【多选题】定义如下Bag类,()是合法的Bag类的构造方法。 class Bag{ float size; float color; }A.private Bag(){ }B.void Bag(){ }C.Bag(float x,float y){ }D.public Bag(String str){ }E.bag(){ }F.int Bag(){ }

【多选题】定义如下Bag类,()是合法的Bag类的构造方法。 class Bag{ float size; float color; }

A.private Bag(){ }

B.void Bag(){ }

C.Bag(float x,float y){ }

D.public Bag(String str){ }

E.bag(){ }

F.int Bag(){ }



在C++语言中,若类C中定义了一个方法int f(int a,int b),那么方法___(33)___不能与该方法同时存在于类C中。(33)A.int f(int x,int y) B.int f(float a,int b)C.float f(int x,float y) D.int f(int x,float y)

●试题六阅读下列程序说明和C++代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在答卷的对应栏内。【说明】源程序中定义了Circle类与Money类,Circle类可对半径为r的圆进行周长与面积的计算,而Money类用于计算一圆形游泳池的造价。游泳池四周有原形过道,过道外围上栅栏,过道宽度为3米,根据键入的游泳池半径,每米栅栏价格及每平方米过道价格,即可计算出游泳池的造价。请按要求完成下列操作,将程序补充完整。①定义符号常量PI(值为3.14159f)与WIDTH(值为3.00f),分别用于表示圆周率与过道的固定宽度。②定义Circle类默认构造函数,把私有成员radius初始化为参数r的值。③完成Money类默认构造函数的定义,把私有成员FencePrice(每米栅栏的价格)、 ConcretePrice(每平方米过道的价格)初始化为参数f,c的值。④完成Money类成员函数float Money::TotalMoney(float fencelen, float conarea)的定义,根据参数fencelen(栅栏的长度)和conarea(过道的面积),返回栅栏与过道的总造价。注意:除在指定位置添加语句之外,请不要改动程序中的其他内容。源程序文件test4.cpp清单如下:#include iostream.h(1)class Circle{private:float radius;public:(2)float Circumference(){return 2 * PI * radius;}float Area(){return PI * radius * radius;}};class Money{private:float FencePrice;float ConcretePrice;public:Money(float f,float c);float TotalMoney(float fencelen, float conarea);};Money::Money(float f,float c){(3)}float Money::TotalMoney(float fencelen, float conarea){(4)}void main(){float radius,fence,concrete;cout.setf(ios::fixed);cout.setf(ios::showpoint);cout.precision (2) ;cout "Enter the radius of the pool: ";cin radius;cout "Enter the FencePrice: ";cin fence;cout "Enter the ConcretePrice: ";cin concrete;Circle Pool(radius);Circle PoolRim(radius + WIDTH);Money mon(fence,concrete);float totalmoney=mon.TotalMoney(PoolRim.Circumference(),(PoolRim.Area() - Pool.Area()));cout "The total money is RMB " totalmoney endl;}

在C++语言中,若类C中定义了一个方法int f(int a,int b),那么方法(33)不能与该方法同时存在于类C中。A.int f(int x,int y)B.int f(float a,int b)C.float f(mtx,float y)D.int f(int x,float y)

Depending on specific contexts, "My bag is heavy", as an utterance, can mean all of the following except() A “My bag is easy to carry.”B “My bag is not easy to carry.”C “Could you help me carry the bag?”D “My bag is too heavy for you to carry.”

Of the general methods of stowing bagged cargo, which allows maximum ventilation?_____.A.Brick methodB.Cross tier methodC.Full-bag methodD.Half-bag method

有如下类定义:class Bag {public:Bag(int p,char s='M'):price(p),size(s) { count++; }~Bag() { count--; }int GetPrice() { return price; }int GetPrice() const { return price; }void SetPrice(int val) const { price=val; }private:int price;char size;static int count;};下列关于类成员的叙述中,正确的是( )。A. 成员函数GetPrice存在重定义B.构造函数的参数不能设置默认值C.析构函数中不能访问静态数据成员D.成员函数SetPrice不能定义为常函数

类Test定义如下,将下列______方法插入③行处是不合法的。 ( )①public class Test{②public float Method(float a,float b){}③④}A.public float Method(float a,float b,float c){}B.public float Method(float c,float d){}C.public int Method(int a,int b){}D.private float Method(int a,int b,int c){}


类A定义如下: class A { private int x=10; int getx() { return x;} } class B extends A { private int x=15; //需要覆盖getx()方法 } 在下述方法中可以在类B中覆盖getx()方法的是 ( )A.int getx(){…}B.int getx(float f){…}C.float getx(){…}D.double getx(float f){…}

以下对一维实型数组a的正确定义的是______。A.float a(10);B.int n=10;float a[n];C.int n;float a [n]; scanf("%d",n);D.#define SIZE 10 float a[SIZE];

下列选项中,列出用于定义类成员的访问控制权的一组保留字是 ( )A.class,float,double,publicB.float,boolean,int,longC.char,extends,float,doubleD.public,private,protected

类Test定义如下,将下列( )方法插入③行处是不合法的。 ①publicClass Test{ ②public float Method(floatA,float b){} ③ ④}A.public float Method(floatA,float b,floatC){}B.public float Method(noatC,float d) {}C.public int Method(intA,int b){}D.private float Method(intA,int b,intC){}

类testl定义如下: public class test1 { public float amethod(float a,float b){ } }A.public foat amethod(float a,float b,foat c){ }B.public float amethod(float c,float d){ }C.public int amethod(int a,int b){ }D.private float amethod(int a,int b,int c){ }

阅读下列程序说明和C++代码,将应填入(n)处。【说明】源程序中定义了Circle类与Money类,Circle类可对半径为r的圆进行周长与面积的计算,而Money类用于计算一圆形游泳池的造价。游泳池四周有原形过道,过道外围上栅栏,过道宽度为3米,根据键入的游泳池半径,每米栅栏价格及每平方米过道价格,即可计算出游泳池的造价。请按要求完成下列操作,将程序补充完整。①定义符号常量PI(值为3.14159f)与WIDTH(值为3.00f),分别用于表示圆周率与过道的固定宽度。②定义Circle类默认构造函数,把私有成员radius初始化为参数r的值。③完成Money类默认构造函数的定义,把私有成员FencePrice(每米栅栏的价格)、ConcretePrice(每平方米过道的价格)初始化为参数f,c的值。④完成Money类成员函数float Money::TotalMoney(float fencelen,float conarea)的定义,根据参数fencelen(栅栏的长度)和conarea(过道的面积),返回栅栏与过道的总造价。注意:除在指定位置添加语句之外,请不要改动程序中的其他内容。源程序文件test4.cpp清单如下:include<iostream.h>(1)class Circle{private:float radius;public:(2)float Circumference(){return 2 * P| * radius;}float Area(){return P|*radius * radius;}};class Money{private:float FencePrice;float ConcretePrice;public:Money(float f,float c);float Tota|Money(float fencelen, float conarea);};Money::Money(float f,float c){(3)}float Money::Tota|Money(float fencelen, float conarea){(4)}void main( ){float radius, fence, concrete;cout. setf(ios:: fixed);cout. setf(ios:: showpoint);cout. precision (2);cout << "Enter the radius of the pool:";cin > > radius;cout << "Enter the FencePrice:";cin > > fence;cout << "Enter the ConcretePrice: ";cin > > concrete;Circle Pool(radius);Circle PoolRim(radius + WIDTH);Money mon( fence, concrete);float totalmoney = mon. TotalMoney( PoolRim. Circumference( ), ( PoolRim. Area ( ) - Pool.Area ( ) ) );cout << "The total money is RMB" << totalmoney << end|;}

类Test定义如下,将下列哪个方法插入③行处是不合法的( )?① public class Test{② public float Method(float a,float B) { }③ ______④ }A.public float Method(float a,float b,float C) { }B.public float Method(float c,float d){ }C.public int Method(int a,int B) { }private float Method(int a,int b,int C) { }D.private float Method(int a,int b,int C) { }


That is a bag.(改为否定句)________ ________a bag.

You have a quantity of bagged cargo to stow in a block in No.3 UTD.Which stow will provide the maximum block stability ________.A.Half-bag stowB.Bag-on-bag stowC.Alternate layer directionsD.Bilge and cantline

汉译英:“纸箱;天然木托”,正确的翻译为:()。A. box; iron B.bag ; bulk C.box; woodenD.bag ; wooden

汉译英:“集装袋;塑料袋;塑编袋”,正确的翻译为(  )。A.jumbo bag;plastic woven bag;plastic bagB.jumbo bag;plastic bag;plastic woven bagC.plastic bag;jumbo bag;plastic woven bagD.plastic woven bag;plastic bag;jumbo bag

汉译英:“塑料桶、麻袋、木箱”( )。A. plastic drum; gunny bag; wooden case B. wooden case; plastic drum; gunny bagC. wooden case; gunny bag; plastic drum D. plastic drum; wooden case; gunny bag

类Test1定义如下:1.publicclassTest1{2.publicfloataMethod(floata,floatb){}3.4.}将以下()方法插入行3是不合法的。A、public float aMethod(floata,floatb,floatc){}B、public float aMethod(floatc,floatd){}C、public int aMethod(inta,intb){}D、private float aMethod(inta,intb,intc){}


单选题类Test1定义如下: 1.public class Test1{ 2. public float aMethod(float a,float b){ return 0;} 3. 4.} 将以下哪种方法插入行3是不合法的。()Apublic float aMethod(float a, float b,float c){ return 0;}Bpublic float aMethod(float c,float d){ return 0;}Cpublic int aMethod(int a, int b){ return 0;}Dprivate float aMethod(int a,int b,int c){ return 0;}

单选题You have a quantity of bagged cargo to stow in a block in 3 UTD. Which stow will provode the maximum block stability ?().AHalf-bag stowBBag-on-bag stowCAlternate layer directionsDBilge and cantline

多选题仪表上的安全气囊系统指示灯有()A气囊动作图形BSRS字样CAIR BAG字样DSRS AIR BAG字样

单选题The writer became aware of her memory problem when she realized that she had ______.Aforgotten to feed her fishBforgotten to freeze her fishCmisplaced a bag of dinner fishDmisplaced a bag of tropical fish

单选题0f the general methods of stowing bagged cargo, which allows maximum ventilation?().ABrick methodBCross tier methodCFull-bag methodDHalf-bag method