









由下文的转折内容“not the same”可知,前文讲的是“一样的”。have sth. in common有共同点,即男女的大脑大部分都一样。divide分开;分割,share份;store储存。故选A。


19.A.to haveB.haveC.havingD.had

关于group by 以下语句正确的是( )A.SELECT store_name FROM Store_Information GROUP BY store_nameB. SELECT SUM(sales) FROM Store_Information GROUP BY salesC.SELECT store_name, price SUM(sales) FROM Store_Information GROUP BY store_name,priceD.SELECT store_name, SUM(sales) FROM Store_Information GROUP BY store_name

We lived in the same village then and had an amazing _________ together. A、childhoodB、shareC、hardship

She ______ black eyes.A、haveB、hasC、havingD、were

She and Mary not only look alike but also ______ the same tastes and interests A. produceB. shareC. provideD. copy

She also suggests that foreign students _________ housing with American students. A. shareB. will shareC. shared.


The accident ______ caused damage to my hull.A.haveB.isC.willD.has

Please let me ______ a set of import manifests.A.to haveB.haveC.havingD.to get

He tried to assemblehis thoughts.A: clearB:shareC: gatherD: spare

第(3)题应填________A.summon B.shareC.remindD.express


He tried to assemble his thoughts.A: clearB: shareC: gatherD: spare

The public store is to close at 9:30 p.m. ()no need to worry; it is just 7:30 p.m.A、You haveB、They haveC、It isD、There is

船体被甲板和舱壁分隔。()A、The hull is divided by decks and bulwarks.B、The hull is divided by decks and bulkheads.C、The hull is divided by engine room and bulkheads.D、The hull is divided by decks and holds.

船体被划分为一系列水密隔舱。()A、The hull is divided into a number of watertight compartments.B、The hull is divided into a number of gastight compartments.C、The hull is divided into a number of water compartments.D、The hull is divided into a number of tight compartments.

甲板分为艏楼甲板,主甲板和艉楼甲板。()A、The deck is divided into forecastle deck, main deck and poop deck.B、The deck is divided into forecastle deck, lower deck and main deck.C、The deck is divided into forecastle deck, main deck and lower deck.D、The deck is divided into main deck, lower deck and poop deck.


Which of the following commands will allow remote use of a folder?()A、NET SENDB、NET SHAREC、NET FILED、NET VIEW

would you like()a cup of tea?A、haveB、to haveC、havingD、to having

单选题The hull is divided by decks and ()(舱壁).AholdsBtanksCbulkheadsDhatches

单选题The holds are divided by ().AbulkheadBbulwarkCbitumenDwaterline

单选题甲板分为艏楼甲板,主甲板和艉楼甲板。()AThe deck is divided into forecastle deck, main deck and poop deck.BThe deck is divided into forecastle deck, lower deck and main deck.CThe deck is divided into forecastle deck, main deck and lower deck.DThe deck is divided into main deck, lower deck and poop deck.

单选题船体被甲板和舱壁分隔。()AThe hull is divided by decks and bulwarks.BThe hull is divided by decks and bulkheads.CThe hull is divided by engine room and bulkheads.DThe hull is divided by decks and holds.

单选题What is the holding power ratio of an anchor? ()AMaximum mooring line tension divided by the anchor's weight in airBAnchor's weight in air divided by the maximum mooring line tensionCPreloading tension divided by the anchor's weight in airDOperating tension divided by the anchor's weight in air

单选题船体被划分为一系列水密隔舱。()AThe hull is divided into a number of watertight compartments.BThe hull is divided into a number of gastight compartments.CThe hull is divided into a number of water compartments.DThe hull is divided into a number of tight compartments.


单选题Fires can be divided into different ().AkindBkindsCtypesDB+C