13、已知id(ls1) = 4404896968,以下程序的输出结果是() ls1 = [1,2,3,4,5] ls2 = ls1 ls3 = ls1.copy() print(id(ls2),id(ls3)A.4404896968 4404896904B.4404896904 4404896968C.4404896968 4404896968D.4404896904 4404896904

13、已知id(ls1) = 4404896968,以下程序的输出结果是() ls1 = [1,2,3,4,5] ls2 = ls1 ls3 = ls1.copy() print(id(ls2),id(ls3)

A.4404896968 4404896904

B.4404896904 4404896968

C.4404896968 4404896968

D.4404896904 4404896904



●试题五阅读下列程序说明和C程序,将应填入程序中(n)处的字句,写在答卷纸的对应栏内。【程序说明】本程序先从文件读入各考生的准考证号(设为整型数)及成绩,并将其存放在一棵检索二叉树上,二叉树结点的健值是成绩,每个结点带一链表,链表结点存放取得该成绩的考生的准考证号。然后,程序按中序遍历检索二叉树,从高分到低分输出结果,使每行输出成绩及其取得成绩的考生的准考证号。【程序】#include stdio.htypedef struct idnode {int id;struct idnode * next;} IdNode;typedef struct marknode {int mark;IdNode *head;struct marknode *left, *right;} MarkNode;char fname [ ]="sp07.dat";main(){ int id, mark;MarkNode *root=null;FILE *fp=fopen(fname,"r");if(!fp) {printf("file%s open error.\n", fname);exit(0);}while (!feop(fp)) {fscanf(fp,"%d%d", id, mark);btree(root, id, mark);}fclose(fp);print(root);}btree(MarkNod**mpptr, int id, int mark){ IdNode *ip;MarkNode *mp=*mpptr;if (1) {if (mark==p-mark) addIdNODE ( (2) , id);else if (markmp-mark) btree (mp-left, id, mark);else btree(mp-right, id, mark);}else{ mp=(marknode *) malloc(sizeo (marknode));mp-mark=mark;mp-left=mp-right=NULL;(3)addIdNode(mp-head, id);(4) ;}}addIdNode(IdNode **ipp, int id){IdNode *ip=*ipp;if ( (5) )addIdNode ( (6) ), id;else{ip=(IdNode *)malloc(sizeof(IdNode));sp-id=id;ip-next=NULL;(7)}}print(MarkNode *mp){ IdNode *ip, *ip0;if (mp){print (mp-left);printf("%6d:\t",mp-mark);ip=mp-head;while(ip){printf("%6d",ip-id);ip0=ip;ip=ip-next;free(ip0);}printf("\n");printf(mp-right);free(mp);}}

有如下程序:#includeusing namespace std;class Con{char ID;public:Con():ID('A'){cout1;}Con(char ID . :ID(ID . {cout2;}Con(ConC . :ID(c.getID()){cout3;}char getID() const{return ID;}};void show(ConC . {coutint main(){Con c1;show(c1);Con c2('B');show(c2);return 0;}执行上面程序的输出是 【 10 】 。

有如下程序: include using namespace std; class Monitor{ public: Monitor(cha 有如下程序:include<iostream>using namespace std;class Monitor{public:Monitor(char t):type(t){ }void Print( )const{cout<<"The type of monitor is"<<type private:char type;};class Computer{public:Computer(int i,char C) :______{}void Print( )const{eout<<"The computer is"<<id<<endl;mort.Print( );}private:int id;Monitor mon;};int main( ){const Computer myComputer(101,'B');myComputer.Print( );return 0;}请将程序补充完整,使程序在运行时输出:The computer is 101The type of monitor is B

请分析以下程序。 int main() { pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if(pid==0) printf("I am the child process, my process ID is%d\n",getpid()); else printf("I am the parent process, my process ID is%d\n",getpid());} 那么,该程序正确运行后的结果是A.I am the child process, my process ID is 3744 I am the parent process, my process ID is 3987B.I am the child process, my process ID is 3744C.I am the parent process, my process ID is 3987D.不输出任何信息

有如下程序:includeusing namespace std;class Con{char ID;public:Con():ID('A'){co 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Con { char ID; public: Con():ID('A'){cout<<1;} Con(char ID):ID(ID'){cout<<2;} Con(Conc):ID(c.getID()){cout<<3;} char getID()const{returnID;} }; void show(Con c){toA.13A23AB.23A13BC.13A23BD.13B23A

下列程序执行后的输出结果是( )。main{int x=f;printf(%c\n,A+(x-a+1));}A.GB.HC.ID.J


下列程序的输出结果为: Ohject id=0 Object id=1 请将程序补充完整。 include us 下列程序的输出结果为:Ohject id=0Object id=1请将程序补充完整。include <iostream>using namespaee std;class Point{public:Point(int xx=0,intyy=0){X=xx;Y=yy;countP++;}~Point( ){countP--;}int GetX( ){return X;}int GetY( ){return Y;}static void GetC( ){ cout<<"Object id="<<<countP<<endl;}private:int X,Y;static int countP;};______ //静态数据成员的初始化int main( ){Point::GetC( );Point A(4,5);A.GetC( );return 0;}


使用VC6打开考生文件夹下的工程test34_1,此工程包含一个源程序文件test34_1.cpp,但该程序运行有问题,请改正程序中的错误,使该程序的输出结果为:David 3123 1000源程序文件test34_1.cpp清单如下:include <iostream.h>include <string.h>class person{public:char name[20];unsigned long id;float salary;void print(){cout<<name<<' '<<id<<' '<<salary<</***************** found *****************/}void main( ){person p;person *ptr;/***************** found *****************/ptr=p;/***************** found *****************/strcpy("David",ptr->name);ptr->id=3123;ptr->salary=1000;ptr->print();}

对于三相桥式整流电路,其输出直流电流为Id,则流过每个整流元件电流的平均值为( )。A.1/2Id;B.0.577Id;C.0.817Id;D.1/3Id。

下列程序执行后的输出结果是( )。 main {int x=f;printf("%c\n",A+(x-a+1));}A. GB.HC.ID.J

阅读下列程序说明和C程序,将应填入程序中(n)处的字句,写在对应栏内。【程序说明】本程序先从文件读人各考生的准考证号(设为整型数)及成绩,并将其存放在一棵检索二叉树上,二叉树结点的健值是成绩,每个结点带一链表,链表结点存放取得该成绩的考生的准考证号。然后,程序按中序遍历检索二叉树,从高分到低分输出结果,使每行输出成绩及其取得成绩的考生的准考证号。【程序】include < stdio. h >typedef struet idnode {int id;struct idnode * next;} ldNode;typedef struct marknode Iint mark;ldNode * head;struct marknode * left, * right;} MarkNode;char fname [ ] = "sp07.dat";main( ){ int id, mark;MarkNode * root = null;FILE * fp = fopen(fname," r" );if(!fp) {printf("file%s open error, \n" , fname);exit(0);}while (!feop(fp)) {fscanf(fp," %d%d", id, mark);btree(root, id, mark);}fclose(fp);print(root);}btree(MarkNod * * mpptr, int id, int mark){ ldNode * ip;MarkNode *mp = * mpptr;if (1) {if (mark==p->mark) addldNODE ((2), id);else if ( mark >mp -> mark) btree (top -> left, id, mark);else btree(mp-> right, id, mark);} elseImp = ( marknode * ) malloc(sizeo (marknode) );mp -> mark = mark;mp -> left =mp -> right = NULL;(3)addldNode(mp -> head, id);(4);}}addldNode(ldNode * * ipp, int id){ ldNode * ip = * ipp;if ((5))addldNode ((6)), id;else {ip = (ldNode * )malloc(sizeof(ldNode) );sp - > id = id;ip -> next = NULL;(7)}}print(MarkNode * rap){ ldNode *ip, *ip0;if (mp) {print ( mp -> left);printf(" %6d: \t" ,mp -> mark);ip = mp -> head;while(ip) {printf(" %6d" ,ip -> id);ip0 =ip;ip = ip -> next;free (ip0);}printf(" \n" ); printf( mp -> right); free(mp);}}

有如下程序: #include(iostream usingnamespacestd; classCon { charID; public: Con( ):ID('A){cout1;} Con(charID):ID(ID){cout((2;) Con(Con8Lc):ID(c.getlD( )){cout3;} chargetID( )const{returnID;} }; voidshow(Conc){coutC.getlD( );} intmain( ) { Conc1; show(c1); Conc2('B'); show(c2); return0; 执行上面程序的输出结果是( )。A.13A23AB.23A13BC.13A23BD.13823A

下列程序执行后的输出结果是______。 main () {int x='f'; printf("%c \n",'A'+(x-'a'+l)); }A.GB.HC.ID.J

有如下程序: #includeiostream usingnamespacestd; classCon charID; public: Con():ID(A){cout1;} Con(charID):ID(ID){eout2;} Con(Con&c):ID(c.getID()){cout3;} chargetID()corlst{returnID;} }; voidshow(Conc)(coutC.getID();} intmain() { Conc1:show(c1); Conc2(B); show(c2); return0; } 执行上面程序的输出是( )。A.13A23AB.23A13BC.13A23BD.13823A


在主观Bayes方法中,专家给出的Ln和LS值,不能出现下两种情况()。 Ⅰ.LN1,LS1 Ⅱ.LN1,LS1 Ⅲ.LN1,LS1 Ⅳ.LN1,LS1A、Ⅰ,ⅡB、Ⅱ,ⅢC、Ⅰ,ⅣD、Ⅱ,Ⅳ


变频器M-2-1-7内参数“LS length min mm”如果大于“LS1 length mm”,电梯运行会报“528 Profile Err”故障



下列程序执行后的输出结果是() main( ) { int x='f'; printf(""%c /n"",'A'+(x-'a'+1)); }A、GB、HC、iD、J



单选题在主观Bayes方法中,专家给出的Ln和LS值,不能出现下两种情况()。 Ⅰ.LN1 Ⅲ.LN1,LS1,LS1AⅠ,ⅡBⅡ,ⅢCⅠ,ⅣDⅡ,Ⅳ

