问答题Every successful business is built on superior senses—of timing, opportunity, responsibility, and, not infrequently, humor. None, however, is more critical than the ability to sense the market. A senior executive’s instinctive capacity to empathize with and gain insights from customers is the single most important skill he or she can use to direct technologies, product and service offerings, indeed, all elements of a company’s strategic posture. People like Bill Gates brought this ability to the enterprises they founded. Without it, their ventures might have been short-lived or at least far less successful. But many top level managers, particularly those at industrial companies, consider customer contact the bailiwick of sales and marketing staff. And even if they do believe that market focus is a priority, most retain only limited contact with consumers as their organizations grow, relying instead on subordinates’ reports—second-or-third-hand information—to define and sense the market for them.

Every successful business is built on superior senses—of timing, opportunity, responsibility, and, not infrequently, humor. None, however, is more critical than the ability to sense the market. A senior executive’s instinctive capacity to empathize with and gain insights from customers is the single most important skill he or she can use to direct technologies, product and service offerings, indeed, all elements of a company’s strategic posture. People like Bill Gates brought this ability to the enterprises they founded. Without it, their ventures might have been short-lived or at least far less successful. But many top level managers, particularly those at industrial companies, consider customer contact the bailiwick of sales and marketing staff. And even if they do believe that market focus is a priority, most retain only limited contact with consumers as their organizations grow, relying instead on subordinates’ reports—second-or-third-hand information—to define and sense the market for them.




These apples are ________ those I bought yesterday. A. more superior toB. superior toC. more superior thanD. superior than

Many ______ large and big business ______ been built up from small ones. A. a, hasB. /, hasC. a, haveD. a, had

The group have now decided to convert their business idea into reality.(b) What elements should a marketing plan contain to achieve a successful launch of their restaurant?(8 marks)

What would be the best title for the text?A. Misconceptions in BusinessB. Basic Beliefs in BusinessC. International Business CultureD. Successful International Business

As it is known that the aim of every business is to make profit as possible.() A. as manyB. as muchC. more

Every business has its ups and downs, and so ()every person. A、doB、isC、does

SUCCESS AND FAILURE It’s clear that success and failure are important and common topics. Every business has its ups and downs, and so does every person. In other words, sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail. Another common way of saying this is “You win some and you lose some.” Nobody wins all the time, not even in the great success stories that we read or hear about. Think of a successful entrepreneur. Now, do you think that person achieved great success on their first attempt In 99% of cases, the answer is no. Every successful businessperson learned through failure. Now have a look at your favorite business news site. You’ll see that almost every story can be put into either the category of success or that of failure. Businesses either grow or shrink but they don’t remain the same.1. Every person has his or her ups and downs.()2. A common saying “You win some and you lose some” means that sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail.()3. Ninety nine percent of successful businessmen achieved great success on their first try.()4. Successful businessmen learn through failure.()5. Businesses either shrink or remain the same.()

Every business has its ups and downs, and so()every person.A. isB. doesC. do

How does the writer feel about the business she runs? ( )A.It's the biggest company in the world.B.It wili possibly be more successful.C. It's one of the most successful businesses.D.It is the only company that is growing all around the world.

12. ________mothers both work in the same hospital.A. Tim and Peter-sB. Tim's and PeterC. Tim's and Peter'sD. Tim and Peter

How does the writer feel about the business she runs?A. It's the biggest company in the world.B. It will possibly be more successful.C. It's one of the most successful businesses.D. It is the only company that is growing all around the world.

With computer users linker to the Internet growing ( ) every year, business is trying to cash in on the worldwide network.A. at million B. with a millionC. with one million D. by the million

With Computer users linker to the internet growing ( ) every year,business is trying to Cash in on the worlD wide network.A at millionB with a millionC with one millionD by million

We're happy to report that business is booming this year.A:failingB:openC:successful D:risky

During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of()AhealthBpovertyCwealthDprosperity

I wonder if Tim could control the situation. ()A、It‘s none of your business.B、You‘ll get involved in it.C、Tim must be thinking about it.D、Well, if he can‘t control it, no one can.

A customer plans to deploy a disaster recovery site and requires a complete mirror of their production and test environments. They have an excellent relationship with the business partner who helped them with their initial deployment.  Which of the following will help with a successful implementation?()A、IBM technical support servicesB、IBM Global FinancingC、IBM Global Business ServicesD、IBM Solutions Assurance Review

单选题According to the growth pattern of Los Angeles, homes were mainly built _____.Ain the city centerBalong the main roadsCaround business districtsDwithin the business districts

单选题I wonder if Tim could control the situation. ()AIt‘s none of your business.BYou‘ll get involved in it.CTim must be thinking about it.DWell, if he can‘t control it, no one can.

单选题What is NOT mentioned about Mr. Fraser?AHe is running for mayor.BHe has worked in local politics for many years.CHe was raised in Carlton-Greenlane.DHe owns a successful business in the city.

单选题You execute the following command to audit database activities: SQL AUDIT DROP ANY TABLE BY scott BY SESSION WHENEVER SUCCESSFUL; What is the effect of this command()AOne audit record is created for every successful DROP TABLE command executed in the session of SCOTT.BOne audit record is generated for the session when SCOTT grants the DROP ANY TABLE privilege to otherusers.COne audit record is created for the whole session if user SCOTT successfully drops one or more tables inhis session.DOne audit record is created for every session of any other user in which a table owned by SCOTT isdropped successfully.EOne audit record is created for every successful DROP TABLE command executed by any user to drop Tables owned by SCOTT

单选题You execute the following command toauditdatabase activities:  SQLAUDITDROP ANY TABLE BY scott BY SESSION WHENEVER SUCCESSFUL;  What is the effect of this command()AOneauditrecord is created for every successful DROP TABLE command executed in the session ofSCOTT.BOneauditrecord is generated for the session when SCOTT grants the DROP ANY TABLE privilege toother users.COne audit record is created for the whole session if user SCOTT successfully drops one or more tablesin his session.DOne audit record is created for every session of any other user in which a table owned by SCOTT isdropped successfully.EOne audit record is created for every successful DROP TABLE command executed by any user to droptables owned by SCOTT.

问答题Every successful business is built on superior senses—of timing, opportunity, responsibility, and, not infrequently, humor. None, however, is more critical than the ability to sense the market. A senior executive’s instinctive capacity to empathize with and gain insights from customers is the single most important skill he or she can use to direct technologies, product and service offerings, indeed, all elements of a company’s strategic posture. People like Bill Gates brought this ability to the enterprises they founded. Without it, their ventures might have been short-lived or at least far less successful. But many top level managers, particularly those at industrial companies, consider customer contact the bailiwick of sales and marketing staff. And even if they do believe that market focus is a priority, most retain only limited contact with consumers as their organizations grow, relying instead on subordinates’ reports—second-or-third-hand information—to define and sense the market for them.

问答题Key to Success in Business  1)Every successful business is built on superior senses—of timing,opportunity,responsibility,and,not infrequently,humor. 2)None,however,is more critical than the ability to sensethe market. 3)A senior executive's instinctive capacity to empathize with and gain insights from customers is the single most important skill he or she can use to direct technologies,product and service offerings,indeed,all elements of a company’s strateglc posture. 4) People like Bill Gates brought this ability to the enterprises they founded.

多选题Which three are components of the Cisco SMARTnet service? ()ANBD callback from specialized engineers during regular business hoursBsupport for every Cisco productCsupport for low-end products onlyDcases opened via e-mail or telephone at any timeEadvanced replacement on the next business dayFimmediate support from the Cisco TAC engineers

单选题During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of()AhealthBpovertyCwealthDprosperity

单选题The passage mainly talks aboutAOnline business is a good way to increase sales.BThe holiday shopping season is a thriving business.CThanksgiving weekend is a good way to judge how successful a business is.

单选题What can be inferred from the passage?AA better way for online business is to do it on a small scale.BMost of the investors are near-sighted in online business.CIt is a wise thing to do online business other than fashion clothes.DOnline business must link to a big successful enterprise.