单选题______Atrait Bfeature Cgenre Dstyle










trait特点,特色。feature特点;专栏。genre(文学、艺术等的)类型, 体裁, 风格。style文体;风格。根据题意,美国对于音乐剧这一艺术“类型”做出了独一无二的贡献,所以选C项genre。


You load an XmlDocument named doc with the following XML. Dictionary World Atlas You need to change the value for the genre attribute to NA for all book attributes. First, you add the following code segment to your class.Dim root As XmlElement = doc.DocumentElementDim nodes As XmlNodeList = root.SelectNodes("books/book")Which additional two code segments can you use to achieve this goal?()A. Dim node As XmlNodeFor Each node In nodes node.Attributes(0).Value = NANext nodeB. Dim node As XmlNodeFor Each node In nodes node.Attributes(1).Value = NANext nodeC. Dim node As XmlNodeFor Each node In nodes Dim genre As XmlNode = node.SelectSingleNode(/genre) genre.Value = NANext nodeD. Dim node As XmlNodeFor Each node In nodes Dim genre As XmlNode = node.SelectSingleNode(@genre) genre.Value = NANext nodeE. Dim node As XmlNodeFor Each node In nodes Dim genre As XmlNode = node.SelectSingleNode(genre) genre.Value = NANext node

CSS指的是下列( )的缩写。A.Computer Style. SheetsB.Cascading Style. Sheets CSS指的是下列( )的缩写。A.Computer Style. SheetsB.Cascading Style. SheetsC.Creative Style. SheetsD.Colorful Style. Sheets

According to the National English Curriculum Standards,the language knowledge students are required to learn consists of_______grammar,function and theme.A.phonetics,vocabularyB.phone,discourseC.literature,linguisticsD.style,genre

According to the National English Curriculum Standards, the language knowledge students are required to learn consists of _______ grammar, function and theme.A.phonetics, vocabulary B.phone, discourseC.literature, linguistics D.style, genre

tells where a person comes from, whereas __________ tells what he does.A.Dialect; registerB.Style; genreC.Dialect; styleD.Register; genre

Whenever you make an overly general statement about another person or about yourself,you are likely to be distorting the facts and conveying very little useful information.This is because most generalizations fail to differentiate between states and traits.A state is a temporary way of being while a trait tends to be a more stable and enduring characteristic or pattern of behavior.So,someone with a character trait of calmness and composure can,under certain circumstances,act agitated and angry because of being in a temporary state that is quite uncharacteristic of his regular style.Hence,"You are selfish"is vague generalization.Indeed,"You are selfish"implies that is quite uncharacteristic of his regular style.Hence,"You are selfish"is vague generalization.Indeed,"You are selfish"implies that the person almost always makes inconsiderate or self-centered choices that disregard the needs and wishes of others.But an occasional selfish act does not make someone selfish across the board because even a very generous person can occasionally be in a state during which he is anything but generous.

创建一个样式表,可以设置当前页面中ID为compact元素的内容的字体为斜体.下列能实现该功能的代码是()A、STYLE TYPE="text/css" compact{font-style:italic;}/STYLEB、STYLE TYPE="text/css" @compact{font-style:italic}/STYLE C、STYLE TYPE="text/css" .compact{text-style:italic;}/STYLE D、STYLE TYPE="text/css" #compact{font-style:italic;}/STYLE

在HTML中,使用HTML元素的class属性,将样式应用于网页上某个段落的代码如下所示: P class=“firstp”这是一个段落 /P 下面选项中,()正确定义了上面代码引用的样式规则。A、style type="text/css"P{color:red}/style B、style type="text/css"#firstp {color:red} /style C、style type="text/css" .firstp{color:red} /style D、style type="text/css"P.firstp{color:red}/style

使进度条控件以条形方式显示的样式是?()A、type=“?andriod:attr/progress Bar Style Horizontal”B、style=“?andriod:attr/progress Bar Style Horizontal”C、style=“?andriod:progress Bar Style Horizontal”D、type=“?andriod:progress Bar Style Horizontal”

CSS是()的缩写。A、Colorful Style SheetsB、Computer Style SheetsC、Cascading Style SheetsD、Creative Style Sheets

CSS的全称是(),中文译作()。A、cading style sheet,层叠样式表B、cascading style sheet,层次样式表C、cascading style sheet,层叠样式表D、cading style sheet,层次样式表

数量性状(Quantitative Trait)

下列代码使用HTML元素的ID属性,将样式应用于网页上的某个段落:<P id=”firstp”>这是一个段落</P>,下面选项中,()正确定义了上面代码引用的样式规则。A、<Style Type=”text/css”> P {color:red} </Style>B、<Style Type=”text/css”> #firstp {color:red} </Style>C、<Style Type=”text/css”> .firstp {color:red} </Style>D、<Style Type=”text/css”> P.firstp {color:red} </Style>

You load an XmlDocument named doc with the following XML. Dictionary World Atlas You need to change the value for the genre attribute to NA for all book attributes. First, you add the following code segment to your class. XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; XmlNodelist nodes = root.SelectNodes(“books/book”); Which additional two code segments can you use to achieve this goal? ()A、foreach (XmlNode node in nodes){ node.Attributes[0].Value = “NA”;}B、foreach (XmlNode node in nodes){ node.Attributes[1].Value = “NA”;}C、foreach (XmlNode node in nodes){XmlNode genre = node.SelectSingleNode(“/genre”); genre.Value = “NA”;}D、foreach (XmlNode node in nodes){XmlNode genre = node.SelectSingleNode(“@genre”); genre.Value = “NA”;}E、foreach (XmlNode node in nodes){XmlNode genre = node.SelectSingleNode(“genre”); genre.Value = “NA”;}



单选题以下哪段代码是获取控件内文本的颜色()。Avar color = aa.style.colorBaa.style.color = ‘blue’Cvar width = aa.borderWidthDvar style = aa.style.borderBottomStyle

单选题AThe Group did not share a single style of painting.BAll artists in the Group followed the style of Jackson.CThree artists are responsible for the Group’s style.DThe Group started the abstract style of painting.


单选题 __________ tells where a person comes from, whereas __________ tells what he does.ADialect; registerBStyle; genreCDialect; styleDRegister; genre

单选题CSS的全称是(),中文译作()。Acading style sheet,层叠样式表Bcascading style sheet,层次样式表Ccascading style sheet,层叠样式表Dcading style sheet,层次样式表

单选题下列代码使用HTML元素的ID属性,将样式应用于网页上的某个段落:<P id=”firstp”>这是一个段落</P>,下面选项中,()正确定义了上面代码引用的样式规则。A<Style Type=”text/css”> P {color:red} </Style>B<Style Type=”text/css”> #firstp {color:red} </Style>C<Style Type=”text/css”> .firstp {color:red} </Style>D<Style Type=”text/css”> P.firstp {color:red} </Style>


多选题You load an XmlDocument named doc with the following XML. Dictionary World Atlas You need to change the value for the genre attribute to NA for all book attributes. First, you add the following code segment to your class. XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; XmlNodelist nodes = root.SelectNodes(“books/book”); Which additional two code segments can you use to achieve this goal? ()Aforeach (XmlNode node in nodes){ node.Attributes[0].Value = “NA”;}Bforeach (XmlNode node in nodes){ node.Attributes[1].Value = “NA”;}Cforeach (XmlNode node in nodes){XmlNode genre = node.SelectSingleNode(“/genre”); genre.Value = “NA”;}Dforeach (XmlNode node in nodes){XmlNode genre = node.SelectSingleNode(“@genre”); genre.Value = “NA”;}Eforeach (XmlNode node in nodes){XmlNode genre = node.SelectSingleNode(“genre”); genre.Value = “NA”;}

多选题You load an XmlDocument named doc with the following XML. Dictionary World Atlas You need to change the value for the genre attribute to NA for all book attributes. First, you add the following code segment to your class.Dim root As XmlElement = doc.DocumentElementDim nodes As XmlNodeList = root.SelectNodes("books/book")Which additional two code segments can you use to achieve this goal?()ADim node As XmlNodeFor Each node In nodes node.Attributes(0).Value = NANext nodeBDim node As XmlNodeFor Each node In nodes node.Attributes(1).Value = NANext nodeCDim node As XmlNodeFor Each node In nodes Dim genre As XmlNode = node.SelectSingleNode(/genre) genre.Value = NANext nodeDDim node As XmlNodeFor Each node In nodes Dim genre As XmlNode = node.SelectSingleNode(@genre) genre.Value = NANext nodeEDim node As XmlNodeFor Each node In nodes Dim genre As XmlNode = node.SelectSingleNode(genre) genre.Value = NANext node

名词解释题质量性状(Qualitative Trait)

单选题使进度条控件以条形方式显示的样式是?()Atype=“?andriod:attr/progress Bar Style Horizontal”Bstyle=“?andriod:attr/progress Bar Style Horizontal”Cstyle=“?andriod:progress Bar Style Horizontal”Dtype=“?andriod:progress Bar Style Horizontal”
