名词解释题autonomic nervous system

autonomic nervous system


解析: 暂无解析


The functions of Minerals don’t include ( ). A、Regulating water balance in the bodyB、Participating in functions of nervous system.C、Comprising the skeletal system.D、Providing energy for cellular reactions.

I arrived on a hot June morning _________ depressed _________ feel nervous. A. too ... toB. so ... thatC. as ... asD. too... that

___________A.nervous B.surprised C.unhappy D.mad

Student: I'm nervous.Teacher:______. Betty, you'll finish it quickly.

Being so nervous, He could ________ give helm ordersA.hardlyB.cannotC.doesn’tD.no

With so many eyes ______on him, he was too nervous to speak.A. fixedB. fixingC. to fixD. being fixed

Dr Frisoni attributed the patients' changing music taste to[A] man's desire to seek novel experience.[B] the damage to the left part of the brain.[C] the shift of predominance from the right lobe to the left.[D] the weakening of some part of the nervous system.

The stress she had been under at work reduced her to a nervous ________.A victimB wreckC misfortuneD tragedy

Do you think the football players played very well last night?() A、They were not nervous at allB、They were still youngC、They played naturallyD、They couldn’t have done better

Neurons that conduct impulses from the central nervous system to muscles or glands are referred to as()。 A、afferentB、associationC、voluntaryD、efferentE、sensory

The(74)has several major components, including the system kernel, a memory management system, the file system manager, device drivers, and the system libraries.A.applicationB.information systemC.networkD.operating system

中枢神经系统(central nervous system,CNS)感染以()最多见。 A、脑炎B、颅内脓肿C、细菌性脑膜炎D、椎管内感染

The ______ has several major components, including the system kernel, a memory management system, the file system manager, device drivers, and the system libraries.A.applicationB.information systemC.networkD.operating system


This hypothesis states that environments that are too clean may actually make the __ system develop oversensitive responses.A. mental B. nervous C. immune D. physical

He is__________nervous__________he moved about the room all the time.A.such;thatB.that;thatC.so;thatD.so;as


修改系统变量 Path 的值为%System Root%/ System32;% System Root%;% System Root%/ System32/wbem;D:/


Chain nervous system

单选题To be considered a hormone, a chemical produced in the body must _____.Abe part of the digestive processBinfluence the operations of the nervous systemCaffect processes in a different part of the bodyDregulate attitudes and behavior

名词解释题神经调节(nervous regulation)

判断题The advisor told “Nervous in New Jersey” to propose to her boyfriend.A对B错

单选题No matter whenever I have to give a speech, I get extremely nervous before I start.AwheneverBgive a speechCextremelyDbefore

问答题修改系统变量 Path 的值为%System Root%/ System32;% System Root%;% System Root%/ System32/wbem;D:/

单选题—Don’t be nervous whenever you have a test.— ______.AYou’d better notBPlease don’tCYes, I’d love toDWell, I won’t

名词解释题Parasympathetic nervous system