请判断下列英语句子中标点符号是否使用正确。 Who asked “why did he fail?”

请判断下列英语句子中标点符号是否使用正确。 Who asked “why did he fail?”



When ________, John did not reply. (A) he asking what his name was(B) was asked what his name was(C) asking what John’s name was(D) asked what his name was

He asked me where () from. A、did I cameB、I cameC、do I comeD、I come

Parliament didn't think the Prime Minister did enough in the improvement of fair employment,() he was asked to write to Parliament for further explanation. A、soB、thereforeC、as

What did duret do shortly after the ambulance came? ( )A. He was interviewed by a newspaperB. He asked his girlfriend for his dry clothesC. He went to the hospital in the ambulanceD. He disappeared from the spot quickly

How did Andy avoid the bees in the end?A. He asked Mr. Nelson in help.B. He hid himself under the water.C. He rushed into the Nelson house.D. He rode off in the oppossnte ditcction.

He asked what I()that poor animal. A、agreed withB、did withC、called onD、took care

___him a few words of Italian? The waiter. A.Who taughtB.Who did teachC.What did he teachD.Whom did he teach

What did John ask Linda to do for him () A.He asked her to meet the guests.B.He asked her to make a detailed schedule for him.C.He asked her to make a cup of tea for him.

Why did David call John() A. He wanted to meet an old friend.B. He wanted to ask for compensation.C. He wanted to talk about a new contract.

Why did John pay a visit to Miller() A. He wanted to buy a set of equipment.B. He planned to sign an agreement.C.He’d like to talk about the trademark transfer.

Why did the host invite guests who had not known one another to the dinner? A、The host wanted to surprise everyone.B、The host was keen on meeting different persons.C、The host tried to make many friends at one time.D、Because he thought these people had plenty in common.

He asked her_______a degree.A. did she haveB. if she hadC. does she haveD. if she has

He asked who I voted for and I said it was my own ( ).A.thingB.matterC.dutyD.business

下面哪些句子正确表达"你为什么辞去上一份工作?"() A、Why did you quit your last job?B、Why did you do your last job? C.Why did you resign from your last job?D、Why did you give up your last job?

Why did the author shout at the telephone?A. He was mad at the telephoneB. He was angry with his agentC. He was anxious about his wifeD. He was impatient with the secretary

Beth: Did you hear that Ron was in the hospital?Mimi: Oh, really?( 56 ) with him?Beth: He's got a very high temperature. I guess it may be cholera (霍乱).Mimi: Cholera! How in the world did( 57 ) ?Beth: Who knows?!Mimi: ( 58 ) for a long time?Beth: For a couple of weeks, apparently. But he only( 59 ) on Monday.Mimi: Why did he wait so long? He should have seen a doctor earlier.Beth: Yes, I know. But luckily the doctor says if he stays in the hospital for a few weeks, be should be able to improve.Mimi: Gee,( 60 ) .A. it comeB. I hope soC. he get thatD. was sickE. What’ s the matterF. What happenedG. Has he been sickH. went to see the doctor

Why he did it will remain a()for ever.AstrangeBpassCpublicDpuzzle

David injured his leg playing football yesterday. Really?()A、Who did that?B、What's wrong with him?C、How did that happen?D、Why was he so careless?

某种轮胎的广告语He laughs best who runs longest是套用了英语谚语He laughs best who laughs last。

英语动词“be”有八种变化形式,下列句子中,只有()使用正确。A、He be good childB、I am a teacherC、They is peasantD、You was workers

Why did the early settlers come to America? Who were the Pilgrims? Who were the Puritans? What were the features in the colonial period which had influence on later American development?

判断题某种轮胎的广告语He laughs best who runs longest是套用了英语谚语He laughs best who laughs last。A对B错

问答题Why did the author spend a lot of time practicing writing even when he was a boy?

单选题Why did the electric fence fail? It is because of _____.AThe deer are smartBThe winter is coldCThe fence is of low qualityDSnowpack serves as an insulator

单选题Why he did it will remain a()for ever.AstrangeBpassCpublicDpuzzle

多选题下列关于夹用英文的中文出版物对标点符号的使用说法正确的有(  )。A中文的标点符号通常是全角字符,英文的标点符号通常是半角字符B中文句子夹用了英文的单词或词组,该句子应用中文标点符号结尾C中文句子引用英文句子,引号使用中文形式,所引的英文句子中和末尾都用英文标点符号D英文标题或英文引用中的标点符号不要保留E中文句子中夹用英文书刊名时,应用英文斜体,而不应借用中文书名号

单选题Why did Tom pretend not to see Ben?ABecause he wanted Ben to believe that he was enjoying the work.BBecause he would like to try his best to attract Ben’s attention.CBecause he did not want Ben to see the fact that he had to work.DBecause he was afraid that Ben might laugh at him if he saw him.

单选题When _____ why he walked in without permission, he just stared at us and saidnothing.AaskingBaskedCbeing askedDto be asked