工业系统的社会经济与资源环境特征可表征为()指标 The socio-economic and resource-environment characteristics of industrial systems can be described by indicators in()A.钢铁产量、钢铁工业增加值、铁矿石消耗量、CO2排放量 Iron and steel production, iron and steel industry value added, iron ore consumption, CO2 emissions#B.自然资源消耗量、产品产量、环境废物排放量、国民经济产值 National resource consumption, and product production. Environmental waste discharge, economic output value#C.生态系统破坏量、废渣排放量、人体健康经济损失量、废气排放量 Ecosystem damage, residue discharge, human health economic loss, environmental emissions#D.人体健康损失量、土地占用量、水消耗量 Iron ore extracti

工业系统的社会经济与资源环境特征可表征为()指标 The socio-economic and resource-environment characteristics of industrial systems can be described by indicators in()

A.钢铁产量、钢铁工业增加值、铁矿石消耗量、CO2排放量 Iron and steel production, iron and steel industry value added, iron ore consumption, CO2 emissions#B.自然资源消耗量、产品产量、环境废物排放量、国民经济产值 National resource consumption, and product production. Environmental waste discharge, economic output value#C.生态系统破坏量、废渣排放量、人体健康经济损失量、废气排放量 Ecosystem damage, residue discharge, human health economic loss, environmental emissions#D.人体健康损失量、土地占用量、水消耗量 Iron ore extracti


水环境规划是协调()之间关系的重要途径和手段。 A、区域经济发展与水环境保护B、人类社会经济发展与水资源保护C、水环境保护与自然资源保护D、人类社会经济发展与水环境保护


___ goods have unique characteristics or brand identification. A.convenience goodsB.shopping goodsC.specialty goodsD.industrial goods

环境规划目标是通过环境指标体系表征的,环境指标体系是一定时空范围内所有环境因素构成的环境系统的整体反映。( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Big data can be described by four characteristics:Volume,Variety,Velocity and Veracity.( )refers to the quantity of generated and stored date.A.VolumeB.VarietyC.VelocityD.Veracity


区域环境承载力最终表征为区域所能承受的社会经济规模和( )。A.生物资源B.人口数量C.土地资源D.环境质量



Which three of the statements below correctly describe the characteristics of Autonomous Systems in routed networks?()A、Within an AS, all routers must run either BGP or IBGP.B、An AS uses exterior gatew ay protocols (EGPs) to exchange information with other autonomous systems.C、An AS is a group of routers under the same technical administration.D、Within an AS, routes learned through BGP can be redistributed using interior gateway protocols.E、Wi thin an AS, routes learned through an interior protocol cannot be redistributed using BGP to other autonomous systems.




工业站 industrial station




单选题Some refrigeration systems have chemical moisture indicators installed in conjunction with the sight glass in the liquid lineIf excess moisture is present in the system, the indicator will ()Aactivate the driersBchange colorCsecure the compressorDadd a predetermined amount of liquid drier






单选题The colonial life can be described as the following except ()AsimpleBeasyCroughDhard


单选题Diesel powered industrial trucks on a ship that are provided with safeguards to the exhaust,fuel,and electrical systems are designated().ADEFEBDECDSDDES

多选题Which three of the statements below correctly describe the characteristics of Autonomous Systems in routed networks?()AWithin an AS, all routers must run either BGP or IBGP.BAn AS uses exterior gatew ay protocols (EGPs) to exchange information with other autonomous systems.CAn AS is a group of routers under the same technical administration.DWithin an AS, routes learned through BGP can be redistributed using interior gateway protocols.EWi thin an AS, routes learned through an interior protocol cannot be redistributed using BGP to other autonomous systems.
