/spoolD、lcd /usr/bin /var/spool

A  System  p  customer  has  installed  components  from  the  Linux  ToolBox.  By  default,  which  of  the following directories will contain the open source commands such as gzip, gunzip and zcat()A、/opt/freeware/binB、/usr/bin/freewareC、/var/freeware/binD、/usr/sbin/freeware

A small company would like help in identifying an apparent system performance problem on its internal mail server, especially to determine peak hour usage. What would be the first step in identifying the problem?()A、 cd /var/spool/cron/crontabs,uncomment the lines in the adm file, in order to start gathering statistics.B、 cd /var/spool/cron/crontabs; uncomment the lines in the sys file, in order to start gathering statistics.C、 cd /usr/lib/cron/; vi the adm file; startsrc -s sadcD、 cd /usr/lib/cron/; vi the sys file; startsrc -s sadc

A System p administrator suspects they are receiving an error from one of their nightly cron jobs. The  job is: 0 1 * * * /usr/local/bin/nightlycheck.pl Where should the administrator first look for errors reported by  this cron job()A、/var/log/syslog.outB、var/log/cron.logC、/var/spool/cron/logsD、mail

An operator wants to view all the scheduled jobs on a system. Which of the following locations would house scheduled jobs?()A、/etc/var/spoolB、/var/spool/cronC、/var/sched/jobsD、/usr/sched/crontabs

In which directory are the basic Linux commands such as gzip, gunzip and zcat installed?()A、/opt/freeware/binB、/usr/bin/freewareC、/var/freeware/binD、/usr/sbin/freeware

An Operator is in /var/tmp and needs to go to /var/adm. Which of the following is correct?()A、cd /admB、cd ./admC、cd ../admD、cd /../adm

Given the following scripts, what output would be generated() usr/local/bin/scriptl    #!/usr/bin/ksh    VARl=red    export VARl=green    VARl=blue    /usr/local/bin/script2    ARl=yellow   /usr/local/bin/script2     #!/bin/ksh   echo "The sky is ${VAR1}."A、The sky is red.B、The sky is blue.C、The sky is green.D、The sky is yellow.

When run on a machine called client, which of the following commands will mount the /usr/local/bin directory from the host over the /home/bin directory on client?()A、mount host:/home/bin /usr/local/binB、mount client:/home/bin /usr/local/binC、mount -n host /usr/local/bin /home/binD、mount -o host:/usr/local/bin /home/bin

单选题A System p administrator suspects they are receiving an error from one of their nightly cron jobs. Thejob is: 0 1 * * * /usr/local/bin/nightlycheck.pl Where should the administrator first look for errors reported by this cron job()A/var/log/syslog.outB/var/log/cron.logC/var/spool/cron/logsDmail

单选题When run on a machine called client, which of the following commands would mount the /usr/local/bin directory from the host machine over the /home/bin directory on client?()Amount host:/usr/local/bin /home/binBmount client:/home/bin /usr/local/binCmount -o client:/usr/local/bin /home/binDmount -n host:/home/bin /usr/local/bin

单选题Given the following scripts, what output would be generated() usr/local/bin/scriptl    #!/usr/bin/ksh    VARl=red    export VARl=green    VARl=blue    /usr/local/bin/script2    ARl=yellow   /usr/local/bin/script2     #!/bin/ksh   echo "The sky is ${VAR1}."AThe sky is red.BThe sky is blue.CThe sky is green.DThe sky is yellow.

单选题A  System  p  customer  has  installed  components  from  the  Linux  ToolBox.  By  default,  which  of  the following directories will contain the open source commands such as gzip, gunzip and zcat()A/opt/freeware/binB/usr/bin/freewareC/var/freeware/binD/usr/sbin/freeware

单选题When run on a machine called client, which of the following commands will mount the /usr/local/bin directory from the host over the /home/bin directory on client?()Amount host:/home/bin /usr/local/binBmount client:/home/bin /usr/local/binCmount -n host /usr/local/bin /home/binDmount -o host:/usr/local/bin /home/bin

单选题An operator needs to change from the /usr/bin to the /var/spool directory. Which of the following commands will accomplish this?()Acd /var/spoolBlcd /var/spoolCcd /usr/bin /var/spoolDlcd /usr/bin /var/spool


单选题In which directory are the basic Linux commands such as gzip, gunzip and zcat installed?()A/opt/freeware/binB/usr/bin/freewareC/var/freeware/binD/usr/sbin/freeware

单选题A System p administrator suspects they are receiving an error from one of their nightly cron jobs. The  job is: 0 1 * * * /usr/local/bin/nightlycheck.pl Where should the administrator first look for errors reported by  this cron job()A/var/log/syslog.outBvar/log/cron.logC/var/spool/cron/logsDmail

单选题An operator wants to view all the scheduled jobs on a system. Which of the following locations would house scheduled jobs?()A/etc/var/spoolB/var/spool/cronC/var/sched/jobsD/usr/sched/crontabs

单选题A small company would like help in identifying an apparent system performance problem on its internal mail server, especially to determine peak hour usage. What would be the first step in identifying the problem?()A cd /var/spool/cron/crontabs,uncomment the lines in the adm file, in order to start gathering statistics.B cd /var/spool/cron/crontabs; uncomment the lines in the sys file, in order to start gathering statistics.C cd /usr/lib/cron/; vi the adm file; startsrc -s sadcD cd /usr/lib/cron/; vi the sys file; startsrc -s sadc