









由前文“never at a loss for words(从不语塞)”可知,此空白处为“记得”的意思。recall意为“回忆”;understand意为“理解”;realize意为“意识到”;perceive意为“认识,理解”;符合文意的是选项A。


Only when he was put in prison, ____ how silly he was and what a serious harm he had did to her. A.should he have realizeB.he realizedC.did he realizeD.he had realized

Not until the recent years ___the importance of mastering a foreign language. A. people realizedB. realized peopleC. did people realizeD. had people realized

We often () the happy time we spent at your hometown last summer. A.recallB.remindC.presentD.provide

Only when I began to do it ____ that I had made a mistake.A I realized B I had realized C did I realize D would I realize


I fail to _____ ever meeting her.A、recallB、pretendC、planD、hope

Unfortunately he could not ______ the danger at that time.A、prepareB、pretendC、performD、perceive

执行如下命令: USE 职工 DELETE FOR 性别=“女” 若要去除所有删除记录的标记,应该使用的命令是( )。A.RECALLB.RECALL ALLC.RELEASED.REALSE ALL


Only when the CIA Director David was forced to resignthat it's hard to keep our e-mail secret.A.we realizedB.realized weC.did we realizeD.we did realize

Not until I began to work__how much time I had wasted.A.didn't I realizeB.did I realizeC.I didn't realizeD.I realized

I don't quite follow what she is saying.A:observe B:understand C:explain D:describe

I did not fully comprehend what had happened.A:approve B:understandC:appreciate D:accept





单选题______ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with my questions.AIf I realized BHad I realized CI realized that DAs I realized

单选题Unlike the recognition of ethical lapses in others, many people are disinclined to perceive the same flaws in themselves.AUnlike the recognition of ethical lapses in others, many people are disinclined to perceive the same flaws in themselves.BUnlike the perception of ethical flaws in themselves, many people are willing to recognize these same flaws in others.CMany people, willing to recognize ethical lapses in others. are disinclined to perceive the same flaws in themselves.DMany people are disinclined to perceive the same flaws in themselves, but are willing to perceive ethical lapses in others.EAlthough willing to recognize ethical lapses in others, many people in themselves are disinclined to perceive the same flaws.

单选题According to the passage, if we perceive a person, we are likely to be interested in _____.Awhat he wearsBhow tall he isChow happy he isDwhat color he dyes his hair

单选题The first P in the PPP teaching model stands for______, which aims to get leamers to perceive the form and meaning of a structure.Apractice BproductionCpresentation Dpreparation

单选题_____ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with my questions.AIf I realizedBHad I realizedCI realized thatDAs I realized

单选题If the author’s predictions are realized, the demand for unskilled workers will be __________.Avery highBvery lowCthe same as todayDconstantly rising

单选题The local authorities realized the need to make ______ for elderly people in their housing programs.AprovisionBpreparationCrequirementDspecification

单选题68 A realized B understood C produced D supportedAABBCCDD

单选题Many a student _____ the importance of learning a foreign language.Ahave realizedBhas realizedChave been realizedDhas been realized

单选题I suddenly realized that he was trying to______quarrelling with me.AconsiderBenjoyCavoidDprevent

单选题It is not so well realized that the _____ development of a baby depends more on parental love than on enough good food.AlovelyBsoundCwholeDlively