单选题The word ubiquitous in Paragraph 2 is most likely to mean_______.Avery crowdedBvery cleanCexisting everywhereDoccurring frequently

The word ubiquitous in Paragraph 2 is most likely to mean_______.

very crowded


very clean


existing everywhere


occurring frequently




The underlined word "deter" in Paragraph 3 most probably means .A. discourage B. remove C. benefit D. free

The word “mania” (Line 4, Paragraph 2) most probably means[A] fun.[B] craze.[C] hysteria.[D] excitement.

The word “thaw”(Line 3, Paragraph 4) most probably means _____ .[A] aggravation of tension[B] improvement in relation[C] intensification in attacks[D] ending of coordination

The word “passing”(Line 7, Paragraph 1) most probably means_____.[A] instant [B] trivial [C] simple [D] negligible

The word "relative" in paragraph 3 most probably means______.A. similarB. relatedC. differentD. independent

The word “tough”(Line 7, Paragraph 2) most probably means_____.[A] piercing to the truth[B] using vulgar language[C] mean and hostile[D] difficult to understand

The word “bummer” (Line 5. paragraph 5) most probably means something ________.[A] religious[B] unpleasant[C] entertaining[D] commercial

The word “mania” (Line 4, Paragraph 2) most probably meansA. fun.B.craze.C.hysteria.D.excitement.

The word “binge” (Line 3, Paragraph 3) most probably means _____.[A] eat excessively[B] refuse to eat[C] fail to digest[D] enjoy a good appetite

The paragraph following will most likely discuss ________.[A] the writer's intelligent definition of humour[B] more theories about the mystery of laughter[C] why there is humour[D] the mystery of humour

What does the author mean by “most people are literally having a ZZZ” (Lines 2-3, Paragraph 5)?A They are getting impatient.B They are noisily dozing off.C They are feeling humiliated.D They are busy with word puzzles.

In Paragraph 2, the word" legitimate" most probably means ______.A) lawfulB) biologicalC) personalD) reasonable

In .the first sentence of the second paragraph, the word skyrocketed, most probably means ______.A) became variousB) was updatedC)increased rapidlyD) remained the same

The word “patriarch” (line 2, paragraph 2) most probably means_____.[A] founder [B] monarch [C] elder [D] forerunner

单选题According to Paragraph 2, who are most likely to be poor?AWomen of color.BWhite women.CMen of color.DWhite men.

单选题The word prototype in the fourth paragraph is most likely to mean _____.AmodelBstrategyCmethodDstage

单选题The word “literally” underlined in Paragraph 2 most probably means ______.AnamelyBsuperficiallyCimaginativelyDactually

单选题The word “gizmos” (line 1, paragraph 2) most probably means ______.AprogramsBexpertsCdevicesDcreatures

单选题The most likely words that are omitted after “because you are” in Paragraph 2 are .Ainside a burning furnaceBcaught in a whirlwindCtortured by a tempestDemotionally disturbed

单选题The word “arbiters” (Line 6, Paragraph 4) most probably refers to those ______.Awho work as coordinatorsBwho function as judgesCwho supervise transactionsDwho determine the price

单选题The word “elite” in paragraph 5 means “_____”.Athe most wealthyBthe most skilledCthe most industriousDthe most intelligent

单选题The word ubiquitous in Paragraph 2 is most likely to mean ______.Avery crowdedBvery deanCexisting everywhereDoccurring frequently

单选题The underlined word “significant” (in Paragraph 1) most probably means “_____”.AstrangeBterribleCimportantDdifficult

问答题What is “the Monitor” in Paragraph 1 most likely to be?

单选题The underlined word “ubiquitous” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to ______. AcommonBstrangeCpainfulDpowerful

单选题The word “fueled” underlined in Paragraph 1 most probably means.ApoweredBbombardedCcreatedDpushed

单选题Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word"ubiquitous" in PARAGRAPH THREE?ADeliciously made.BEasily found.CCommonly mentioned.DHotly disputed.