












单选题The World’s Fair won’t be a financial success _____ there are enough visitors.AlestBprovidedCifDunless

单选题Return the book immediately to the library as soon as you _____ with it.AfinishBare finishedChave finishedDare finishing


单选题When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun _____.AshoneBshinesChas shoneDwas shining

单选题The section on jokes and cartoons is _____.Aread only by childrenBof no valueCnot helpfulDread by many

单选题She was _____ at your saying that.AinterestedBtroubledCannoyedDanxious


单选题The _____ Court is the highest court in the United States.ASuperiorBSuperCSupremeDGreat

单选题I’d like to start by _____ myself to countries where English is the main language.AcontrollingBcontainingCrestrainingDrestricting


单选题All that you said _____ true. All _____ reading their textbooks when the teacher entered.Awas; wereBwere; wasCwas; wasDwere; were

单选题The young man insisted that he _____ nothing wrong and _____ free.Adid; setBhad done; should be setCdo; be setDhad done; must be set

单选题It worried her a bit _____ her hair was turning grey.AwhileBthatCifDfor

单选题We had every reason to believe that _____ 2010 World Expo in Shanghai would be _____ success.A/; aBthe; /Cthe; aDa; a

单选题The road was muddy. It _____ last night.Amust rainedBmust have rainedCmust be rainedDcould have rained

单选题We can infer from the second paragraph that _____.Athe society is not satisfied with the present college educationBthe governments interfere too much with college educationCthe teachers are forced to do what they don’t like to doDteachers dislike teaching commercially useful courses

单选题His decision was _____, since he could not see the action from where he was standing.AarbitraryBordinaryCcasualDaccurate

单选题When many American parents don’t know how to deal with their children they seek advice from the following EXCEPT_____.AneighborsBparent training coursesCbooksDlectures


单选题_____ the rain we would have had a nice holiday.ABut thatBBut forCDespiteDIn spite of

单选题_____ was wrong.ANot the teacher but the studentsBBoth the students and the teacherCNeither the teacher not the studentsDNot the students but the teacher

单选题Ellsworth Huntington’s conclusion was based on _____.Avariations of his own mental abilities from season to seasonBthe result of research done by him and other scientists among peoples in different climatesCdetailed records of temperature changes in different placesDdetailed records of different ways of thinking among peoples in different climates

单选题The central idea of this passage is _____.Aman’s mental abilities change from season to seasonBman’s intelligence varies from place to placeCman should take long vacation in summerDif you want to do creative thinking, go to a cool place

单选题Gone With The Wind is a _____ movie.AremarkableBperfectCindispensableDoutstanding

单选题How dirty the tables are! They need _____.Ato cleanBcleanCcleaningDcleaned

单选题I _____ asleep in the corner, for I remember nothing of what happened during the night.Amight fallBmust fallCmust have fallenDcan have fallen

单选题The game was fixed for today but it has been _____ for a week.AtransferredBdelayedCtranslatedDpostponed