单选题We’re going to _____ the task that we haven’t finished.Atake awayBcarry onCget ontoDkeep off

We’re going to _____ the task that we haven’t finished.

take away


carry on


get onto


keep off


本题考查动词词组辨析。句意:我们要继续完成我们未做完的任务。take away意为“带走、取走”;carry on意为“完成、执行”;get onto意为“与……接触”;keep off意为“远离……、与……保持距离”。根据句意,正确答案为B。


–We are going to have another heat wave. –()! (A) Oh, no(B) I don’t(C) No, we don’t(D) No, you can’t

We ______each other again since we graduated from the college. (A) hadn’t seen(B) didn’t see(C) don’t see(D) haven’t seen

Michael: The Johnsons are moving next week. We are going to have a going-away party for them Saturday. Tracy: I didn't realize they were moving so soon. ______ Michael: Yes, but we'll have one last chance to get together. We're planning a barbecue.A.Wish them a happy journey.B.May they have a more comfortable home.C.They are really going to be missed.D.We can't stay together forever, can we?

—We’re going on a visit to Japan next week. —________________.A.Have a good journeyB.Good byeC.Wish you happyD.You’re right.

We’re going _____holiday in the autumn this year.A.upB.toC.on

We're going to _____ with _____ today, aren't we?A. the tea…the SmithsB. tea…those SmithsC. a tea…a SmithD. tea…the Smiths

We haven’t had any customers visiting restaurant for days, there must be something ( ) the dishes we serve.A.good atB.rottenC.wrong withD.bad with

The engine is() fire.We’re going to crash.A.onB.withC.ofD.under

We've been looking at houses but haven't found ___we like yet.A、oneB、onesC、itD、them

We haven't got ______furniture like theirs in our home.A、aB、theC、someD、any

I’m afraid we haven’t got any coffee.(翻译)

The house is dirty. We ()it for weeks. A、didn’t cleanB、hadn’t cleanedC、don’t cleanD、haven’t cleaned

– Excuse me. Is this table taken?– ( ).A. We haven't booked the dishesB. We haven't ordered the dishesC. Yeah. I'm saving these seats for friendsD. Yeah. I'm stuffed

33 We haven’t discussed yet we are going to place our new furnitureA. thatB .whichC whatD where

If we____the same things as we did in the past, we weren't going to be successful in hiring the folks we needed.A、were to doB、could doC、had doneD、did

Excuse me. Is this table taken?()A、We haven‘t booked the dishes.B、We haven‘t ordered the dishes.C、Yeah. I‘m saving these seats for friends.D、Yeah. I‘m stuffed.

We have some white and blue paint, but we ().A、have black paintB、has black paintC、haven’t black paintD、hasn’t black paint

We haven’t got enough ()to do the work.A、headsB、handsC、fingersD、eyes

We have some white paint, but we ().A、haven’t any black paintB、have some black paintC、have some white paintD、hasn’t any black paint

单选题—We’re free today, How about going out for a picnic this afternoon?— ______AGood ideaBNever mindCGood luck to youDYou’re welcome

单选题We’re going to paint the town ______ to celebrate our win.AblueBpurpleCgoldDred

单选题Which of the italicized parts functions as an attribute(定语)?AThis is where Luxun once lived.BI don’t know where Luxun once lived.CWe haven’t yet settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vacation.DShe is going to live in Macao, where she has some close friends.

单选题—The radio says it will rain next Sunday.—______. We’re going for a picnic that day.AI hope it willBI’m afraid notCI don’t think soDI hope not

单选题—Where are you going this month?—We ______ go to Xiamen, but we’re not sure.Aneedn’tBmustCmightDmustn’t

单选题We’re going to paint the town ______ to celebrate our win.Ablue BpurpleCgold Dred

单选题We’re going to _____ the task that we haven’t finished.Atake awayBcarry onCget ontoDkeep off

单选题—A lot of old people feel lonely. We should try our best to care for them.—______. I mean, we’re all going to be old one day, too.ATake it easyBNot at allCYou’re right

单选题If we’re going to repaint the school walls, we need to ______.Adraw pictures wellBwear some old clothesCbring some tools with us