填空题下列程序的运行结果是()。 Program test Implicit none Integer::i Integer::a(5)=(/ (i, i=1,5) /) Integer::b(5)=0 Where (a3) b=a End where Write(*,”(5(i3,1x))”) b end
下列程序的运行结果是()。 Program test Implicit none Integer::i Integer::a(5)=(/ (i, i=1,5) /) Integer::b(5)=0 Where (a<3) b=a End where Write(*,”(5(i3,1x))”) b end
下面程序的运行结果是【】。 inChlde using namespace std; class count { static int n; 下面程序的运行结果是【 】。inChlde<iOStream>using namespace std;class count{static int n;public:count(){n++;}static int test(){for(int i=0:i<4;i++)n++;return n;}};int count::n=0;int main(){cout<<COUnt::test()<<" ";count c1, c2;cout<<count::test()<<end1;return 0;}
下列程序的运行结果是public class test{private String[] data={“10”,“10.5”};public void fun(){double s=0;for(int i=0;i3;i++){try{s=s+Integer .parseInt(data[i]);}catch(Exception e){System.out.print(“errorl:”+data[i]);}}}public static void main(String[]args){try{testd=new test();d .fun();}catch(Exception e){System.out.printIn(“error2”);}}}A.errorl:10.5B.error2C.errorl:10.5 error2D.以上都不对
请分析下列程序。 int main() { printf("This is in main program"); if(fork()==0) printf("I am in child process"); else printf("I am in parent process");} 程序正确运行后结果是A.This is in main program I am in child process I am in parent processB.This is in main program I am in child processC.This is in main program I am in parent processD.This is in main program I am in child process This is in main program I am in parent process
(12)下列程序段的运行结果是 Sub sele() Dim n As Integer I=21:n=3 Do While in I=i-n Loop Print i End SubA.2 B.4 C.5 D.3
下列程序的执行结果是 ( ) public class Test { public int aMethod() { satic int i=0; i++; System.out.println(i); } public static void.main(String args[]) { Test test=new Test(); test.aMethod(); }A.编译错误B.0C.1D.运行成功,但不输出
下列程序的运行结果是【 】。 include class test { private: int num; public: tes 下列程序的运行结果是【 】。include <iostream. h>class test{private:int num;public:test()int TEST() {return num+100;}~test()};test::test(){num=0;}test::~test(){cout<<"Destructor is active"<<endl;}void main(){test x[3]cout<<x[1]. TEST()<<endl;}
下列程序段的运行结果是:Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n AS Integer I =21: n = 3 do while I>n I=I- n Loop Print IEnd Sub在窗体上打印的结果是______。A.3B.5C.6D.8
阅读下列程序: Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim i As Integer,k As Integer k=2 For i=1 To 3 Print H(k); Next i End Sub Function H(j As Integer) a=0 Static b a=a+1 b=b+1 H=a*b+j End Function 程序运行后,单击命令按钮输出结果是A.234B.345C.567D.356
下列程序段的运行结果是( )。 Subsele() Dim n As Integer i=21:n=3 Do While i>n i=i-n Loop Print i End SubA.2B.4C.5D.3
阅读下列程序。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer,k As Integer k=2 For i=1 To 3 Print Fun(k); Next End Sub Function Fun(j As Integer) Static b a=0 a=a + 1 b=b + 1 Fun=a*b+j End Function 程序运行后,单击命令按钮输出结果是A.234B.345C.567D.356
下列程序的运行结果是( )。 public class test{ private String[]data={¨10","10.5"); public void fun{ double s=0: for(int i=0;i3;j++){ try{ s=s+Integer.parseInt(data[i]); catch(Exception e){ System.out.print("errorl:"+data[i]); } } } public static void main(string[]args){ try{ test d=new test: fun: }catch(Exception e){ System.OUt.println("error2") } } }A.errorl:10.5B.error2C.errorl:10.5 error2D.以上都不对
下列程序段的运行结果是( )。 Sub sele() Dim n As Integer i=21: n=3 Do While i > n i=i-n Loop Print i End SubA.2B.4C.5D.3
阅读程序: Function fac(ByVal As Integer)As Integer Dim temp As Integer temp=1 For i%=1 To n temp=temp*i% Next i% fac=temp End Function Private Sub Form. Click( ) Dim nsum As Integer nsum=1 For i%=2 T0 4 nsum=nsum+fac(i%) Next i% Print nsum End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果是( )。A.35B.31C.33D.37
下面程序运行后的结果是( )。 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim s As Integer,k As Integer,i As Integer,n As Integer s=1 fori=1 to 3 forj=i to 3 for k=j to istep-1 s=s*k nextk,J,i print s End SubA.6B.72C.144D.432
下列程序的运行结果是( )。 public class test{ private String[]data={¨10","10.5"}, public void fun( double S=0; for(int i=0;i3;i++){ try{ s=s+Integer.parseInt(data[i]); catch(Exception e){ System.out.print(“errorl:”+data[i])。 } } } public static void main(string[]args){ try{ test d=new test; fun; }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("error2") } } }A.errorl:10.5B.error2C.errorl:10.5 error2D.以上都不对
设有如下程序public class test {public static void main(String args[]) {Integer intObj=Integer.valueOf(args[args.length-1]);int i = intObj.intValue();if(args.length >1、System.out.println(i);if(args.length >0)System.out.println(i -1、;elseSystem.out.println(i - 2、;}}运行程序,输入如下命令:java test 2则输出为:A. testB. test -1C. 0D. 1E. 2
public class test { public static void add3 (Integer i) int val = i.intValue ( ); val += 3; i = new Integer (val); } public static void main (String args [ ] ) { Integer i = new Integer (0); add3 (i); system.out.printIn (i.intValue ( ) ); } What is the result?() A、 Compilation will fail.B、 The program prints “0”.C、 The program prints “3”.D、 Compilation will succeed but an exception will be thrown at line 3.
填空题下列程序的运行结果是()。 Program test Implicit none Integer::sum,i sum=0.0 do i=1,203,2 sum=sum+i end do write(*,*) i end
填空题下列程序的运行结果是()。 Program test Implicit none Complex a,b,c A=(1.0,2.0) b= (2.0,4.0) c=a+b Write(*,*) c Stop end
单选题下列程序的运行结果是( )。public class test{private String [] data = {"10","10.5"};public void fun(){ double s = 0; for(int i = 0; i try{ s = s + Integer.parseInt(data[i]); } catch(Exception e){ System.out.print("error1:" + data[i]); } }}public static void main(String[] args){ try{ test d = new test(); d.fun(); } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("error2"); }} }Aerror1:10.5Berror2Cerror1:10.5error2D以上都不对
填空题下列程序的运行结果是()。 Program main implicit none integer, target :: a=1 integer, pointer :: p p=a p=3 write(*,*)a end
单选题public class test { public static void add3 (Integer i){ int val = i.intValue ( ); val += 3; i = new Integer (val); } public static void main (String args [ ] ) { Integer i = new Integer (0); add3 (i); system.out.printIn (i.intValue ( ) ); } } What is the result?()A Compilation will fail.B The program prints “0”.C The program prints “3”.D Compilation will succeed but an exception will be thrown at line 3.
填空题下列程序的运行结果是()。 Program main implicit none integer ::a=1 integer ::b=2 call add ( a ) Call add ( b) Write(*,*) a , b Stop end Subroutine add (sum) Implicit none integer :: sum sum=sum+1 Return end
填空题下列程序的运行结果是()。 Program test Implicit none Integer,parameter:: limit=10 Integer counter Integer:: ans=0 Counter=2 do while(counter=limit) ans=ans+counter counter=counter+2 end do Wrte(*,*)ans end
填空题下列程序的运行结果是()。 Program test Implicit none Integer::i Integer::a(5) Forall ( i=1:5 ) A(I)=5 End forall Write(*,*)a Stop end
填空题下列程序运行结果为()。 Program main Implicit none Integer::floor=5,i Do i=1, floor If(i==3)cycle If(i==4)cycle Write(*,*)i End do end