单选题Application for a group tour of the White House must be submitted ______.Aexactly on the date of applicationBat least 30 days in advanceCany day between Tuesday and SaturdayD10 days before the date of the tour
Application for a group tour of the White House must be submitted ______.
exactly on the date of application
at least 30 days in advance
any day between Tuesday and Saturday
10 days before the date of the tour
考点:细节题。根据题干信号词application和submitted定位到文章中第三段Requests must be submitted with a minimum of one month’s advance notice from the date of the tour。由此可知,申请者必须至少在参观日期之前一个月提交参观申请,只有B项符合题意。A 项、C项和D项均断章取义,不符合题意。
考点:细节题。根据题干信号词application和submitted定位到文章中第三段Requests must be submitted with a minimum of one month’s advance notice from the date of the tour。由此可知,申请者必须至少在参观日期之前一个月提交参观申请,只有B项符合题意。A 项、C项和D项均断章取义,不符合题意。
●试题八阅读以下说明和C++程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。【说明】设计一个日期类Date包括年、月、日等私有数据成员。要求实现日期的基本运算,如某日期加上天数、某日期减去天数、两日期相差的天数等。在Date类中设计如下重载运算符函数:Date operator+(int days):返回某日期加上天数得到的日期。Date operator-(int days):返回某日期减去天数得到的日期。int operator-(Date&b):返回两日期相差的天数。【程序】#includeiostream.hint day tab[2][12]={{31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31},{31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}};∥day_tab二维数组存放各月天数,第一行对应非闰年,第二行对应闰年class Date{int year,month,day;∥年,月,日int leap(int);∥判断是否为闰年int dton(Date&);Date ntod(int);public:Date(){}Date(int y,int mint d){year=y;month=m;day=d;}void setday(intd){day=d;}void setmonth(int m){month=m;}void setyear(int y){year=y;}int getday(){return day;}int getmonth(){return month:}int getyear(){return year;)Date operator+(int days)∥+运算符重载函数{static Date date;int number= (1) ;date=ntod(number);return date;}Date operator-(int days)∥-运算符重载函数{staffs Date date;int number= (2) ;number-=days;date=ntod(number);return date;}int operator-(Date &b)∥-运算符重载函数{int days= (3) ;return days;}void disp(){coutyear"."month"."dayendl;}};int Date::leap(int year){if( (4) )∥是闰年return 1;∥不是闰年elsereturn0:}int Date::dton(Date &d)∥求从公元0年0月0日到d日期的天数{inty,m,days=0;for(y=1;y=d.year;y++)if( (5) )days+=366;∥闰年时加366天else days+=365;∥非闰年时加365天for(m=0;md.month-1;m++)if( (6) )days+=day_tab[1][m];elsedays+=day_tab[0][m];days+=D.day;return days;}Date Date::ntod(intn)∥将从公元0年0月0日的天数转换成日期{int y=1,m=1,d,rest=n,lp;while (1){if(leap(y))if(rest=366)break;else rest-=366;else∥非闰年if(rest=365)break;else rest-=365;y++;}y--;Ip=Ieap(y);while (1){if(Ip)∥闰年if(restday_tab[1][m-1])rest-=day_tab[1][m-1];else break;else∥非闰年if(restday_tab[0][m-1])rest-=day_tab[0][m-1];else break;m++;}d=rest;return Date(y;m,d);}void main(){Date now(2003,10,1),then(2005,6,5);cout"now:";now.disp();cout"then:";then.disp();cout"相差天数:"(then-now)endl;Date dl=now+1000,d2=now-1000;cout"now+1000:";d1.disp();cout"now-1000:":d2.disp();}
An activity has an early start date-of the lOth and a late start date of the 19th. The activity also has a duration of 4 days. There are no nonworkdays. From the information given, ()what can be concluded about the activity?A.Total float for the activity is 9 days.B.The early finish date ofthe activity is the end ofthe day on the 14th.C.The late finish date is the 25th.D.The activity can be completed in 2 days ifthe resources devoted to it are doubled.
查询最近30天的记录应使用( )作为准则。A.Between Date()And Date()-30B.Between Date()-30 And Date()C.<=Date()-30D.<Date()-30
Please see to()that the L/C is opened 30 days before the date of shipment. A、themB、the matterC、itD、your way clear
阅读以下说明和C++程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】设计一个日期类Date包括年、月、日等私有数据成员。要求实现日期的基本运算,如某日期加上天数、某日期减去天数、两日期相差的天数等。在Date类中设计如下重载运算符函数:Date operator + (int days) : 返回某日期加上天数得到的日期。Date operator - (int days) : 返回某日期减去天数得到的日期。int operator - (Dateb): 返回两日期相差的天数。【程序】include<iostream.h>int day tab[2][12]={{31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31},{31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}};//day_tab二维数组存放各月天数,第一行对应非闰年,第二行对应闰年class Date{int year, month, day //年,月,日int leap(int); //判断是否闰年int dton(Date)Date ntod(int)public:Date() { }Date (int y, int mint d) I year = y; month = m; day = d;}void setday(intd){day = d;}void setmonth(int m) {month = m;}void setyear(int y) {year =y;}int getday() {return day;}int getmonth() {return month:}int getyear() {return yea;}Date operator + (int days) //+运算符重载函数{static Date date;int number =(1)date = ntod(number)return date}Date operator - (int days) //-运算符重载函数{staffs Date date;int number=(2);number - = days;date = ntod(number)return date;}int operator - (Date b) //-运算符重载函数{int days=(3);return days;}void disp(){cout<<year<<"."<<month<<". "<<day<<endl;}};int Date: :leap( int year)if((4)) //是闰年return 1; //不是闰年elsereturn0:}int Date:: dton( Date d) //求从公元0年0月0日到d日期的天数{inty,m,days =0;for(y=1;y<=d. year;y++)if((5))days+ =366; //闰年时加366天else days + = 365; //非闰年时加365天for(m =0;m<d. month-1;m++)if((6))days += day_tab[1] [m];elsedays +=day_tab[0] [m];days + = d. day;return days;}Date Date::ntod(intn) //将从元0年0月0日的天数转换成日期{int y=1,m = 1,d,rest = n,lp;while(1){ if(leap(y))if(rest<= 366) break;else rest - = 366;else //非闰年if(rest = 365 ) break;else rest-=365;
有以下程序include using namespace std;static int days[]= { 31,28,31,30,31,30,31 有以下程序 #include <iostream> using namespace std; static int days[]= { 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; class date { private: int month, day, year; public: date( int m, int d, int y ) { month = m; day = d; year = y; } date() {} void disp() { cout<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<day<<end1; } date operator+( int day ) { date dt = *this; day+= dt.day; while ( day > days[dt.month - 1 ] ) { day -= days[ dt.month - 1 ]; if ( ++dt.month == 13 ) { dt.month = 1; dt.year++; } } dt.day = day; return dt; }; int main() { date d1( 6, 20, 2004 ), d2; d2: d1 + 20; d2.disp(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是A.2004-7-10B.2004-6-20C.2004-7-20D.程序编译时出错
有以下程序include usingnamespacestd;static int days []={31,28.31,30,31,30,31,31 有以下程序 #include <iostream> using namespace std; static int days []={31,28.31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; class date { private: int month, day, year: public: date (int m, int d, int y { month = m; day = d; year = y; } date{} {} void disp {) { cout <<year<<" - "<<month<< "- "<<day<<end1; } date operator+(int day) { date dt = *this: day += dt.day; while { day > days[ dt.month - 1 ] ) { day -= tays[ dt.month - 1 ]; if ( ++dt.month == 13 { dt.month = 1; dt.yeare++; } } dr. day = day; return dt; } }; int main() { date d1( 6, 20, 2004 ), d2; d2.= d1 + 20; d2.disp (); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是A.2004-7-10B.2004-6-20C.2004-7-20D.程序编译时出错
有以下程序:includeusingnamespacestd;staticintdays[]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30 有以下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; static int days[]={ 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; class date { private: int month,day,year; public: date( int m,int d,int y ) { month = m; day = d; year = y; } date() {} void disp() { cout<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<day<<end1; } date operator+( iht day ) { date dt = * this; day += dt.day; while ( day > days[ dt.month - 1 ] ) { day -= days[ dt.month - 1 ]; if ( ++dt.month == 13 ) { dt.month = 1; dt.year++; } } dt.day = day; return dt; } }; int main() { date dl( 6, 20, 2004 ), d2; d2 = dt + 20; d2.disp(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是( )。A.2004-7-10B.2004-6-20C.2004-7-20D.程序编译时出错
有以下程序includeusing namespace std;static int days []={31,28,31,30,31,30,3l,3 有以下程序 #include<iostream> using namespace std; static int days []={31,28,31,30,31,30,3l,31,30,31,30,31}; class date { private: int month,day,year; public: date(int m,int d,int y) { month=m; day=d; year=y; } date() {} void disp() { cout<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<day<<end1; } date operator+(int day) { date dt=*this; day+=dt.day; while(day>days[dt.month-1]) { day-=days[dt.month-1]; if(++dt.month==13) { dt.month=1; dt.year++; } } dt.day=day; retrn dt; } }; int main() { date d1(6,20,2004),d2; d2=d1+20; d2.disp(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是A.2004-7-10B.2004-6-20C.2004-7-20D.程序编译时出错
You are the network administrator for TestKing. You manage a Windows Server2003 computer named TestKing4 that functions as an application server.TestKing4 will be used for development during the next 30 days. You need to backup all data on TestKing4 every day for the next 30 days.You need to automate the backups of TestKing4 to meet these businessrequirements. You want to achieve this goal by using the minimum amount ofadministrative effort.What should you do?()A. Create a scheduled backup job as a normal backup. Copy the backup job, and modify the start date so that one job starts every day for the next 30 days.B. Create a scheduled backup job as a daily backup. Set the start date of the job for today, and set the end date for 30 days from today.C. Create a scheduled backup job as a copy backup. Copy the backup job, and modify the start date so that one job starts every day for the next 30 days.D. Create a scheduled backup job as a normal backup. Set the start date of the job for today, and set the end date for 30 days from today.
在某数据表中的执勤时间字段查找执勤时间30 之内的准则是( )。A.Between Date()Or Date-30B.Between Date()And Date()-30C.<Date()And>Date()-30D.<Date()Or>Date()-30
查询最近30天的记录应使用( )作为准则。A)Between Date( )And Date( )-30B)Between Date( )-30 And Date( )C)=Date( )-30D)Date( )-30
How long must the GMDSS radio log be retained on board ________.A.At least two years after the last entryB.At least one year after the last entryC.At least 90 days after the last entryD.At least 30 days after the last entry
In the video form. the OrderDate field (Which shows When the video may be ordered)is calculated based on the Date field (Which displays the release date ). The order date is 30 days prior to the release date. Which one the following formulas will calculate the OrderDate value?()A、@Number(Date)-30 B、@Adjust(Date;0;0;30;0;0;0) C、@Adjust(Date;0;0;-30;0;0;0) D、@If(Date!="";Date-30;@Failure(There is no current release date"))
According to Customs Law, import cargos must be declare to Customs house within()days since conveyance declaration arrival date.A、EightB、TenC、FourteenD、Fifteen
单选题How long must the GMDSS radio log be retained on board?()AAt least two years after the last entryBAt least one year after the last entryCAt least 90 days after the last entryDAt least 30 days after the last entry
问答题Directions:There is one passage in this section with 5 statements. Go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet. For questions 1-5, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO ) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.Visiting the White House White House Tours Public tours of the White House are available for groups of 10 or more people. Requests must be submitted through one’s Member of Congress and are accepted up to six months in advance. These self-guided tours are available from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday (excluding federal holidays), and are scheduled on a first come, first served basis approximately one month in advance of the requested date. We encourage you to submit your request as early as possible since a limited number of tours are available. All White House tours are free of charge. For the most current tour information, please call the 24-hour line at 202-456-7041. Please note that White House tours may be subject to last minute cancellation. White House Visitor Center All tours are significantly enhanced if visitors stop by the White House Visitor Center located at the southeast corner of 15th and E Streets, before or after their tour. The Center is open seven days a week from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. and features many aspects of the White House, including its architecture, furnishings, first families, social events, and relations with the press and world leaders, as well as a thirty-minute video. Allow between 20 minutes to one hour to explore the exhibits. The White House Historical Association also sponsors a sales area. Please note that restrooms are available, but food service is not. Mobility-Impaired / Using a Wheelchair Guests requiring the loan of a wheelchair should notify the officer at the Visitors Entrance Building upon arrival. Wheelchairs loans are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations are not possible. Visitors in wheelchairs, or with other mobility disabilities, on the Congressional guided or self-guided tours, between 8:00 a.m. and 12 noon, use the same Visitor entrance and, with up to four members of their party, are admitted without waiting in line and without tickets. Visitors in wheelchairs are escorted by ramp from the entrance level to the ground floor, and by elevator from the ground to the state floor. Guests generally wait in line with their family or group. Hearing-Impaired Tours for hearing-impaired groups may be arranged in advance by writing to the Visitors Office, White House, Washington, DC 20502. Tours are usually scheduled at 9:30 a.m., between the Congressional and public tour times. Participants enter at the East Appointment gate. A U.S. Secret Service / Uniformed Division Tour Officer conducts the tour in sign language. Signed tours are available to groups of 8 to 20. Groups are also encouraged to bring their own interpreters. Signing interpretation is also available for individual visitors with advance notice. A Congressional office first issues guided tour tickets to a guest who is hearing-impaired and then contacts the Visitors Office at least 2 weeks in advance to request interpreter service. The Visitors Office TDD (telephone device for the deaf) is 202-456-2121. Messages may be left outside normal business hours. Visually-Impaired Tours for visually-impaired groups may be arranged in advance by writing to the Visitors Office, White House, Washington, DC 20502. The tours are usually scheduled at 9:30 a.m., between the Congressional and public tour times. Participants enter at the East Appointment gate. A U.S. Secret Service / Uniformed Division Tour Officer permits visitors to touch specific objects in the House. Touch tours are currently available only to groups of 8 to 20, not to individual visitors. Guide animals are permitted in the White House. General Tour Information All White House tours are free. Changes in tour schedules are occasionally made because of official events. Notice may not be given until that morning. The Visitors Office 24-hour Information Line recording at 202-456-7041 provides the most up-to-date information. The TDD is 202-456-2121. Visitors should confirm tour schedules by calling the information line the night before and the morning that they plan to visit. It is occasionally necessary to close individual rooms on the tour; however, notice about closed rooms is not possible. Prohibited Items Prohibited items include, but are not limited to, the following: handbags, book bags, backpacks, purses, food and beverages of any kind, strollers, cameras, video recorders or any type of recording device, tobacco products, personal grooming items (make-up, hair brush or comb, lip or hand lotions, etc.), any pointed objects (pens, knitting needles, etc.), aerosol containers, guns, ammunition, fireworks, electric stun guns, mace, martial arts weapons / devices, or knives of any size. The U.S. Secret Service reserves the right to prohibit any other personal items. Umbrellas, wallets, cell phones and car keys are permitted. Please note that no storage facilities are available on or around the complex. Individuals who arrive with prohibited items will not be permitted to enter the White House. Parking The closest Metrorail stations to the White House are Federal Triangle (blue and orange lines), Metro Center (blue, orange, and red lines) and McPherson Square (blue and orange lines). On-street parking is not available near the White House, and use of public transportation is strongly encouraged. Restrooms / Public Telephones The nearest restrooms and public telephones to the White House are in the Ellipse Visitor Pavilion (the park area south of the White House) and in the White House Visitor Center. Restrooms or public telephones are not available at the White House. Statements: 1.All White House tours are free of charge except on federal holidays. 2.The White House Visitor Center provides free drinks but not food service. 3.Wheelchair reservation service is provided by the officer at the Visitors Entrance Building. 4.Hearing-impaired visitors can request signing interpretation service from the Visitors Office. 5.Touch tours are currently only offered to visually-impaired groups of 8 to 20.
单选题According to Customs Law, import cargos must be declare to Customs house within()days since conveyance declaration arrival date.AEightBTenCFourteenDFifteen
单选题What must tour participants do?ALearn about Egypt before departingBChoose which sites to visitCPay in full before starting the tourDArrange their transportation to Egypt
单选题In that country, guests tend to feel they are not highly _____ if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.AadmiredBregardedCexpectedDworshipped
单选题After your tour request has been confirmed, _____.Ait is still possible that your tour may be cancelledByou are still allowed to change your visiting dateCyou can surely visit the White House that dayDit is necessary for you to start your tour immediately
单选题It can be inferred from the passage that _____.Ateenagers under 14 are not allowed to visit the White HouseBforeigners are less likely to be permitted to tour the White HouseCseparate tours can also be scheduled for individual visitorsDsecurity is the chief concern in scheduling White House tours
单选题An activity has an early start date-of the lOth and a late start date of the 19th. The activity also has a duration of 4 days. There are no nonworkdays. From the information given, ()what can be concluded about the activity?ATotal float for the activity is 9 days.BThe early finish date ofthe activity is the end ofthe day on the 14th.CThe late finish date is the 25th.DThe activity can be completed in 2 days ifthe resources devoted to it are doubled.
单选题Application for a group tour of the White House must be submitted ______.Aexactly on the date of applicationBat least 30 days in advanceCany day between Tuesday and SaturdayD10 days before the date of the tour
单选题This notice is to provide information about _____.Ascheduling of Washington DC toursBthe security system of the White HouseCapplication for a tour of the White HouseDduties of a tour group leader
单选题In the video form. the OrderDate field (Which shows When the video may be ordered)is calculated based on the Date field (Which displays the release date ). The order date is 30 days prior to the release date. Which one the following formulas will calculate the OrderDate value?()A@Number(Date)-30 B@Adjust(Date;0;0;30;0;0;0) C@Adjust(Date;0;0;-30;0;0;0) D@If(Date!=;Date-30;@Failure(There is no current release date))
单选题You are the network administrator for TestKing. You manage a Windows Server 2003 computer named TestKing4 that functions as an application server. TestKing4 will be used for development during the next 30 days. You need to back up all data on TestKing4 every day for the next 30 days. You need to automate the backups of TestKing4 to meet these business requirements. You want to achieve this goal by using the minimum amount of administrative effort. What should you do?()ACreate a scheduled backup job as a normal backup. Copy the backup job, and modify the start date so that one job starts every day for the next 30 days.BCreate a scheduled backup job as a daily backup. Set the start date of the job for today, and set the end date for 30 days from today.CCreate a scheduled backup job as a copy backup. Copy the backup job, and modify the start date so that one job starts every day for the next 30 days.DCreate a scheduled backup job as a normal backup. Set the start date of the job for today, and set the end date for 30 days from today.
单选题Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans must be reviewed().Aannually by the owner,with a letter submitted six months before expirationBonly once every five years,with a letter submitted six months before expirationCand the entire plan resubmitted for approval once every five years,six months before expirationDannually by the owner,with a letter submitted to the Coast Guard within one month of the anniversary date of the plan approval