中国水资源丰富,但分布不均,特点有() China is rich in water resources but unevenly distributed, its features are ()A.南多北少more in south and less in northB.东多西少more in east and less in westC.夏秋两季多More in two seasons of Summer and AutumnD.冬春两季少Less in two seasons of Winter and Spring
中国水资源丰富,但分布不均,特点有() China is rich in water resources but unevenly distributed, its features are ()
A.南多北少more in south and less in north
B.东多西少more in east and less in west
C.夏秋两季多More in two seasons of Summer and Autumn
D.冬春两季少Less in two seasons of Winter and Spring
南多北少more in south and less in north;东多西少more in east and less in west;夏秋两季多More in two seasons of Summer and Autumn;冬春两季少Less in two seasons of Winter and Spring
(不少于80个单词)中国的水源资源丰富,但也存在着分布不均、受到污染、消耗迅速等问题,因此,我们应该采取措施避免将来可能的水资源危机。请根据以上信息,以Water Resources in China为题,写1篇短文。
我国国土空间的特点有( )。A.陆地国土空间辽阔,但适宜开发的面积少B.海域空间辽阔,但适宜开发的面积少C.水资源总量丰富,但空间分布不均D.能源和矿产资源丰富,但总体上相对短缺E.生态类型多样,但生态环境比较脆弱
关于地球水资源,下列哪种说法是错误的?( )A.地球虽然水资源量丰富,但含盐海水占全部水资源量的97%以上B.淡水资源在不同国家和地区分布不均匀C.淡水资源在不同季节分布不均匀D.人类可以取水利用的河流径流量占淡水资源的22%以上
关于地球水资源,下列哪种说法错误?A.地球虽然水资源量丰富,但含盐海水占全部水资源量的97%以上B. 淡水资源在不同国家和地区分布不均匀C. 淡水资源在不同季节分布不均匀D. 人类可以取水利用的河流径流量占淡水资源22%以上
单选题China is rich in natural resources, but they are not evenly_______.AdismissedBcontributedCdisturbedDdistributed