判断题The Liberal Democrats believe that people earning more than $100,000 a year should donate extra money.A对B错

The Liberal Democrats believe that people earning more than $100,000 a year should donate extra money.



Both the Tories and the Liberal Democrats cling to the idea of purely tax-funded higher education: the former intends to save money by cutting student numbers; the latter claims that extra money can be painlessly extracted from people earning more than €100,000 a year.


判断题The speaker says that a total of 17 people in China’s Shanxi Province have died from encephalitis B which is an inflammation of the brain that occurs under the age of 18 and is usually infected with mosquitoes.A对B错

判断题The number of children a woman has is limited compared with the most successful male in the society.A对B错

单选题According to the speaker, ______ .Athe Japanese imported industrial silicon for breast implants after World War II.Bthe invading forces sold silicon to Japanese women working in factories.Cplastic surgery is also very popular with women in Western countries.DAsian women undergoing plastic surgery are eager to emigrate to the US.

单选题Which of the following is true according to the speaker?AThe atmosphere is marked with turbulences.BThe deep waters are full of turbulent currents.CThe atmosphere is heated from above.DThe deep waters are heated from below.

问答题Practice 5  Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only once and then you will have 25 minutes to finish your summary. This part of the test carries 20 points. You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

单选题Which of the following is NOT a cause for men to replace women in the workplace?AHigher wages.BHeavier workload.CEconomic hardship.DImmigration.

判断题Michael Weisskopf won the Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the War on Iraq.A对B错

单选题What’s happened in August?AFour students were killed in the bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta.BFour students were deported from Jakarta.CThe Marriott Hotel in Jakarta was bombed by terrorists.DFour students participated in the Jakarta bombing.

判断题The uninsured in inner and suburbia don’t need to pay for the treatment of their illnesses.A对B错

判断题The Tsunami that occurred in November 2004 killed over 140, 000 people, leaving several million homeless in Aceh Province and Sri Lanka.A对B错

单选题Which description is NOT mentioned by Blackstone about homosex?AAn infamous crime against nature.BAn offence that is as malignant as rape.CA heinous act.DA crime not fit to be named.