/wi: kæŋ gәu/ 是We can go.的正确读法。

/wi: kæŋ gәu/ 是We can go.的正确读法。



Recently, there’s been much theft in the school. What security measures shall we take then?A.We can install cameras and set up police line for you.B.We can install infrared surveillance cameras and intrusion alarms for you.C.We can install alarming system for you.D.We can equip techniques and electronic system for you.

When we work in a foreign country , it wi11 benefit us _________if we can speak its language. A.interestinglyB.immenselyC.immediately

273K、101.325kPa下,1mol固体冰融化为水时() A、Q>0B、QC、W>0D、WE、△U>0F、△U

Only in this way __________ English well. A.we can learnB.we will learnC.can we learnD.can learn we

– There is an hour to go. Could we sit somewhere to have a drink? – ( ). A、Have a tryB、SureC、Don't go, pleaseD、No, thanks

She wants to know if it is 600 milesan hour ______ the newest plane can go. A、whichB、howC、whenD、that

Hi Dora! How are you? We are having a good time here. Yesterday ,we w______ (31) to Disney World. We had so much_ f________ (32).1 met Mickey Mouse. My parents took a _p____(33) of us together. And ,we went on all these cool rides.It-s 1__________ (34)a dream world here! I _b________ (35)a few things from a store.I bought you a T-shirt.I think you'll like it.Tomorrow ,we'll go down south ,to a famous park_ c__________(36) the Everglades. After _t______(37) ,we are going to drive to the beach.I -hope I can _f______ (38) some shells. Well, time to go. I'll see you when I _g_________ (39) home.Susan.(By the way ,thanks for_ t_______(40) care of my cat!)31._________

I can show you around, if you like.()A. I can't wait.B. Sure. Thank you.C. Let's go.

______ the children have cleaned up, you can let them go. A、Prior toB、Now thatC、But thenD、In total

—I can show you around, if you like.—________. A.I can't wait/Don’t mention itB.Sure. Thank you.C.Let's go.

By no means ______ destroy or create energy.A、we shallB、shall weC、can’t weD、we can

下列测量不确定度的表达方式正确的是( )。A.U=3mm,k=2B.U95=3m,k=0.95C.U=5mm,k=2D.U=±3mm,k=2

__succeed in everything we do.A.Only by working hard can weB.By only working hard we canC.Only we can by working hardD.Only by working hard we can

look and read The four seasons In spring it is warm We can plant trees we can have picnics in the parkn summer , it is hot We can go to the beath We can swim and make sandcastles there(3) We can fly kites and ride bicycles in the park In winter . it is cold we have hats . gloves and scarves we can ice - skate . it is fun(1)、简述口译训陈的方法;(2)、如指导小学生练习,试拟定教学目标;(3)、根据拟定的教学目标,设计导入和新授环节的教学活动并说明理由。

The writer thinks that_________.A.we can’t judge buildings by the ancient standardsB.we can’t judge all the buildings by the ancient standardsC.we can’t judge all the modern buildings by the ancient standardsD.we can’t judge modern buildings

When we write, we must write as()as we can.AcarefulBcarefullyCmore carefulDmore carefully




单选题Only in this way()English well.Acan we learnBwe can learnCwe learn canDthat we can learn


多选题对某一标称值为10g的标准砝码进行校准,得到的测得值及其扩展不确定度分别为:m=10.0002551g,U(m)=0.257mg(k=3),在校准证书中该校准结果可表示为( )。Am=10.00026g,U(m)=0.26mg,k=3Bm=10.00026g,U(m)=0.00026g,k=3Cm=(10.000255±0.00026)gDm=10.000255g,U(m)=0.26mg,k=3

问答题There are five employees—G, H, I, J, and K—in an office. Rumors spread through the office according to the following rules; Rumors can be passed in either direction between J and K. Rumors can be passed from G to H, from H to I, and from I to K. A rumor begun by H that reaches J will be known by all the following employees EXCEPT?

单选题We need some toothpaste.()ALet's go to the bookstore.BLet's get some.CLet's buy them.DLet's go.

单选题—Mum, summer holiday is coming. I wonder ______.—How about Qinling Wildlife Park?Awhere can we goBwhere we can goChow we can goDhow can we go

单选题We don't need air conditioning, _____ .Anor can we afford itBneither can afford itCnor we can afford itDneither we can afford it

单选题There is an hour to go. Could we sit somewhere to have a drink?()AHave a try.BSure.CDon‘t go, please.DNo, thanks.

单选题______succeed in doing anything.AOnly by working hard we canBBy only working hard we canCOnly by working hard can weDOnly we can by working hard