


空格前面有“a”,根据语法结构,空格处应该是可数名词,故long way正确。


单选题–Do you come here ()? - Yes, I'm a member of the health club. I come twice a week to swim.AmuchBmanyCsoon

单选题— I'm trying to call Marie, but there's no answer. —()AI didn’t realize thatBHere is a message for herCI’m really sorry about itDReally? Maybe she’s out

单选题What is the writer’s attitude toward the “sociometer theory” in Comment 7?AAffirmative.BObjective.CDetached.DNegative.

单选题That is my CD, and ()are yours.AthisBthatCthose




单选题He wants to()of the fine weather today to play tennis.Atake the advantageBtake advantageCtake an advantageDhave advantage

单选题The arrangement of the meeting has to be kept confidential for the sake of security.AconfidentBsecretCflexibleDpositive

单选题A well-written biography can _____ the barriers of time and bring the hero back to life.Abreak outBbreak intoCbreak offDbreak down

单选题Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight Detroit?()AHello! International Airline.BYou‘d better look up the schedule first.CI‘m sorry, but it‘s completely booked.DI‘m afraid you have to change.

单选题Does that tea have enough sugar in it?()AYes, it is. Thank you.BYes, it does. Thank you.CYes, I will. Thank you.DYes, I do. I like it.

单选题China launched its second()space flight in October 2005.AmanBmanedCmanningDmanned

单选题Speed limits should lead() fewer deaths on the roads.AtoBoffConDin

单选题I have spent a lot of time()working on this problem.AatB–(不填)ConDwith

单选题Hello, may I speak to Zhao Hua?()AMy name is Zhao HuaBI'm Zhao HuaCThis is Zhao Hua speakingDZhao Hua is me

单选题()call a taxi?AWhat aboutBHow aboutCWhy don’t you

单选题Why()the old block of flats()demolished next month?Aare;beingBis;beingChas;beenDhave;been

单选题Nobody believed him()what he said.Aeven thoughBin spiteCno matterDcontrary to

问答题请用所报考语种就所给题目写出一篇400~600字的导游解说词。要求语言规范、表达得体、内容切题、条理清楚,有一定的思想深度,符合导游语言要求,能体现中国的世界遗产的历史文化价值及其遭遇破坏的现状。  题目:中国的世界遗产

单选题A pair of spectacles()what I need at the moment.AisBareChasDhave

单选题Some measured all actions by the unalterable rule of right, and the eternal fitness of things.AexternalBpermanentCintermittentDsimultaneous


单选题Could you say it again, please?()ACertainlyBThat's nothingCYes, you are welcomeDYes, I am glad about it

单选题The last sentence in this passage means that if we succeed in making workers’ jobs more interesting _____.Athey will want more moneyBthey will demand shorter working hoursCmore money and shorter working hours are important factorsDmore money and shorter working hours will not be so important to them

单选题I fell and hurt myself while I()basketball yesterday.Awas playingBam playingCplayDplayed

单选题The girl is()of a film star.AsomebodyBsomethingCanybodyDanything

单选题What time does our plane leave?()ASaturday.BEight o'clock in the morningCLast week.DThis week