在旧社会里,我们评剧演员常常挣钱不够吃饭,艺人们大都是拉家带口,生活困难。A.In the old society, Pingju performers seldom made enough to live on, and as most were saddled with big families, their life was hard.###SXB###B.In the old society, Pingju performers couldn't earn enough money to live on. Most of them were saddled with big families, their life was hard.###SXB###C.In the old society, Pingju performers seldom made enough money to eat. Most of them were saddled with big families, and their life was hard.###SXB###D.
A.In the old society, Pingju performers seldom made enough to live on, and as most were saddled with big families, their life was hard.###SXB###B.In the old society, Pingju performers couldn't earn enough money to live on. Most of them were saddled with big families, their life was hard.###SXB###C.In the old society, Pingju performers seldom made enough money to eat. Most of them were saddled with big families, and their life was hard.###SXB###D.参考答案和解析
评剧院里很多女演员学会了打毛衣 ,大都是我教她们的。A、Many actresses in the Pingju Theatre learned to knit, in most cases I taught them.B、Many other actresses in the pingju Theatre learned to knit as well, mostly from me.C、Many actress in the pingju Theatre learned to knit, mostly from me.D、Many other actress in the Pingju Theatre learned to knit as well, and in most cases I taught them.
在人们的认识领域里,心理学总是被蒙上一层神秘的面纱,认为心理学 ,离我们的生活很遥远。实际上,心理学与我们的日常生活紧密相连,心理学 在生活的表象之下,支配着人们的行动。A深不可测 隐藏B夸大其词 蕴含C变幻莫测 躲藏D高不可攀 掩盖
在人们的认识领域里,心理学总是被蒙上一层神秘的面纱,认为心理学( ),离我们的生活很遥远。实际上,心理学与我们的日常生活紧密相连,心理学( )在生活的表象之下,支配着人们的行动。填入括号部分最恰当的一项是:A.深不可测 隐藏B.夸大其词 蕴含C.变幻莫测 躲藏D.高不可攀 掩盖
“哲学不是在世界之外,就如同人脑虽然不在胃里,但也不在人体之外一样。”“人们远在知道什么是辩证法以前,就已经辩证地思考了。”这说明() ①哲学产生于人们的主观情绪和需要②哲学既来源于生活又高于生活 ③哲学直接蕴涵在具体的生活领域中④哲学总是自觉或不自觉地影响着我们的生活A、①②B、②④C、①④D、②③
单选题在人们的认识领域里,心理学总是被蒙上一层神秘的面纱,认为心理学______,离我们的生活很遥远。实际上,心理学与我们的日常生活紧密相连,心理学______在生活的表象之下,支配着人们的行动。( )A深不可测 隐藏B夸大其词 蕴含C变幻莫测 躲藏D高不可攀 掩盖