名词解释题Negri body
Negri body
() , it is always possible to find out its volume. A.Whatever the shape of a body may beB.The shape of a body may be whateverC.May whatever the shape of a body beD.Whatever may the shape of a body be
下列哪个选项的CSS语法是正确的?() A、body:color=blackB、{body:color=black(body}C、body{color:black}D、{body;color:black}
关于狂犬病病毒,不正确的描述是A、可通过虫媒传播B、在中枢神经细胞胞浆内形成内基小体(Negri body)C、不会引起化脓性脑炎D、病毒沿感觉神经末梢扩散到脑干E、病毒对外界抵抗力不强,易被强酸、强碱、乙醇等灭活
实验室诊断狂犬病时,用下列各项检测方法检测到哪一项,可以确诊为狂犬病。存活1周以上者做双份血清中和试验或补体结合试验A.中和抗体效价B.狂犬病病毒抗原阳性C.内基小体(Negri body)D.狂犬病病毒分离阳性E.中和抗体效价下降
实验室诊断狂犬病时,用下列各项检测方法检测到哪一项,可以确诊为狂犬病。神经细胞内检测到A.中和抗体效价B.狂犬病病毒抗原阳性C.内基小体(Negri body)D.狂犬病病毒分离阳性E.中和抗体效价下降
__(41)__是正确的网页代码结构。A. B. __(41)__是正确的网页代码结构。A.<html> </html> <head> </head> <body> </body>B.<tml> < head > <body> </body> < /head > < /html >C.<html> < head > < /head > <body> </body> < /html >D.<html> <body> < head > < /head > </body> < /html >
下列符合CSS语法的正确语句是( )。A.body:color=blackB.{body;color:black}C.body{color:black;}D.{body:color=black}
下面选项中关于HTML语法格式描述正确的是( )。A.<html> <head> <title>…</title> </head> <body> ? </body> </html>B.<html> <head <title>…</title> <body> ? </body> </html> </head>C.<head> <html <title>…</title> <body> ? </body> </html> </head>D.<html> <title>…</title> <head> </head> <body> ? </body> </html>
下面句法中能使浏览器窗口左边和文本之间的空间宽度为100像素的是______。A.<BODY LEFTMARGIN="100"> … </BODY>B.<BODY RIGHTMARGIN="100"> … </BODY>C.<BODY TOPMARGIN="100"> … </BODY>D.<BODY BOTTOMMARGIN="100"> … </BODY>
单选题Many athletes use yoga to enhance their flexibility and so that they might improve their mind-body awareness.Aand so that they might improve their mind-body awarenessBand to improve their mind-body awarenessCas well as improving their mind-body awarenessDand for improving their mind-body awarenessEand improve their mind-body awareness also
单选题Symptoms of heat stroke are().Acold and moist skin,high body temperatureBcold and dry skin,low body temperatureChot and moist skin,high body temperatureDhot and dry skin,high body temperature
单选题An artificial sweetener, such as aspartame or sucralose, is said to contain no calories by the body’s not converting it into energy.Aby the body’s not converting it into energyBby the body’s not convening them into energyCbecause the body does not convert them into energyDdue to the body’s not converting the energy in themEbecause the body does not convert it into energy
单选题内基小体(Negri body)是()A麻疹病毒包涵体B狂犬病病毒包涵体C巨细胞病毒包涵体D人类免疫缺陷病毒包涵体E单纯疱疹病毒包涵体