单选题The basic concept of curriculum reform is _____①with the development of students②to cultivate the environmental awareness③to cultivate the innovation capability and practical ability④to reduce the burden of learningA②③④B①②③C①③D②④

The basic concept of curriculum reform is _____①with the development of students②to cultivate the environmental awareness③to cultivate the innovation capability and practical ability④to reduce the burden of learning











Thus, the anthropological concept of“culture,”like the concept of“set”in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.

A) applicationB) curriculum vitaeC) reportD) folder

The basic concept of a data(72)is the difference between data and information.A.warehouseB.storageC.baseD.service

Linux中第2个IDE接口硬盘可以表示为( )。A./dev/hdaB./dev/hdbC./dev/sdbD./dev/sdc

The Dev - 1 and Dev -3 routers are OSPF neighbors over the Ethernet 0/0 connection. Based on the show ip ospf neighbor output from the Dev - 1 and Dev - 3 routers, which statement is true?() A. Dev - 1 is the DR because it has a lower OSPF router IDB. Dev - 3 is the DR because it has a higher OSPF router priorityC. Both Dev - 1 and Dev - 3 are using the def ault OSPF router priorityD. Dev - 3 is the DR because it has a lower OSPF router IDE. Dev - 1 is the DR because it has a higher OSPF router priority

The core concept of the New Curriculum is __________.A.promoting the professional teachers' developmentB.letting the students choose the course independentlyC.advocating the constructivist learningD.for every student's development

The core concept of the New Curriculum isA.promoting the professional teachers' developmentB.letting the students choose the course independentlyC.advocating the constructivist learningD.for every student's development

What kind of curriculum evaluation does the new curriculum reform advocate?A.Basing on the process, promoting the development.B.Emphasis on new ways of learning.C.Emphasis on the function of selection.D.Emphasis on students' learning.

Which one is the school's mission and characteristic of the course?A.Local course.B.School-based curriculum.C.National curriculum.D.Subject curriculum.


14将光盘/dev/hdc卸载的命令是:()A、umount /dev/hdcB、unmount /mnt/cdrom /dev/hdcC、unmount /dev/hdcD、umount /mnt/cdrom /dev/hdc

activity curriculum

Which two of the following activities are included in the Cisco Unified Communications staff development()A、Collect Cisco Unified Communications Training MaterialsB、Develop Job Role Training RequirementC、Request for Training BudgetD、Develop Curriculum MapE、Develop Informal Basic Training

Linux 9.0中第一个IDE接口从盘可以表示为()。A、/dev/hadB、/dev/hdbC、/dev/sdbD、/dev/sdc

A system administrator has been asked to migrate the dev_vg volume group from server A to server B. The dev_vg volume group contains a single filesystem named "/development". To prepare for migration, which of the following is the correct sequence of commands for removing the volume group from server A?()A、exportvg dev_vg; umount /development; varyoffvg dev_vgB、varyoffvg dev_vg; umount /development; exportvg dev_vgC、umount /development; exportvg dev_vg; varyoffvg dev_vgD、umount /development; varyoffvg dev_vg; exportvg dev_vg


单选题The core concept of the New Curriculum is _____.Apromoting the professional teachers’ developmentBletting the students choose the course independentlyCadvocating the constructivist learningDfor every students’ development

名词解释题activity curriculum

单选题From the passage, it can be seen that the author _____.Abelieves the reform has reduced the government’s burdenBinsists that welfare reform is doing little good for the poorCis overenthusiastic about the success of welfare reformDconsiders welfare reform to be fundamentally successful

单选题What is the basic concept of GMDSS? ()ASearch and rescue authorities ashore can be alerted to a distress situationBShipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress will be rapidly alertedCShoreside authorities and vessels can assist in a coordinated SAR operation with minimum delayDAll of the above

单选题According to the basic concept of GMDSS,()can be rapidly alerted to a distress incident.Aonly SAR authorities on landBall ships in a very large sea areaCthe nearest coast stations and port radiosDthe SAR authorities ashore as well as ships in the vicinity of the casualty

单选题What forms of curriculum evaluation does the new curriculum reform advocate? _____.AEmphasis the students on learningBEmphasis on new ways of learningCEmphasis on selection functionDBased on the process, promote the development

多选题Which two of the following activities are included in the Cisco Unified Communications staff development()ACollect Cisco Unified Communications Training MaterialsBDevelop Job Role Training RequirementCRequest for Training BudgetDDevelop Curriculum MapEDevelop Informal Basic Training



单选题What form of curriculum evaluation does the new curriculum reform advocate? _____AEmphasis on student’s learningBEmphasis on new ways of learningCEmphasis on selection functionDBased on the process, promote the development

单选题The school will set to take the combination mode of selective and _____ in order to reflect the guiding ideology of the new curriculum reform.Apractical courseBcompulsory courseCtask courseDactivity course