



速递业务词汇“延误”译成英文是()。 A、deadlineB、misdeliveryC、courierD、delay

是否有年终奖金呢? 汉译英

延误要多久?A.Whis is the extent of the delay?B.What is the extent of the departure?C.What is the extent of the delay?D.Whis is the extent of the delparture?

● Serialization delay and (71) delay are the two components of network delay that are improved by increasing bandwidth. Serialization delay, i.e. the amount of time it takes to put the (72) on the wire, and queuing delay (depth of the queue) are improved by increasing the (73) from a 128Kbps circuit to a T1. However, three other components of delay, routing/switching delay, distance delay, and protocol delay are components that can not be positively affected by an (74) in bandwidth. If the circuits are not over-utilized, then increasing the bandwidth to improve the (75) of the application will only result in an increased bandwidth with no positive effects on performance.

Serialization delay and(71)delay are the two components of network delay that are improved by increasing bandwidth. Serialization delay, i.e. the amount of time it takes to put the(72)on the wire, and queuing delay(depth of the queue)are improved by increasing the(73)from a 128Kbps circuit to a THowever, three other components of delay, routing/switching deiay, distance delay, and protocol delay are components that can not be positively affected by an(74)in bandwidth. If the circuits are not over-utilized, then increasing the bandwidth to improve the(75)of the application will only result in an increased bandwidth with no positive effects on performance.A.bufferingB.queuingC.receivingD.timing

文中( 3 )处正确的答案是( )。A.collisionB.congestionC.dropD.delay


关于工期索赔,下列说法正确的是( )。A:单一延误是可索赔延误B:共同延误是不可索赔延误C:交叉延误是可索赔延误D:非关键线路延误是不可索赔延误

汉译英:“样品”,正确的翻译为( )。 A. sample B. stampC. seal D. smile

汉译英:“发货人”,正确的翻译为(  )。A.consigneeB.consignorC.centreD.contract

汉译英:“索赔”,正确的翻译为(  )。A.claimB.calmC.cleanD.clear

汉译英:“收货人”,正确的翻译为( )。 A. consignee B. consignorC. consumer D. signature

汉译英:“启运口岸”,正确的翻译为(  )。A.port of despatchB.port of arrivalC.port of destinationD.port of origin

汉译英:“发货人”,正确的翻译为()。A. consignee B. consignor C. centreD. contract

汉译英:“运输工具”,正确的翻译为(  )。A.sendB.conveyanceC.sailD.tool

网络的延迟(delay)定义了网络把数据从一个网络节点传送到另一个网络节点所需要的时间。网络延迟包括()。A、传播延迟(propagation delay)B、交换延迟(switching delay)C、介质访问延迟(access delay)D、队列延迟(queuing delay)










问答题Practice 1  ● Recently, your company has received a letter complaint concerning the delay of an order. As the manager of the Department of Customer Service, you are to handle this.  ● Write the letter to the customer:  ● explaining the reason for the delay,  ● apologizing for the delay,  ● offering some measures to make up for the delay.

