




单选题Well done, Jim. You did very well in the high jump.()AI'm glad to hear thatBThat's rightCThank youDThe same to you

单选题In addition to rice, we need to()our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.AsupplementBreplaceCaddDeat

单选题If you observe more closely, Margaret is()of the two girls.Athe tallerBtallerCthe tallestDtallest

单选题Mr. White has a wife and three children to()AraiseBkeepCgrowDtake


问答题Practice 11Directions: You are asked to write a composition in about 150 words and you should base your composition on the information given in Chinese below:  一些大学生倡导加入“素食者组织”(vegetarian group)。他们希望通过不吃肉类食品来保护环境和动物。  1. 你是否同意他们的观点?  2. 至少给出两个理由来支持你的观点。


单选题He() finding a taxi for me, even though I told him I lived nearby.Ainsisted onBinsisted atCinsisted thatDinsisted in

单选题He carried on()after his accident.Ato workBworkCworkingDworked


单选题()these honors he received a sum of money.AExceptBButCBesidesDOutside


单选题()what she would do, she didn't say anything.AAskBAskingCAskedDTo ask

单选题Stocks are regarded as a good long-term()AinvolvementBinstallmentCinvestmentDinstrument

单选题She has brought()two children by herself.A–(不填)BupConDaway

单选题Stars have better players, so I()them to win.AhopeBpreferCexpectDwant

单选题It happened to be very cold()the morning of our sports meet.AatBofCon


单选题Besides a deep knowledge of human nature and human necessities, establishing a constitution of a state and deciding upon its powers require knowledge of _____.Athe liberties and restrictions on man’s rightsBthe things which facilitate or obstruct the ends pursued by the mechanism of civil institutionsCthe will of all the peopleDthe constitutions of many nations

单选题Is there anyone in your family looking for a job? Yes, my sister is. She is()part time in a restaurant now, but she wants to change her job.AstudyingBworkingCeatingDplaying


单选题In the research conducted by Daniel Langleben, _____.Amany liars were not detected by the researchersBmany subjects were caught lying by the researchersCno subject successfully deceived the researchersDthe mixed results failed to lead to credible conclusions

单选题The mayor made a radio _____ for help for the victims of the violent earthquake which caused great damage.AappealBfailureCobjectionDsupport

单选题I can’t understand how he can feel that his colleagues are always ready to denounce him.AcomplimentBcriticizeCflatterDchallenge



单选题Who has done your hair,Susan?()AMy hair has been doneBThat hair stylistCMy hairstyle is coolDI have it cut

单选题This rare bird has become()Aan endangered specieBendangered speciesCendangering speciesDan endangered species