单选题I wish I ______ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.Acould have sleptBsleptCmight have sleptDhave slept

I wish I ______ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.

could have slept




might have slept


have slept


虚拟语气。本题是I wish型虚拟语气。根据本题的时间this morning可以判断这是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,要用过去完成时。could have done表示“过去本来能够”。句意:我真希望今天早晨能多睡一会儿,可是我得早起上课。


He got up _____________(早) than I did this morning.

I wish we had a color TV. I’m _ pictures in black and white. A.tired ofB.interested inC.fond ofD.fed up

Once I had made a__________ decision,I no longer dwelt on it. A. consideringB. consideredC. thinkingD. thought

If I didn’t have to get up early, I( )out tonight, but I start work at 7.30 tomorrow. A. wentB. would goC. had goneD. am going

—Why do you get up so early in the morning,Tarcy?—I generally make it a to be up by 7 to read English.A.plan B.wish C.secret D.rule

I wish I ______ you yesterday.A. seenB. did seeC. had seenD. were to see

You're always moaning about something or other. I wish you ______.A. shut upB. were shut upC. had shut upD. would shut up

BI usually wake up(醒来) early in the morning. Then I get up and get dressed. I eat breakfast at seven. I have bread and milk for breakfast. I leave home at about seven thirty. I don-t like to be late for school.I have many classes in the morning . At about twelve, I come home for lunch. In the afternoon, I am 'not so busy. After school, I do my homework and play with other children.At five thirty, my father and mother come back from work. We have supper.After that, we read newspapers(报纸) or listen to the radio for a little while(一会儿).Sometimes we watch TV. I go to bed at nine. But my father often works late at night.He goes to bed at midnight(半夜).26. What do you have for breakfast?

It was not until the train had left _____ the station. A.I arrivedB.did I get toC.that I arrivedD.that I reached

-- Why don't you stay a little longer?-- _____A. I wish I could, but it's already late.B. I don't want to.C. I couldn't.D. Thank you very much.

To get my traveler's check I had to _____ a special check to the bank for the total amount.A. make forB. make outC. make offD. make up

How I wish I________(can) make up for the lost time.

I _____ to take a good holiday this year, but I wasn’t able to get away. A hopeB have hopedC had hopedD hoped

I like to get up early so that I can get plenty of work ________.A. to doB. doingC. doneD. being done

I ______, because I don’t want to be late for school. A、am used to getting up earlyB、used to getting up earlyC、am used to get up earlyD、used to get up early

I_______ to get up late, but now I get up early every morningl.A、used toB、is used toC、useD、use to

--I wish I had never done it. --____________A、OK.B、Don' t worry too much.C、Not at all.D、Next time.

I wish I ____ longer this morning, but I had 选择 IwishI____longerthismorning,butIhadtogetupandcometoclass.(A)couldhaveslept(C)mighthaveslept(B)slept(D)haveslept

请阅读短文,完成第小题。There was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me. I guess that would have been when ! was about six or seven years old, just several weeks or maybe a month before the orphanage(孤儿院) turned me into an old man.I would get up every morning at the orphanage, make my bed just like the little soldier that I had become and then I would get into one of the two straight lines and march to breakfast with the other twenty or thirty boys who also lived in my dormitory.After breakfast one Saturday morning I returned to the dormitory and saw the house parent chasing the beautiful monarch butterflies who lived by the hundreds in the bushes scattered around the orphanage.I carefully watched as he caught these beautiful creatures, one after another, and then took them from the net and then stuck straight pins through their head and wings, pinning them onto a heavy cardboard sheet.How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty. I had walked many times out into the bushes, all by myself, just so the butterflies could land on my head, face and hands so I could look at them up close.When the telephone rang the house parent laid the large cardboard paper down on the back cement (水泥) step and went inside to answer the phone. I walked up to the cardboard and looked at the one butterfly who he had just pinned to the large paper. It was still moving about so I reached down and touched it on the wing causing one of the pins to fall out. It started flying around and around trying to get away but it was still pinned by the one wing with the other straight pin. Finally its wing broke off and the butterfly fell to the ground and just trembled.I picked up the torn wing and the butterfly and I spat on its wing and tried to get it to stick back on so it could fly away and be free before the house parent came back. But it would not stay on him.What is the author's attitude towards the house parent's pinning some butterflies on the cardboard?查看材料A.Tolerant.B.Unconcerned.C.Disgusted.D.Discouraged.

请阅读短文,完成第小题。There was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me. I guess that would have been when ! was about six or seven years old, just several weeks or maybe a month before the orphanage(孤儿院) turned me into an old man.I would get up every morning at the orphanage, make my bed just like the little soldier that I had become and then I would get into one of the two straight lines and march to breakfast with the other twenty or thirty boys who also lived in my dormitory.After breakfast one Saturday morning I returned to the dormitory and saw the house parent chasing the beautiful monarch butterflies who lived by the hundreds in the bushes scattered around the orphanage.I carefully watched as he caught these beautiful creatures, one after another, and then took them from the net and then stuck straight pins through their head and wings, pinning them onto a heavy cardboard sheet.How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty. I had walked many times out into the bushes, all by myself, just so the butterflies could land on my head, face and hands so I could look at them up close.When the telephone rang the house parent laid the large cardboard paper down on the back cement (水泥) step and went inside to answer the phone. I walked up to the cardboard and looked at the one butterfly who he had just pinned to the large paper. It was still moving about so I reached down and touched it on the wing causing one of the pins to fall out. It started flying around and around trying to get away but it was still pinned by the one wing with the other straight pin. Finally its wing broke off and the butterfly fell to the ground and just trembled.I picked up the torn wing and the butterfly and I spat on its wing and tried to get it to stick back on so it could fly away and be free before the house parent came back. But it would not stay on him.The author set the living butterfly free because查看材料A.he liked it very muchB.he had sympathy for the beautiful butterflyC.he couldn't bear a butterfly dying in his favorite bushesD.its wing broke off

请阅读短文,完成第小题。There was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me. I guess that would have been when ! was about six or seven years old, just several weeks or maybe a month before the orphanage(孤儿院) turned me into an old man.I would get up every morning at the orphanage, make my bed just like the little soldier that I had become and then I would get into one of the two straight lines and march to breakfast with the other twenty or thirty boys who also lived in my dormitory.After breakfast one Saturday morning I returned to the dormitory and saw the house parent chasing the beautiful monarch butterflies who lived by the hundreds in the bushes scattered around the orphanage.I carefully watched as he caught these beautiful creatures, one after another, and then took them from the net and then stuck straight pins through their head and wings, pinning them onto a heavy cardboard sheet.How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty. I had walked many times out into the bushes, all by myself, just so the butterflies could land on my head, face and hands so I could look at them up close.When the telephone rang the house parent laid the large cardboard paper down on the back cement (水泥) step and went inside to answer the phone. I walked up to the cardboard and looked at the one butterfly who he had just pinned to the large paper. It was still moving about so I reached down and touched it on the wing causing one of the pins to fall out. It started flying around and around trying to get away but it was still pinned by the one wing with the other straight pin. Finally its wing broke off and the butterfly fell to the ground and just trembled.I picked up the torn wing and the butterfly and I spat on its wing and tried to get it to stick back on so it could fly away and be free before the house parent came back. But it would not stay on him.Which of the following is right according to the passage?查看材料A.I found beauty meant nothing special to me.B.The house parent helped the children handle the quilt.C.The house parent chased the butterfly in order to show it to the children.D.I thought it cruel to catch the butterfly.

I didn't attend the conference,but I wish I__there.A.had beenB.beC.wereD.would be

How I wish every family__a large house with a beautiful garden!A.hasB.hadC.will haveD.had had

单选题— David, When do you get up every day?— I usually get up ______ half past six. I’m never late for school.AinBatConDduring

单选题Doctor: Morning, Mr. White. Come in. And what can I do for you today?  ? ? ?Patient: Well, doctor,_____ I often wake up at 3:00 in the morning and I just can’t get back to sleep.  Doctor: I see…and how long has this been going on?  Patient:Oh, about a month now. I wonder if you could prescribe something.AI’m having difficulty sleeping.BI’m watching TV every night.CI’m getting too much sleep.DI’m eating too much.

单选题As I had earlier made up my mind to run for governor, I could not()I must go on with the fight.AvaryBwithdrawCundergoDdiscard

单选题As Christmas is coming, there are presents to be bought, cards to be sent, and rooms to be cleaned. Parents are ___1___ with difficult jobs of hiding presents from curious young children. If the gifts are large, this is sometimes a real ___2___. On Christmas Eve, young children find the excitement almost unbearable. They are torn between the wish to go to bed early so that Father Christmas will bring their presents quickly and the wish to stay up late so that they will not miss the fun. The wish for gifts usually proves stronger. But though children go to bed early, they often lie awake for a long time, hoping to get a short ___3___ at Father Christmas. Last Christmas, my wife and I successfully hid a few large presents in the storeroom. I ___4___ the moment when my son, Jimmy, would ask me where that new bike had come from, but ___5___ he did not see it. On Christmas Eve, it took the children hours to go to sleep. It must have been nearly ___6___ when my wife and I went quietly into their room and began filling stockings. Then I pushed in the ___7___ I bought for Jimmy and left it beside the Christmas tree. We knew we would not get much sleep that night, for the children were ___8___ to get up early. At about five o’clock the next morning, we were woken by loud sounds coming from the children’s room — they were shouting excitedly! Before I had time to get out of bed, young Jimmy came riding into the room on his new bike, and his sister, Mary, followed close behind pushing her new baby carriage. Even the baby arrived. He moved ___9___ the hands and knees into the room dragging a large balloon behind him. Suddenly it burst. That woke us up ___10___. The day had really begun with a band!___8___内应选()AbikeBmidnightCfortunatelyDlookEproblemFfacedGsureHonIfearedJtinyKcompletelyLlick

单选题I wish I _____ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.Acould have sleptBsleptCmight have sleptDhave slept